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Posts posted by sevendaughters

  1. now all the matches are done for the year pretty much here's my top 10 matches of the year. I pretty much only watched New Japan this year.

    01 Okada-Shibata
    02 Okada-Suzuki II
    03 Tanahashi-Ibushi II
    04 Okada-Omega I
    05 Naito-Tanahashi III
    06 Omega-Ishii III
    07 Okada-Omega III
    08 Tanahashi-Naito I
    09 Naito-Omega
    10 Ishii-Nagata

    some unreal work not even on the list. Okada-Omega II would be MOTY most years. Okada-Suzuki I was great. Nagata couldn't stop having good matches in G1. Ibushi-Tana I, Tana-Naito II, the other two Omega-Ishii matches, EVIL-Okada I. spoiled rotten.

    Shibata gets the win not just for martyring himself but I was genuinely locked into that match like no other before.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Control said:

    I just started Dan Simmons’ Hyperion and I expect big things from it.

    woah I was coming here to say this, wtf!

    anyway yes I'm about a third through it and it seems like a nice updating of the Canterbury Tales and I am digging it

  3. still feel the same. Dominion was a surprise and a well-structured match considering the length but not one I'm dying to revisit. G1 was a great and necessary conclusion that leaves the door open for more. But WK was completely unforeseen and radical and they smashed it out of the park. It may end up having a negative influence on the company and the biz but in that moment they had pretty much all of our hearts racing legitimately.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Control said:

    What wuz the best part? I’ve beem reading good things about Yuma Aoyagi and Yusuke Okada.

    they were good in their respective matches! the last four matches were good! and nothing outside that was bad! Kea looks good which is weird to me! it was a good show! don't know why every sentence ends like this but I am excited in All Japan in 2017 my god!

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  5. just watched the final show of All Japan's tag league from today I think and while it is unfair to really compare like for like - because New Japan are setting up a show in advance rather than trying to do a great show per se - it was a far better show than the New Japan WTL final. Korakuen looked pretty near full too. I still have my reservations about AJPW outside of the top 5/6 guys but they're really doing their best at the moment.

  6. lot of potential, fiery, technically sound, think maybe he looks too young to work the gimmick of some sordid nightstabber and is a small heavyweight/large jr. but you can tell that they love him and their judgment is usually pretty dead on and their hit rate in bringing excursioneers back and retooling them has been solid. honestly I thought when Takaaki Watanabe left he would come back and job for life but he's EVIL and he has a good look and a sick STO and he's a believable and safe brawler. R3K look like two members of a J/K-pop boyband and the girls dig it. And Hiromu is just wtf.

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  7. on paper I think this could be the strongest WK from soup to nuts yet. surely the main is a lock to be great. two greats at their peak? yes please. i cannot wait. the year of Naito will be a thing to behold.

    Omega-Jericho has sort of done what it needs to do already - get people invested. i don't think it's possible for them to have a blow away super match but i also think it'll be very good and smartly worked.

    the wildcard is Tanahashi-White though I think Tanahashi is overstating his injury for effect because the build doesn't need him. Jay is a good worker but can he step up? I don't think defeat kills him as long as he shows he can hang with the master.

    whilst I prefer 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2, etc., the 4-way for the Jr title is bound to be good because the British goobers in the match will drop their shtick and go all out. this is better than the random jr tags they do because it's had actual build. think it's all about Hiromu again.

    R3K vs Yungbux is bound to be good

    Ibushi is a good opponent for Cody. I have reservations about another year where Cody turns up and wins and gets a flat reaction. but surely this is better than defending against a random ROH guy and fighting in silence. would love to see Ibushi get a big win in 2018 though.

    Goto vs. Suzuki in title vs hair is a novel spin and bald Goto would be hilarious

    KES vs. LIJ for the tags is one of those matches whose floor is probably *** and whose ceiling is probably ****. would love to see LIJ win with a further starmaking performance or break up and start an EVIL-SANADA feud. notice how the WTL post-match was basically the EVIL show?



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  8. agree x 3. normally i suck at guessing winners of the longer tournaments.

    part of me thinks that Jericho might be in it for a little longer, maybe taking the Bullet Club while Omegabuxxx hive off as faces. i think at least Gedo is smart enough to realise that the storyline  just dropping dead after the match does nothing in the long run. think their match will be good.

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