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Posts posted by Krone

  1. I think another thing that would play to the side that everyone doesn't need a title run is that people aren't paid to be the champions like they used to. Back in the 70's, 80's, shit even into the 90's those guys paydays were coming from the houses. It seems that contracts are a lot better off now, so everyone can make a pretty healthy living and not need to be Ric Flair wrestling 56 times in 2 months. What I'm getting at is that it's okay to be an Orange Cassidy or a Lance Archer now a days because you're gonna have that value no matter what. 

    There are positions and spots where maybe a short title reign would be acceptable, but with Kenny Omega's current storyline, I don't think that benefits everyone. He is the heel Hulk Hogan, the Undertakers streak if you will. If you build him and build him, the person (Hangman please) who beats him for the title should be shot straight into the stratosphere, but that only works if Omega holds the belt long enough. A sports analogy would be the Patriots. Everyone hated them not because they won one or two Super Bowls, but because they won 6 and went to like 9 or 10 in 20 years. That's why I say let Omega hold that bastard til next September. Just let it keep building and keep building. 

    However, let me play devils advocate here. Should Kenny lose the AEW title first or last in his holding of the gold? I can see Andrade beating him for the AAA Mega title, but does that mean Andrade is gonna get the full rub because he's the first guy to beat Kenny? And then if Moose beats him for the Impact title its like "meh well we already saw him lose" and then same thing except worse for the AEW Title. That's the only problem with holding all this gold. You gotta lose it at some point too.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Wyld Samurai said:

    I'm thinking Santana/Ortiz is going to be built up over the summer.

    I'd totally be okay with them. Someone else here added Best Friends and I think they would be the other best choice. Outside of those two teams, there's really nobody else that I see (excluding FTR) in position for a title run. Hell, give Uno and Grayson a push for the Dark Orders sake. I wouldn't mind them being the ones to dethrone the Bucks.

  3. My only issue with Kenny and the Bucks being champions is that I have no idea what the ultimate endgame could be. For Omega, it has to be Hangman, there is just no other person who should take the belt off of him than Adam Page and as much as I want it to be at All Out in a couple months, I still think that it's too early for Kenny to lose the title. Whether the answer is Full Gear, Revolution next year or next years All Out, I'd love to see Kenny hold the belt for a very very long period of time. Make him a monster heel  and continue to build Hangman up. He's over as it is now, but I'd just love to see the chase longer with fans in attendance.

    The other side is the Bucks. Who dethrones them? Are we leading to a Sting/Darby vs. Bucks match at All Out?

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  4. 3 hours ago, NoFistsJustFlips said:

    If I understand what you mean here, I disagree with this thought process. Don't dumb down the storytelling elements to the detriment of the current viewers. Don't hinder the people who do watch your show's enjoyment for the sake of maybe hoping new people are tuning in? I hate how WWE does this with Raw. They use at least 30% of the show's run time showing replays of stuff that already happened tonight, just in case new people are tuning in every 30 minutes. They prioritize new people who theoretically might tune in over long term viewers that are already invested in the stories. It's a major turn off for me. Imagine using this same logic for other story driven TV shows. Imagine if like Breaking Bad was written in a way to make sure first time watchers can follow what's happening even if they're jumping in at episode 8 of season 3. Just write compelling shows. If new people tune in and like what they see, they will stick around.

    Do you think they should do what RAW would do back in the Attitude Era (not sure if they still do) where they would show a little two minute clip at the beginning of the show to kind of summarize the series of events that have led to whatever the main story is that night? Obviously you can't cram an entire little preview synopsis in there, but maybe it will help returning or new eyes understand what they're watching. Instead, the show almost always opens with a wrestling match which does nothing really to set the scene for later.

    Also, to go onto this topic about AEW's ratings dip - I think they will be in a better place once fans return. The strong point for AEW has always been the fan participation and the hot crowds. Every Dynamite felt like a post Mania RAW and that energy is what truly separated AEW from WWE.

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  5. I loved Jericho's promo and thought he did a great job of building up a concept that was brought up and dropped due to Covid around a year ago. Trying to get THAT match over is what he was put out there to do and I think he did a damn good job of it. Points for whoever said it feels like MJF/Co. vs. Jericho/Co. because I always felt like Sammy should be the guy to eventually end the MJF/Inner Circle rivalry. Despite the "parallels" (if you can even call them that) between MJF and Jericho, this is where you get your new talent over. Remember that Sammy Guevara/Darby Allin match from Revolution last year? That's the moment I thought Guevara had a BIG future ahead of him.

    Big fan of Max Castor and his gimmick. but he definitely needs to brush up more in the ring. As much as I love AEW, one thing that does kind of disappoint me is the amount of botches on a weekly basis. I'm all for this company and will continue to support them to the enth degree, but man, if you put AEW and NXT side by side (which I did last night) NXT just seems to have a much cleaner in ring product. I don't know if that's because those guys are at the PC every day and practicing their craft vs. one day a week in AEW, but I really was hoping that by now we would see a little bit cleaner of an in ring product. That's only exclusive for certain guys though (Luchasaurus, Max Castor) whereas you then see someone like Hangman and realize just how damn good he is. Loved the finishing sequence of that match. Hangman = super athletic guy.

    Team Taz more recruiting. Don't care. This is like Christian's faux joining of Team Canada back when he debuted in TNA. Just let the guy run solo.

    Funny that I always thought someone like Jon Moxley was gonna be the equivalent to Stone Cold for AEW, but instead it turns out to be Britt fucking Baker. I was invested in her when she first came in and she was definitely improving, but ever since that injury she got last year she has REALLY elevated not just her in ring game, but promos as well. For my money she's one of the most improved wrestlers since AEW opened, and good on her. She should be the face of that division for at least the next five to ten years depending how long she wants to wrestle (she's only 29).

    Is it finally time we move on from the Kenny Omega six man main events now? I do enjoy Kenny more than others and have no qualms with his current character, but let's get that title back to at least being somewhat of a focus of the show. Is this going to lead us back to Inner Circle vs. ELITE again after the Pinnacle feud except with the dispositions flip flopped? Or do we get Hangman running with the D.O. before finally usurping Omega at All Out? Or is it too soon without the fans? MAN I JUST WANT THIS PANDEMIC OVER WITH. GIMME AN ARENA FULL OF PEOPLE CELEBRATING HANGMANS TITLE WIN

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  6. Maybe at this age of his life Vince is satisfied with what he's accomplished and isn't worried about WWE going anywhere - which who can blame him. If there's one thing wrestling has taught us it's that under no condition do you never say never and in a world that's ever evolving, maybe this is the best route for them to go in the future.

    Then again, NXT: Portugal and NXT: Japan's will still be popping up all over the place so maybe Triple H IS actually the secret villain here.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Kev said:

    If you’re gonna use one of these to debut someone you need them to win it or be a big spot guy that can do something ridiculous to get over. That did nothing for Page.

    I would normally agree with you, but they just did that with Brian Cage at the last "#1 contenders ladder match". Granted that was like 9 months ago now, but I'm also not a huge fan of the "surprise always has to win" route.

  8. Was very excited for the PPV yesterday and afterwards I can't deny that I feel underwhelmed by what they delivered. If this show were a three course meal, the appetizer was very delicious and the sides with my main dish were good, but the steak just felt undercooked. The main two selling points for me of this PPV were the surprise signing and the intrigue around the main event and I felt like only 1/3 of that was good.

    The Christian signing isn't a bad one, but it's nothing earth shattering. They would have been better off flipping the announcements and saving Paul Wight for the PPV. He's the "WWE" guy whereas Christian has already done this thing in TNA. I felt the same way when he showed up 15 years ago for them - he's a good wrestler but I've never viewed him as a main event level "I'm gonna buy this PPV for the main event feturing Christian and..." type guy. I hope TK slows down on the veteran signings as that's now 3 in 3 months with Sting, Paul Wight, and now Christian. To be honest, I'm more excited for Ethan Page in AEW than Christian.

    As for the main event, those two guys put their bodies on the line and that's sadly gonna be overlooked due to that ending. Moxley appeared to get cut the hard way on that trash can early on and man was he bleeding profusely in the early stages. I'm more disappointed that the ending didn't go as planned because that would've been some excellent storytelling for Eddie Kingston. I will say, if there's anybody I have faith in to turn it around - it's AEW so I will be eagerly awaiting Wednesday to see what they try and do to salvage this.

    Maki Itoh is a star and an excellent surprise to open the night with. Also really enjoyed the cinematic street fight a lot. Feel that will get slept on because of the two misfires, but that was awesome. Brian Cage and Darby both looked really good.

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  9. AEW announced Rochester, NY for March 18th which is only a stones throw from where I live. Debating whether VIP is worth the $300 or just snagging best available seating at $190.

    I would like to get in on that front row of action, but don't really care about getting a pic with the belt.


    Anyone here gone VIP to Dynamite or a PPV? If so what did you think of it.

  10. I enjoy the referees having a personality seeing as how they are vital pieces to the show. I can understand the Rick Knox argument and had I only watched American wrestling I'd be a little confused - but having seen a fair amount of NJPW over the past year and a half plus I've come to realize that AEW treats their refs like NJPW. Each one has their own officiating style which is no different than the NFL, NBA, MLB, ect. Whether it's a strike zone, "letting them play" when it get's a little hectic, anything like that - it's part of their discretion to either allow things to go or stop them.

    Like when Kenny was attacked by Mox and put through the glass table. A tradition wrestling fan thinks "well why wasn't he DQ'ed" but my line of thinking is more along the lines of "Rick Knox believes Kenny can take the attack and still come back AND doesn't want this big main event to end in a DQ because he understands this is a big show" - similar to bad call ending a game prematurely.

    Basically what I'm saying is that I like the referees aren't robots and are allowed to have their own "style" or personality when calling a match. Maybe that's not even what they're going for and I'm interpreting it all wrong but I love it.

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  11. 24 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    We need Shooter as cannon fodder. Isn't he already on excursion? 

    I was just thinking about this the other day when the IC was beating down Mox saying he has no friends. If Umino came out, it would've been awesome - but the true question is how many even hardcore fans would know who he is. You really have to follow NJPW to not just know him, but also know the relationship with Moxley.

  12. Taz is going to be an excellent addition to the commentary team. I'm assuming they're bringing him in for Dark permanently instead of the rotating guest commentator with the show moving to TNT. So it'll probably be the same announce crew as usual for Dynamite and then Excalibur and Taz for Dark. I'm okay with that, although I feel Taz has a lot he could offer on Dynamite but I don't wanna see JR or Tony leave the booth and we know Excalibur is going to be their #1 for the enforceable future.

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  13. Very glad to hear that AEW will be sticking around with a bigger contract than before. The 2nd show, I'm not as worried about because I feel they do need to showcase more of their talent on TV as opposed to relying on Dark on Youtube, but I wonder if they'd be better off just turning Dynamite into 3 hours as opposed to a second show. It seems crazy talking about 3 hour weekly TV with the drag that RAW is, but I have full confidence in AEW to be able to pull it off - especially if they aren't trying to churn out two 2+ hour major programs a week.

    Granted, I think the release said it was going to be a separate show anyways... maybe a weekly hour long BTE? That could be pretty badass and still help keep the allure on Dark.

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  14. I think the problem with AEW right now is just a litany of just small issues that are easily correctable. Whether the announcers sound too quiet, the entrance music is too loud, maybe missing a certain spot on the feed - those are things that you'd have to imagine would get squared away at some point.

    One small thing that bothers me is the fact that all of the backstage interviews, angles ect. look pretaped. I don't know why they have that certain look to them, but if they are pre-tapes I'd like to see them switch over to live sooner rather than later. The in-ring action is there, but I think some of the angles need a little more meat to them akin to a time when stories would be told over the course of the night throughout multiple segments.

  15. 20 hours ago, alstein said:

    New Beginning USA cards out.

    Looks like mostly Chaos/Main Unit/BC mid-carders.  Tana and Ibushi are the headliners.

    They're adding Colt, Rock N Roll, Mysterioso to the usual suspects as well.


    Nice to see Jeff Cobb doing some matches for New Japan again as well at NBUSA. I really hope they give him another crack in the G1 this year. Shit I hope he ends up in New Japan full time because I feel RoH has done nothing but botch him.

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  16. 22 minutes ago, Casey said:

    What were his options, realistically? Either wasting away on a show nobody watches (ROH) or firmly in the midcard (New Japan). WWE threw a blank check at him to go to NXT supposedly, but does that mean anything? Was it because they saw money/value in him, or to block the competition and split them up? Why else would they offer the Bucks that extremely generous deal where they could opt out of their contract after six months if they weren't happy?

    He's going to be one of the top heels when he inevitably turns on The Elite. They're slow burning a feud between him and Kenny Omega, one of their top guys. I'd say he's doing pretty well. As for the shirt - at worst, it's akin to shirts released by the WWF in the late 90s. Jericho had plenty of duds in his WWE career like this. The Rock had more dumb shirts than I can count or remember. Judging the future of his career in the short term based off a silly joke t-shirt is dumb.

    Totally 2nd all of this. Page may not be the "star" right now, but they have clearly been grooming him for a while. Having him be in the first World Title match, feuding with and even beating PAC at Full Gear. The issue is there's a lot of big names in AEW right now and truthfully Page is the lowest on the totem pole in the Elite by default because he isn't as decorated as the others. Give him time and within a year or two (he'll still be 29/30/31 around that time) I'm sure he will be built up enough to really have a legitimate push to the top.

    Personally I like the whole story they have going with him. At least it's some character development.

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  17. Moxley/Suzuki is going to be amazing when it happens and I echo the sentiment that Kaze Ni Nare is just perfection. Minoru rolling into the ring with that shit eating grin on his face as the crowd sings is just magical. Really enjoyed the Jr. Heavyweight title match as well from night one. 

    Don't know if anyone was watching live night two but there was some issues with the stream for the longest time which was kind of disappointing. Had to find another way to watch it, but at least World got my $10 for the month so I don't feel guilty.

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