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Posts posted by Hooker

  1. So EC3 can talk great, play a character great, has a great look, and can work a pretty good match.  Why on Earth did the WWE fire him but keep duds like Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Fandango, etc?


    Also, Tazz was unbelievable tonight.  I think TNA must have finally got fed up with his nonsense rambling and scripted out everything they wanted him to say instead, leading to that travesty.

  2. If they booked Big Show the same exact way they've presented Brock (and Big Show has had periods where he was dominant) it wouldn't be the same. Brock is Brock. Nobody else brings the DANGER to the ring like Brock. I hate to use the word but there is a certain realism that surrounds Brock. It's not exactly grounded in kayfabe but I don't think it tears down that barrier either. Brock is a guy that has this aura about him and everyone buys into him destroying all comers. They want to see what he'll do next.


    You couldn't do that with Big Show. You couldn't do it with anyone else but Brock. Maybe a Mark Henry could come close but there really has never been anyone in professional wreslting quite like Brock Lesnar. Every time he showed up within the past year he was first greeted with "OH SHITS" and his matches left fans in a "I can't believe this is happening" daze. In a good way.

    This is actually a really good point that it's the booking, and it is so because that match against The Undertaker was garbage. Brock has been phenomenal, but he's had the good fortune of working with Cena in every single match over the past 10 months.  The two match before his Cena series were against Undertaker and Big Show, and those matches really stunk the joint up (hard to call the Big Show one a match, of course).  I would also argue Lesnar, while not quite stinking the place up, had a pretty lackluster Wrestlemania match against Triple H.


    Lesnar is all the things you describe, but he needs someone that bump around for him while simultaneously leading him through the match. He's a grenade: a weapon of incredible force in the right hands but dangerous to everyone, including the operator, in the wrong hands....


    ....which is why I am so excited about Wrestlemania!

  3. I probably would have voted for Lesnar based on his collective work of shocking everyone at WM30 and ragdolling Cena at Summerslam and whatever the PPV is called that comes after Summerslam.


    However, the moment at Royal Rumble where, after Lesnar has be brutalizing both competitors, and then after Rollins has performed the elbow drop on Lesnar, and then after Cena and Rollins have been going at it for a while with Lesnar out of the match, and then all of a fucking sudden Lesnar just appears out of nowhere and starts fucking up Cena and Rollins's shit again is one of those exquisite moments in wrestling that I truly love.

  4. I haven't seen Fastlane or RAW yet, so maybe the dynamics have changed, but surely it must be obvious to everyone that, to the fans, this isn't a a Reigns vs Bryan thing but a flat no to Reigns thing and people just happen to like Bryan at the same time.  After Bryan's elimination at the Rumble, there were a number of ways they could have still sent the fans home happy.  The crowd popped for Ambrose, Ziggler, Barrett, Sandow, Cesaro a little bit, and JACK SWAGGER.

  5. I think part of it is they spent a lot of 2014 figuring out who needed protection and who didn't. Part of why Ziggler and Ambrose get booked as they do is because it doesn't matter if they win or lose. With Reigns, however, it matters for now. Bryan it doesn't matter either, so they used him to elevate Reigns closer to where they want. None of this is brain surgery.

    You know what else isn't brain surgery?  Push the guy people like.

    • Like 1
  6. We could've had Batista vs Lesnar at Summerslam but you fucking millenials ruined everything.

    Guardians of the Galaxy came out the same month as Summerslam, so I imagine that no matter how everything turned out, Batista was not going to be around at that time.  However, I would genuinely like to thank millenials if they were, in fact, responsible for saving us from a part-time, blowing-up-after-five-minutes, just-found-out-he's-now-a-hot-Hollywood-property-and-suddenly-gives-zero-shits-about-pro-wrestling, he's-still-fucking-Batista-for-Christ's-sake Batista vs Lesnar.  I don't get to thank millenials for a lot but that is a huge win for them.


    What's the upside to running Reigns as the top face right now? As far as I know he's not moving much more merch than guys like Dean and Bryan. He's not any more over than 6 or 7 of the other top faces, and his work and promos are the worst out of the bunch.


    They've got Bryan, Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Ambrose, Sting, Taker, and Mizdow who will all be extremely over as baby faces at Mania(well except maybe Cena lol). Why the forced Reigns push when they have so many other guys to bridge the gap until he's ready?


    WWE's like a year into flipping their business model on its ear.  They already changed the company logo.  They changed the main championship belt.  Yet the face of the company is the same guy that's been there for like a decade.


    They need to pull the trigger on someone and Reigns is the best candidate by far.  He's a cool athletic jock with mainstream appeal.


    Daniel Bryan's great in the ring but he's a weird little guy that looks like he lives under a bridge.  He gets big reactions in the building but I don't get the feeling that he makes any difference in any of the metrics.  Those fans in the building YES'ing were probably already going to the show whether he was on it or not.  I know it's rare but at least when Cena goes away and comes back, there's a noticeable bump up across the board.


    Also, if they go with Bryan again then post-WrestleMania we're right back to Bryan vs. The Authority.  He's already wrestling Kane every week.


    With Reigns on top at least there's fresh programs ready with Rollins, Rusev, Wyatt, a heel Daniel Bryan, heel Sheamus, and even babyface Cena.


    WWE dropped the ball with Orton.  They shit the bed with Ryback.  They fumbled with Big E.  They really can't afford to mess up with Reigns.


    The NFL grew massively under Peyton Manning who is all five-head above the eyebrows and ground beef below it.  Roman Reigns has a great look and is just awful in all the talent categories.  He is Tim Tebow, who can't even get a job in the CFL.


    I don't think Bryan or even Ambrose (who seems like a flat-out home run to me, despite the last five months) are going to lead to another Austin-style boom, but the least they could do is push the people audiences actually like.  If Urkel becomes a star,  you make the show about Urkel.

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  8. I was joking to a friend of mine that Vince still has it. I can' stand Reigns and the booking up to now has strongly suggested that we could get a repeat of my favourite 2014 moment: Batista getting shit all over. I didn't think it was a lock to happen this year. But I wanted to see it if it did, so I paid my money, and I went home happy. Wrestling 101.

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