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Fat Spanish Waiter

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Posts posted by Fat Spanish Waiter

  1. Mom is back in the hospital, she may have had another stroke yesterday, worse than the one last year. She's able to talk, walk and eat with no complications, but they don't know yet what caused it. She was supposed to start chemo next week, but that has obviously been pushed back.

    I guess the fuck you in this post should be shared between Charter and Comcast. My dad outlined everything that happened in an email last night that got lost somewhere between there and here, so when I went on Skype to chat with them, I was blindsided when Dad said "She's still in the hospital"

    Sorry to hear about this Mike, all the best

    • Like 1
  2. So is FSW saying wins and losses don't matter in the same thread he said Goldberg was a good title contender making anyone else chuckle? Or was that a different thread.

    You're right it's 1997 again. Jesus.

  3. Wade Barrett is on the way up after two years of wasting away in the midcard. Ryback spent a year crushing dudes and is wasting away in the midcard. It really seems like fans are fine with pretty much anything. The youngsters like who they like, the older fans know its fake.

  4. I dont get the "wins and losses matter" part. Sure they did back when it was presented as a sport, but at this point winning, losing, "looking strong" and all that stuff seem pretty irrelevant overall.

    Which many people are saying is the problem.

    Why watch any of it if what happens is irrelevant?

    It isn't irrelevant though. You're watching for the matches are you not? If they're good that's a good show right?

  5. I dont get the "wins and losses matter" part. Sure they did back when it was presented as a sport, but at this point winning, losing, "looking strong" and all that stuff seem pretty irrelevant overall.

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