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Posts posted by Petey

  1. The swerve was sorta like the swerve in season 3 of 24 where they didn't clue in President Palmer on the happenings because he'd never authorize it.


    And I really fucking hate that annoying little shit from Dexter.



    Bear in mind that Bill Watts was running WCW at the time, and was widely derided for being out of touch.

    I don't think it would have been that awful of a stipulation if it was just something that was booked ahead of time instead of being the lamest option out of all the stipulations on the wheel. It's like getting a free vanilla milk shake only to later find out that instead you could have had a free cookies and creme milkshake.


    May y'all be cursed with Hex of a Thousand Badly Laid Out Prince Of Darkness Matches. I luv Coal Miner"s Glove bouts, please watch some more Dutch Savage before you post,

    out of touch with the kids himself a tetch,



    I honestly have no idea what you just posted.

  3. Bear in mind that Bill Watts was running WCW at the time, and was widely derided for being out of touch.

    I don't think it would have been that awful of a stipulation if it was just something that was booked ahead of time instead of being the lamest option out of all the stipulations on the wheel. It's like getting a free vanilla milk shake only to later find out that instead you could have had a free cookies and creme milkshake.

  4. I've heard about Jake and Raven, never Douglas or Foley turning heel. The thing is though, I feel like Jake would have been a letdown and no one would have bought any of the aforementioned guys being someone Undertaker viewed as a higher power. Vince was probably the only person with the cache to be the ultimate mastermind and if that was the end game, that's fine, but there was no need to swerve people for months just because they could.



    That could be his catchphrase he could start off his promos with "oh hi mark" and it could be on his t shirt

    And then Mark Henry could debut and hit him with the WSS.


    Its TNA so Marc Mero will debut hit him with the Merosault join Jarretts Planet Jarrett stable which is in a power struggle against Wiseau and EGO. Complete with Tenay proclaiming "We all know who that is Don" open Meros debut and Don Wests utter disgust when Mero joins Jarrett.


    Did this actually happen?

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  6. Just finished the 4/26/99 Raw and things are starting to get a little wacky. Saw a vignette for MEAT. Nicole Bass wanting to smash out Val Venis. Undertaker calling Vince McMahon while holding Stephanie McMahon hostage.


    The last part did get me thinking... hindsight being 20/20, but I think that rather than have Vince be the higher power (which Undertaker had only briefly mentioned and no extra thought was devoted to it), they should have used this angle to either keep Vince babyface (or as much of a babyface as he could be) or just allow the character to end. I think that the couple of months where the focus was on Vince v. Undertaker and not Vince v. Austin showed that the company would have been fine without the Mr. McMahon character. Him being the highest power really was just the dumbest thing and made months of television just feel pointless. I'm not sure who the higher power should have been, but they might have been better off with Undertaker just wanting to be WWF Champion and not answering to anyone.


    They did a cool thing at the end of the episode where they showed an extra few minutes of what happened after Raw went off the air and it's just a fairly typical Austin beer bath but it was awesome to see considering it really wasn't ever seen before except for the 15,000+ that were in the arena that night. I hope they do more of that type of stuff.

  7. Did he really though? I loved Jack Evans in ROH but I think there's a reason he didn't wrestle too many singles matches and was mostly in either tag matches or multi-man matches. He was (is?) great for ridiculous spots and all that but I don't think he was nearly as well-rounded as a lot of WCW's cruiserweights (in the 96-99 years at least). He probably would have been a better fit in ECW working with guys like Super Crazy, Little Guido, Tajiri and all of them where Evans' spots/stunt ability would have been better used.

  8. What was the reasoning for bringing Rob Bartlett in for Raw commentary? I know Vince loves mainstream coverage but Bartlett was just one of the guys who was on Imus. It's not like it was actually Don Imus. How much could Vince have really thought he'd gain by bringing in Bartlett? Not to mention the guy was horrific and seemed to basically just be a commentary troll.

  9. Did anybody watch tonight's episode?


    I actually thought it was good. Carl's a dickface and the stuff with Rick/(not quite but still looked like a) Zombie Girl was predictable but I thought the show was entertaining. They didn't really setup any big arc for the season but I'm guessing they'll start to introduce that next episode.

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