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Dolphman 3000

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Posts posted by Dolphman 3000

  1. Mitch Ryder's reply to Quack:


    Subject: RE: KoT, Nt. 3

    Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 22:58:43 -0400

    after reading this review, it is with my deepest regret that i am quitting chikara. effective, immediatly. i will not be on the flight tomorrow. the reason i am sending this to all of you is that quack decided to involve you all in burying me about my "bargain basement" gear and my presence! mike, you have totally humiliated me! how unprofessional to do to that. if you have a problem with my gear or my work then you discuss it in private. you don't embarass the shit out of me and then smile and shake my hand when i walk in to the venue. who the fuck do you think you are? i wouldn't dream of criticizing one of my seniors in the business like tracy smothers or bull pain! especially in a bulk email! could you imagine me picking bull apart and then having the balls to send it in a bulk email! that is not how things are done in this business. you are way out of line! i have given all to chikara and as i look around my house and watch my daughter pack so she can go to her grandmas while i leave again, it becomes clear that i would be a fool to leave this behind to venture across the country to work for a man that disrespects me! i don't think so. i think of all the delayed and cancelled flights and how my family and i have suffered so greatly for chikara. in return, i get humiliated. i paid $125 for those pants and then went around your locker room showing them off, proud of the fact that i was willing to go to such lengths to modernize my look to try and better fit in with the younger workers. i was proud of those custom made pants and you just talked about me like i am one of your trainees. i don't think so. its been a running joke about how much ego you have in writing those show reviews every month. the whole locker room knows its in bad taste. we laugh at you down here because we have never seen anyone with so much audacity. i always just laughed it off until now. now, you have embarassed me anf killed my credibility with the boys. how are the younger guys suppose to respect and listen to me when you don't respect me. chikaras success has gone to your head. i use to say that mike quackenbush is my favorite person in this business. now, you rank among those that have hurt me most in this business. i thought we were friends. the old mike would never have embarassed mitch ryder in front of the boys. where did you go? i heard you described the other day as "a closet scumbag" and everyone in the locker room that heard that agreed. your an arrogant asshole and you have hurt my feelings huge! for those of you reading this let me tell you how it is suppose to go in this business- you honor and respect those that have been practicing this craft longer than you. your not suppose to humiliate them! mike, as far as the money your out, i guess i will use it to get some better gear other than the bargain basement shit i wear. i am gonna miss everyone like crazy but i have to make a stand. its not ok what your doing quack!

  2. Some emails just leaked - Quack's email to the CHIKARA roster reviewing their performance at King of Trios 2009, Night 3, followed by Mitch Ryder's email to Quack quitting the promotion as a result of what Quack said about his ring gear in the first email

    Subject: KoT, Nt. 3


    Today, I made my way through the March 29 KoT finale, and this is what I saw:

    Team Uppercut vs. The UnStable: Dave Taylor is a strange man. You can tell he's a hardass, and probably took a lot of shit throughout his career. Maybe that's why it's so entertaining to see him having such a good time through this tournament. It's like he can't wipe the smile off his face half the time, even though he wants to act like a badass. And that's great. The crowd clearly picked up on how much Dave and Bryan were enjoying themselves, which made the UnStable great character foils as the spoil-sports of the tournament. Jerry and Tony's new light blue gear looks really good. The UnStable seemed more confident, more aggressive here then they were the previous nights, which is what we needed from them. Jerry's selling has come up a notch or two, maybe because having Colin around, who is outstanding in that department, makes you bring your game up. All the falsies were great. Really enjoyable all around.

    F.I.S.T. vs. TFIN: This is how you get babyfaces over. Just watch FIST. I loved how, when Lince tagged in, there were about 20 people who "boo'd" his entry, but by the time his shine with Ron was over, he had turned the crowd on because the material was right, and both guys knew what to do. This match didn't entirely undo the damage of the previous nights, but it came as close as it could within 13 minutes. All the choices made in this match were the right ones. From the turn-around right through to the end, the crowd is electric. This is probably my favorite match of the whole weekend, the only other contender that hit as many correct notes would be FIST vs. F1rst from the night before. That fact convinces me that FIST were the right guys to win this whole thing. Excellent stuff from everyone involved.

    Cannon vs. Generico: This match was added basically because I loved last year's Team IWS vs. F1rst match, and it seemed like a waste to have these guys and not pair them up in some way. Kingston and Bryce were excellent calling the action here. I think the crowd had lost a little energy during the hot finish to the last match (they were really nuts during the last 90 seconds of the TFIN/FIST match) and probably needed a little time to recover. This deserved better reactions than it got. Very solid, exciting content. I think Cannon would be better served using his punch once or twice a match rather than 8 - 10 times. Like Jimmy Olsen, his punch is so believable, it should be a false finish. In the end, this was a fine singles match, with good storytelling and believable action that never lost your interest.

    Tag Team Gauntlet: This was tiresome in parts, excellent in others, and perhaps, needs to be dropped next year to change things up. I'll try to break this up into pairings.

    Incoherence and Team EPIC WAR, when I watched it live, felt like it went 2 moves too many, but on DVD, it did not come across that way at all. Frightmare's new Globetrotter gimmick went well for a first trial run, but it's only about a 6 out of 10 right now. We'll polish it up some more this weekend in Easton. Louden seems to routinely confuse the Shooting Star Press and the Moonsault Press on commentary.

    The Sea Donsters came on, and looked like they could barely do their own material. If Lince Dorado came out and was sloppy like this, the marks would burn him in effigy and tear the Arena down brick by brick. But, Philly likes whatever is cool on the boards, and luckily for Hydra, that includes him. When Donst saved Hydra from the suplex, it worked, but when Hydra had to save Donst, he showed up late, and missed it entirely. Hydra almost killed himself doing a pescado plancha. When the Donsters did their double-team on Mantis, Hydra got more Donst than he did Mantis, and it looked terrible. Felt like a slopfest. This was the only appearance by the Donsters all weekend, and as this is probably the most watched CHIKARA event of the year, what a terrible place to be inaccurate and sloppy. Casual fans will watch this 4 - 5 minute segment and wonder "how the hell are those guys over?"

    The Neo Solar Temple is really hit or miss. Crossbones comes off like a badass bruiser one minute, then looks like an uncoordinated fat guy the next. When Beef and Turtle came on, it was going to be one end of the spectrum or the other. When you consider the challenges he has to work with, it's amazing what Turtle can do. Too bad they turned on his Phillies line, because that should have been gold. Beef Wellington occasionally looks like he knows what he's doing. This is not one of those times. His offense (watch the dropkick, or when he whips someone) is rookie-level, and his strikes and such aren't the least bit believable. Luckily, this segment was short.

    Uno and C-A-W came on, fans did not like that the Order was eliminated. For being such a relatively big guy, Player Uno sure is one rotten base for high-flyers. Don't tell dudes you can base for them when you have no strength in your body. Or, perhaps, hit the gym first. I know it's awkward when someone asks you to help base them for a flying move, and in your head you doubt yourself, but you don't want to turn them down because that sets a bad precedent. But that's the safe, smart thing to do if you aren't strong enough to be a good base. Otherwise, you're going to kill somebody.

    Pinkie and Mitch made for an interesting combination. Pinkie has an awesome presence, knows how to use his facial expressions, body language and vocals to get the most out of every spot, which is a lot like Mitch. Pinkie knows when to be explosive, and his offense is fresh and original. He also gets the difference between working face and heel - when Pinkie is trying to be a heel, he sells like a douchebag so the crowd can't sympathize with him. That too is like Mitch, who knows how to get the right reaction. My gripe here is that this segment was given 3 minutes on the sheet, and went just short of 7 minutes. There's no excuse for that. Mitch wore some bargain basement gear that totally robs him of his presence - and there was a time that Mitch Ryder had more heel presence than any guy on our roster. Here, he had almost none. The clothes make the man, they say.

    The Soul Touchaz are a great act, and a big part of it is their dancing entrance. But in a situation like this, they probably should have just sprinted to the ring and gone after the heels, rather than allowing them time to recuperate. This segment went 5 solid minutes.

    When the Young Bucks came on, it was the shot in the arm the match needed. Marshe is fuckass fantastic, and with his look and size, could really be a major star if presented correctly. If that whole crew lived out here, much like Cannon and his backwoods crew that thinks living in MN is a good career move, I'd put them on every show. The NSX are one of the indies' best kept secrets, and secrets they will remain in Minnesota. But they could all be fulltime players for us. That's how much I like the act. The Bucks know what gets them over, and they deliver.

    The Bucks and Cheech & Cloudy really clicked well, and in some ways, they are cut from the same cloth. They can work that non-stop style realistically, and it was fun to watch for the 3.5 minutes it lasted.

    Grizzly and Brodie did all the right stuff with Cheech & Cloudy, the only error clearly being the bit where Cheech was allowed to pick up Brodie into a powerbomb position. It ended badly.

    The final segment where Jigsaw and I came on was a disappointment. There were good spots ruined by bad timing throughout. They were either rushed, or took a few seconds too long, and neither of those is especially desirable. I am as guilty as any of us for that. Not an impressive way to finish the gauntlet at all.

    Colony/NSX vs. Portal/Team DDT: Wow, I'm so over Nakazawa's oil gimmick. It was beyond tiresome here, and worse, at the finish, it made the ants look like the punchline to a stale joke. Not good for babyfaces. The Egyptian Destroyer flip-piledriver should be Ophidian's Tiger Driver '91. Misawa would pull it out once or twice a year as a kill-finish when everything else had failed. That's how this should be. We saw it in January, again in Reading the next month, and again in this match. We shouldn't see it again until the end of the year. This way, it really means something when you see it. I realize that move can't be done with everyone, but that's no excuse to over-expose it. I do a Tiger Driver off the top rope, at most, once a year. I haven't done it since November, 2007. So when it finally comes out again, it's going to mean something as a finish. Anyway, the match. I hate the drooling of oil spot onto Fire Ant. In fact, I'm pretty damn sure it says right on every line-up I write not to do exactly that. Michael not withstanding, the rudos were pretty on point here, and the faces knew what to do. Maybe a minute or two too long, but the crowd really enjoyed this mixture of characters. If not for KUDO's explosive offense, I think Durrell would have been the star of this one. His vocals were great.

    Kingston vs. Aries: Like it's not hard enough to keep Kingston heel in Philly. Instead of the babyface Aries I had asked for, I got the guy who does whatever the fuck he wants. Because, let's be honest, being a TV megastar on HDNet, (available to about 5% of the US, and watched by far less than that,) probably makes him better suited to decide the content of a CHIKARA show than me. Or perhaps, he realized he'd never be brought back, and decided to just go out and be a douche because his game was already over. Take your pick.

    Kingston was a machine out there. The Sleepwalker suplex in particular looked great. The finish came out of nowhere, which was a good contrast to the preceding match. Solid, hard-hitting, like you'd expect from a Kingston match.

    Player Dos vs. Ibushi: I thought here, more than any other match of his, Ibushi's star presence was really on display. I liked the back-and-forth nature of the first act, since both guys were faces, this seemed like a good idea. Apart from one little slip on the top rope (that Dos covered up very nicely), this was simply awesome, good high-flying fun. A bigger push for Player Dos in the back half of the year is clearly in order. Liked this one a bunch.

    FIST vs. Team Uppercut: This told the right story in the right way, and didn't waste time getting to the heart of the matter. This late in the night, especially following Ibushi/Dos, that was a smart move. I had great confidence this would be good. If these 6 guys can't deliver a kickass match, something is wrong with the world. Fear not. All is right. The match was a fitting end to the tournament, and the weekend.

    The whole King of Trios weekend was a mixed bag. When it was good, it was stellar. When it was bad, it was simply putrid. As I finish writing this, I looked at SMV's all-time Top 10 bestsellers, and all 3 nights of the tournament are already there. At least for 2009, this is the (non-ROH) indy event more wrestling fans will see than any other, and Night 3 in particular really delivered the goods.

    Hopefully the time and effort put into reviewing these discs will be worth it. Even when harsh, I think honest feedback is the key to growth, and by year's end, I think the way we grow is going to go a long way toward closing the gap between us and Ring of Honor, a company that is losing ground every day to us.


  3. The accused:

    Aaron Epic (second accuser)

    Abel Stevens

    Adam Gismondi

    Adam Lash

    Alex Box

    Alex Castle

    Alex Cuevas (second accuser) {third accuser)

    Alex Cupid

    Alex Shane (second accuser) {third accuser)

    Alexander Dean


    Andy Dalton (second accuser) (third accuser)

    Andy Simmonz

    Austin Aries (second accuser)

    Austin Theory

    Ayden Cristiano

    Bart Kapitzke

    Bea Priestly

    Big Grizzly Steve Griffiths (second accuser)

    Big Zeus


    Brandon Espinosa

    Brandon Stroud (second accuser) (third accuser) (Archive Part 1)

    Bravehart (David Low)

    Brian Dixon

    Brian Fury

    Brock Lesnar

    Bryan Idol (Earl Cooter)

    Bryce Remsburg (second accuser)

    Bull James

    Buster Jackson

    Byron Wilcott (Big Daddy Yum Yum) (second accuser)

    Chase Owens

    Chasyn Rance

    Chaz Herrera

    Chris Hamrick

    Chris Roberts

    Cieran Donnelly

    Colt Cabana

    Craig West

    Crixus (Luke Scoular)

    Curt Stallion


    Dameon Slugga

    Damien Darling

    Damian Dunne

    Dan Maff (second accuser)

    Daniel Edler (second accuser)

    Daniel Randall

    Danny Hudson (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser)

    Danny O'Doherty (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2)

    Darby Allin (second accuser) (third accuser) (Archive Part 1)


    Darrell Allen (second accuser)

    Dave Crist (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser)

    Dave Lagana

    David Graves

    David Starr (second accuser)

    Declan Kellett

    DJ Hyde (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser)

    El Ligero (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser)

    Eli Everfly

    Eric Corvis

    Firebird Kelvin Stevenson

    Francisco Ciatso

    Frank Miller

    Gabe Sapolsky (second accuser)

    Gary Vanderhorne

    Gene Okerlund

    Glen Joseph

    Greg Burridge

    Hade Vansen

    Harrison Bourne

    Harvey Dale

    Henry T. Grodd


    Irvin Legend

    Jack Gallagher (second accuser)

    Jack Sexsmith

    Jam O'Malley

    James Davis (second accuser)

    James Finn

    James Gallagher

    James R. Kennedy (Archive Part 1)

    Jason Saint

    Jason Skinner

    Jay Bradley

    Jay Lethal

    Jeff Duncan

    Jim Cornette and Stacey Cornette (second accuser)

    Jimmy Havoc (second accuser) (third accuser)

    Joe Coffey

    Joel Allen

    Joey Axl

    Joey Ozbourne

    Joey Ryan (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser) (fifth accuser) (sixth accuser) (seventh accuser) (eighth accuser) {ninth accuser) (tenth accuser) (eleventh accuser) (twelfth accuser) (thirteenth accuser) (fourteenth accuser) (fifteenth accuser) (sixteenth accuser)

    Johnathan Wolf

    John Parker

    John Zorthos

    Jonny Storm

    Jordan Chase

    Jordan Devlin (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2) (Archive Part 3)

    Josh Bodom (second accuser)

    Josh Briggs

    Justin Roberts (Archive Part 1)


    Kid Fite

    Killian Jacobs

    Kimo (Steven Balla)

    Kindred Kymari

    Kobald (Anthony Wilson) (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser)

    Kongo Kong

    Kyle Hawk (second accuser)

    Kyle Kraynick

    Lanny Poffo

    Larry Dallas

    Lewis Girvan

    Lucus Steel

    Malcom Monroe III

    Mance Warner

    Marc "Paz" Perry (second accuser)

    Mark Adam Haggerty

    Mark Dallas

    Markus Crane

    Martin Zaki (second accuser) (third accuser)

    Marty Scurll (second accuser)

    Matt Riddle (second accuser) (third accuser)

    Maxwell Jacob Friedman

    Michael Elgin

    Mick Romeo

    Mike King

    Mike Quackenbush (second accuser) (third accuser) (fourth accuser) (fifth accuser) (sixth accuser) (seventh accuser)

    Mikey Whiplash (second accuser)

    Monsta Mack

    Nick Ashberry

    Orlando Jordan (second accuser)

    Pablo Marquez

    Paul Littlewood

    Paul Robinson

    Peter Staniforth

    Peter Versosa

    Prince Asad

    Pyro (Alex Pownall)


    Ricardo Rodriguez (second accuser)

    Rick Cataldo

    Rob Teutul

    Ross Watson

    Russell Dempster

    Ryan Smile

    Sal Hamaoui

    Samantha Heights

    Sammy Guevara (second accuser)

    Sanjay Bagga

    Saraya Knight (second accuser) (third accuser)

    Scotty Davis

    Sid Scala

    Slyck Wagner Brown

    Stephen Hughes (detailed story)

    Steve DeMarco

    Steven Fludder (Archive Part 1)

    Stixx {Paul Grint) (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2) (Archive Part 3)

    Suede Thompson

    Super Beetle


    Teddy Hart (second accuser)

    Tiger McGuigan (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2) (Archive Part 3)

    Tim Birkett

    Travis Banks (second accuser)

    Trent Seven (second accuser)

    Trevin Adams

    Tripp Cassidy

    Tukay (Kane Thomas)

    Tyler Bate (second accuser) (third accuser) (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2)

    Urban Warrior (Ron Wilkinson)

    Velveteen Dream (second accuser)

    Vince McMahon

    Vince Russo (Archive Part 1) (Archive Part 2)

    Will Ospreay

    Wolfgang (Archive Part 1)

    Xander Cooper

    Zachary Cooper

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  4. Quote


    Phil Early is not a liar. The name that was blanked out in the messages was mine. I will support and back him on this fully. He was trying to protect me by giving background and context to his story. This may take a few tweets so stay with me.

    When I got involved with the Cornettes I had heard the stories and rumors about stuff like everyone else did. Things didn't get bad until late 2015 when I tried to separate myself from the situation. I had started to get interest in someone and decided that I wanted to move on

    Suffice to say that the situation didn't end well. Stacey threatened me by saying she would have me blackballed in the business, sending me pictures of self harm she said that I was cause of, etc. Shortly after I 'randomly' got popped for a piss test.

    Then my apartments where I was living (section ? with a new gf kept getting random inspections and complaints on me. (It was against my lease to have her with me). I had been told that she had reached out to my job in the hope of getting me fired. She continued to message me even after I had told her that even seeing her was giving me severe anxiety and panic attacks. I know, sounds stupid. But I had heard the rumors of things that went on well before I ever met them and realized it was in my best interest to just ignore it and try to move on.

    Then @PhilEarley4 came out with his story. He needed me to help give context to his situation. After everything came out I received calls and messages from Jim, Stacey and their attorney claiming it was me, why would I do this, etc. I told them that the messages werent from me and i had nothing to do with it. But everything lined up with what I had experienced. I have been a fucking mess since last Thurs night. I have had panic attacks and massive anxiety with all of this shit coming back up.

    I was informed that they were making Phil's life hell and I won't stand by anymore. I wont let him be called a liar. I know this may damage me but part of my reasoning for not speaking out was being scared. Yeah I'm man enough to admit that I'm fucking terrified of typing this out. But its the right thing to do.

    I was then told that on this past weeks show, Jim said that he talked to me and I was fine with it. I'm not and I said as much. I dont 'kiss anyone's ass when I see them' I was raised to be polite and in a work setting i kinda have to be. I realize that I'm not a perfect person.

    And I know that in life people make mistakes. I made a mistake by staying quiet about this. @PhilEarley4 doesn't need to be called a liar, a fake or be stalked. He's trying to do the right thing and help people. Thats something commendable and I'm proud of him for it.

    We can be better. All of us. There are people who have been harmed way worse than me. Protect them. Protect the people helping others. Even at your own personal expense. I wont be bullied anymore by Stacey, Jim or anyone else.

    This isn't for 'clout, recognition or anything else. This isn't to get my name out there. I didnt want it out there. I wanted to get as far from this as possible. But this is the right thing to do to back a friend. Thanks for listening. Support good people doing good things.



  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/8oefal/i_remember_reading_a_rumor_that_sami_callihan/

    I remember reading a rumor that Sami Callihan covered up a death at his former westling school but now I can't find any info. Did I dream this?

    June 4, 2018

    It was a few years ago and I remember I was pretty deep in a forum rabbit hole when I read it. Someone involved in the alleged cover up was posting about it. Something about a wrestler dying in the ring from a botched move that they passed off as a prexisting medical condition or something for insurance reasons. Does anyone else remember this or have any more info?

  6. Here's the incident Pinkie's referring to - Matt Riot died in 2009 at a CZW training session and his cause of death was listed as a "brain aneurysm"


    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    Independent wrestler Lowry dies after training in South Philadelphia

    Independent wrestler Matt "Riot" Lowry died at age 22 on Tuesday after suffering a head injury during a training session for Combat Zone Wrestling at The Arena in South Philadelphia on Monday night.

    According to doctors at Hanneman University Hospital, Lowry died of a brain hemorrhage and had no evidence of acute head trauma or that the workouts was the cause into his death.

    Lowry was trained by Dean "Shark Boy" Roll, and had wrestled in a number of smaller promotions like Absolute Intense Wrestling and American Luchacore before getting some spots in IWA: Mid-South. He took a break from wrestling earlier this year before moving to New Jersey with the intention of breaking into CZW.

    "Matt Lowry had no position with Combat Zone Wrestling LLC, nor was he a student," the company said in a statement. "He was in town to work for another promotion and came to the Arena in South Philadelphia where our performers gather to work out.

    "He joined in some warm up activities, including running, squats and push-ups. After which, he sat in a chair and said something like "I feel dizzy." He fell over and 911 was called immediately. A local fire company responded and they called for an ambulance.

    "CZW Owner David Markland and other wrestlers followed the ambulance to the hospital. CZW contacted Lowry’s father and had wrestlers stay at the hospital until he arrived from Ohio. We were told Lowry died of a brain hemorrhage and that there was no evidence of acute head trauma or that his work out caused his death. CZW wishes to extend its condolences to Matt’s family and hopes that our fans will keep them in their thoughts and prayers.

    "We at Combat Zone Wrestling LLC, remind fans that pro wrestling is a dangerous activity; however we strive to protect the safety of our students and performers through proper training and discourage anyone from attempting to imitate our performers."

    Roll also commented on the death via his Web site.

    "Shark Boy was shocked and saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Matthew Lowry on Tuesday at the age of just 21. Lowry attended the Shark Tank wrestling training class twice in 2006 and was exceptionally popular with the group thanks to his work ethic and great sense of humor.

    "Whether wrestling in the ring or helping out behind the scenes, Lowry was also involved in several Buckeye Pro Wrestling events and was always a major help. Our sincerest condolences go out to the Matt’s family and close personal friends. He will be missed by everyone who was lucky enough to have known him."


  7. On that topic - the Dark Side guys were just on Conrad Thompson's podcast and said Herb got the SportsChannel deal because he walked into the pitch meeting with Paul Orndorff and all the execs marked out

    Kind of like how SPIKE didn't give a shit about TNA, but they were willing to give Sting a contract because they loved Sting and wanted to hang with him

  8. This is the sizzle reel Abrams was using to try and sell the UWF into syndication after his first two tapings in Reseda - he could have used the Andre footage but chose not to (it would have been deceptive anyway since I think Vince had already got Andre to agree to a new deal by the time Herb put Andre on TV):


  9. 10 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I would like to know more about Abrams pre-UWF businesses. Did his large women's store do that well or was he born into money?

    His father had a women's clothing business in Manhattan and a store in Queens. His name was Abram Abrams (I shit you not) and when Bill Apter first met Herb circa-1976, that's where he was working. 

    Herb started some business called Network '9' Limited in 1982 that had a storefront in Los Angeles (nightclub? clothing store?). He didn't start I'm a Big Girl Now until 1988. He got married in 1989, and then his father died right after.

    After watching this and then watching The Last Dance, I can't help but think Herb's shot at wrestling might have been a "let's do this for dad" moment like Jordan had with baseball.

    Also possible he received a large inheritance and blew it all in spectacular fashion.

  10. 11 minutes ago, hammerva said:

    I actually need a brief Dark Side of the Ring on the making of the Herb Abrams death scene in his Dark Side of the Ring.  It was clear that they told the actor it that there was no half assing this one.  

    Zoogz Rift's son uploaded a video to YouTube of Zoogz talking about working for Herb (Zoogz died in 2011), and Zoogz heard what happened was Herb locked 6 hookers in his office, and they called the cops on him when he started destroying furniture and wouldn't let them leave.  And then he died in the police car from a heart attack.

    Meltzer said in his writeup on Abrams' death that Abrams had done something similar three months prior in April 1996:


    Police had found Abrams with cocaine in his office in an April arrest when he was allegedly holding a woman hostage and robbing her, and he was charged in that incident with unlawful imprisonment, assault and attempted rape in a case that was still pending.

    I think the moral of Herb's story is - Don't bounce checks to hookers

  11. 15 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

    As for Herb, imagine all the various people he could have partied with, and he ends up bring cocaine and hookers to pay with Colonel freakin Red.

    I think Herb was going to get the hotel with hookers and cocaine anyway, regardless of who he invited to partake

    Howard Brody's book has a fantastic story about the weekend of the Universal Studios Florida taping where Herb insisted on taking Bam Bam Bigelow and the SportsChannel execs over to someone's house to do drugs.

    The kicker of the story - Herb got Universal Studios to host the taping for free with the idea that park guests would be allowed in to watch the outdoor show as part of their admission (like TNA did), but then Herb had his mom stand by the entrance and charge people to get in anyway

    I demand a feature-length movie starring Jeremy Piven or Jonah Hill. There's so much material. So very much.

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