The Natural Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Nobody throws a European Uppercut like Claudio Castagnoli. 2
TheVileOne Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow for the AEW World Championship. 11
Casey Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 lol the NOW Arena in Chicago spoiled the result of the tag title match and quickly took it down. also, yay, another All Out show in Chicago. Goddamn, man. 1
The Natural Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 (edited) Painmaker persona is so lame. If you open the images in two tabs, you have a funny flipbook. Edited July 14, 2022 by The Natural
elizium Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 (edited) Big ups to Human Stefanie and Cincy John for not spoiling the ending for my 2 minute behind streaming ass, especially as it came right as I was lamenting that Lee/Swerve or Hobbs/Starks would likely never win the belts. I assumed that every tag match was going to be a formality until they got to Bucks/FTR and FTR walking out with everything Edited July 14, 2022 by elizium 4
just drew Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 6 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Push Powerhouse Hobbs to goddamn Mars Build the next 5 years of this company around Stroke Daddy Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Keith Lee & Swerve. And of course Mox, Wardlow & Danhausen… 6 2
Gordi the BJW fan Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 (edited) Dude. I love AEW having the balls to start out with two straight good guy fan favourite vs good guy fan favourite fights and have both of them end with both guys coming out looking great. " I just love watching big men knock the stuffing out of one another. " Amen, Mr. Regal. Tough women, also. And that main event! Is that match maybe enough to convince the Young Buck haters and the folks who hate three-ways and the people who hate go-go-go style and assume every AEW match is worked that way? Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter.  Dynamite was so awesome. Dark was so awesome. JD vs Dante from Elevation was so awesome. Rampage was so Awesome. Forbidden Door was so awesome. I have to agree with @Leonidas,  It's literally too much good wrestling. I didn't think that was possible. My marking out system is overloaded. One of my friends was there live in the arena. Singing "Judas." Basking in glory. I was so happy for him. Also, he says that for Elevation they taped some matches that were Spoiler Awesome . ..promise not to stop when I say "When."    Edited July 14, 2022 by Gordlow 12 2
DEAN Posted July 14, 2022 Author Posted July 14, 2022 Sorry I'm late. Deleted a giant thread accidentally and had to RESTORE IT. JANE! your playing a game called- called hard to get by it's real name! It is the SUMMER! Summer of Orange Cassidy! Winter is coming. And his name is Wardlow. The Best Friends are managers and say that they will CHEAT! Yesssss. They should play JANE all through the match. Wardlow pulls his pockets out! They are just fucking around now as Cassidy puts Wardlow's straps up. The Best Friends are EJECTED! Wardlow is very agile. Wardlow is very strong also. Danhausen is NEUTRALIZED but OC gets in an Orange Punch! Wardlow YEETS Cassidy across the ring with an overhead suplex! He is very strong! Jesus! I AWAIT THE INTERNATIONAL FEED tomorrow as we suffer through picture in picture. JAyzeus, Wardlow overhead suplexes OC again and it is NASTY. Wardlow Gorilla Presses OC into the ring and then jumps from the floor to the apron! Wardlow is a freak. Wardlow does a Davey Boy Smith delayed vertical suplex and crushes OC with an Irish Whip. Cassidy gets a comeback! OC counters the Powerbomb with a DDT! Wardlow hits an F-10! Which I've never seen him do before! For two! OC counters a powerbomb with a rana! and hits a tope! Great nearfall on a Beach Break! Wardlow is fucking great. That was how you make a little guy look good even though you are just RIDICULOUSLY overpowering. Wardlow IS Vader. Chris Jericho talks shit about Eddie Kingston's friends! Jericho is great. Jericho quotes an AC/DC album title! Awesome! KONESUKE TAKESHITA! Cinnebon Man is over in Savannah! MOX waits for Billy Zoom to hit his guitar solo! I hope there is blood. LEG LARIAT by Takeshita followed by a Flairesque chop! Takeshita goes for the Jumping Lariat but Mox cuts him off with a Lariat. Piledriver by MOX is sold like a Piledriver by Konosuke. GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE APRON to Mox. Best part of the match is Mox kicking Takeshita in the teeth through the ropes. And we suffer through the picture in picture. IATIF! Mox is busting open Takeshita in picture in picture. OH MAN! CINNABON HARDCORE! HOLY SHIT! This match is the best Takeshita match so far. AWESOME BRAINBUSTER by Takeshita! AWESOME TOPE CON HILO! LOVE MACHINE SPLASH! FOR TWO! BLUE THUNDER BOMB TO COUNTER THE SLEEPER! EVEREST GERMAN motherfucking SUPLEX! In the greatest nearfall of the year! Death Rider and Bulldog Choke and what a fucking match. I didn't even notice that Mox bled until after the match. GREAT FUCKING MATCH. The crowd was fucking molten for that nearfall. That was awesome. Christian Cage is a heat machine! Luchasaurus as a poor man's Lance Archer is waaaay better than Jurassic Express Luchasaurus. Table doesn't break! Then it breaks! Jake Hagar is the Secret Wrestling Machine. Claudio opts for HOSS BATTLE! BEEL by HAGAR! Avalanche Vader Bomb by Hagar! Is Hagar going to win? (well. no) As we suffer though picture in picture, Hagar beats on Claudio, Claudio makes a comeback and Hagar cuts him off. Claudio DEADLIFTS fucking Jake Hagar and suplexes him! Jesus, Claudio is stronger than Wardlow and maybe as strong as Jeff Cobb. Is Claudio a ROBOT?!? Claudio springs off the second rope and hits an uppercut! SWEET FUCKING DROPKICK by Claudio. Savannah is the best crowd in the South? Could be. A Giant Swing! A Scorpion Deathlock! Daddy Magic and Cool Hand! Hagar gets a two count on a Urinagi! RICOLLA BOMB! Claudio is a fucking freak. Jake Hagar is The Wrestling Machine. That was really good. Serena Deeb is from Oakton, which is sort of Northern Virginia but more like Fredericksburg but West. I assume she is going to mangle Anna Jay after making Anna Jay look like a contender. Serena IS mangling Anna! As we suffer through picture in picture, they heat this baby up- as Deeb beats a batch of heat onto Anna. I will find out tomorrow if the crowd gets behind Anna's STRUGGLE to escape the HORROR of Serena Deeb's onslaught. Deeb is spindling Anna and we go to big screen and Anna goes on offense! Anna looks fucking GREAT as Deeb leads her through an actual wrestling match.  That was DEFINITELY the best Anna Jay match. It was good. Leila Grey is doing the Toshiro Mifune in Seventh Samurai! YAAAY! Tay Conti reminds us that she and Anna Jay were tagteam partners at one point. I had forgotten and was wondering why Tay was there, then I remembered the death match. Ah crap, it's a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH. Nick and Shane Strickland go all Strange Style! That's fun. The Young Bucks put this match together and they are going for maximum fun. The Bucks are great at putting a million moving parts together. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs are the most over in Savannah. The psychology of the match is all fucked up because it's a three way. The match is built around Keith Lee, which is smart. They go total HOSS FIGHT! LOVE MACHINE SPLASH BY HOBBS! Hobbs is a freak. Great nearfall on the Ring Walker Diamond Cutter! They do very long set-up for some nearfalls. THEN MORE NEARFALLS! My recording ends! I find the channel and rewind! I hate three ways but this was good. NEW CHAMPS NEW CHAMPS! Shane Strickland and Keith Lee! That was a great episode. AEW RULES THE FUCKING MOTHERFCUKING FUCKING WORLD! 14 3
HarryArchieGus Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Swerve 'weirdstyle' holding the belt to Lee in the late stages. I wonder why they didn't just move the belts from the former champs to 'Swerve in their Glory' at the PPV. Love Big Keith and Swerve, but yr name is fucking dumb. I was hoping for Bucks-FTR for all the belts. But no complaints, Briscoes-FTR 2 is more than enough for 2022. 3
Dog Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 (edited) Keith Lee is 37. Please get the big belt on him within a couple years. Everyone else is young enough to wait while Lee gets his and we all get a phenomenal reign. Edited July 14, 2022 by Dog 5
tbarrie Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 6 minutes ago, The Natural said: Painmaker persona is so lame. But he has a new hat! 1 3 1
Niners Fan in CT Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 11 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Push Powerhouse Hobbs to goddamn Mars Hopefully Tony sees what he has w/ Hobbs.  He's a special talent. He's already come so far.. on promos too 8 1
DreamBroken Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Amazing show! Thought Orange/Wardlow was perfectly done, with the early comedy, Wardlow knowing all the tricks and finding Danhausen himself was great. Some solid near falls and Wardlow getting the pin on a flash powerbomb counter rather than the Symphony was excellent and made Orange look better in defeat. Awesome work. Konosuke/Moxley was mind blowing. Expected it to be great and still exceeded expectations. Takeshita surviving the Paradigm Shift ruled. The crowd being super hot and getting more and more behind Takeshita, even booing when his near falls didn't get the win was incredible. Turned in to a bloody war, what a match. Konosuke becoming a bigger star with every match. Hager/Claudio was fun and Serena/Anna was really good too. Legit bought the Queenslayer as the finish for a moment. Nice little bits in between with the promos, showing highlights from the international matches from Dark, finally acknowledging the Tay/Jay friendship is no more, and next week The PAINMAKER returns~! Main event was holy shit fantastic! Never would've guessed the Bucks having a one month reign and figured the build would be on for them and FTR next. Didn't think a title change was in the cards at all here but what a moment. The near falls towards the end were perfect, finishing stretch was the best. I bought the Swerve in Glory tag finish then Hobbs spinebusters everybody, then Keith's tope. This was killer, super unexpected. Great match, moment, and episode!  9
Casey Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 1 minute ago, HarryArchieGus said: Swerve 'weirdstyle' holding the belt to Lee in the late stages. I wonder why they didn't just move the belts from the former champs to 'Swerve in their Glory' at the PPV. Love Big Keith and Swerve, but yr name is fucking dumb. I was hoping for Bucks-FTR for all the belts. But no complaints, Briscoes-FTR 2 is more than enough for 2022. Because the plan was to move the belts to the Hardys before Jeff got a DUI. They had to put the belts on the Bucks because the triple threat ladder match was made into just a regular 2v2 ladder match, and Jurassic Express needed to lose so Christian could turn heel. 4
JLowe Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 I was so certain that Bucks were going to hold onto those titles until an "all the belts" match with FTR, did not see that coming. So much crazy shit happened in that match. Starks is a total star, Hobbs is getting there (near 300-pounds doing a frog splash across 3/4 of the ring), Swerve has his weird offense but sells so well, Lee should not move that well for a guy that big (that fucking jumping spin kick at the start!). I was questioning why Lee went for his cannonball to the floor but it made sense in the context of taking everyone out so Swerve could get the pin. If I'm Tony Khan, I never let Takeshita return to Japan full-time. I totally bit on some of those nearfalls (and I'm almost certain we had another accidental 3) and I think the fans would've popped huge for an upset. Takeshita pulled out some new stuff today, sported a decent crimson mask, really laid in some forearms, took a hellacious beating. Mox was Mox, he's at the top of his game. How in the hell does Vince not make a guy with the looks, the build, and the skill of Claudio into a multi-time world champ and top draw? What was it Regal said "I love big strong guys just beating the stuffing out of each other"? Fun match, that finisher was nuts. They also did a good job with Wardlow/OC, told a good story, solid match. I know she's really popular here but Serena Deeb kills crowds dead. Decent match, the Tay-Jay postmatch was intriguing. Jericho's promo was great until the Noah's Ark line (minus the cheap misogynistic shot about Kingston not treating his women right). Kingston's response was terrifying. Do Britt and Rosa have legit heat? Cute cheap shot with the sandbag and "carry this for a month". 7
elizium Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Wardlow seemlessly fitting into an OC match was impressive, showed a range that he hasn't had to show before. The OC hope spots were well done as well, to make the whole thing believable. We need more evil manager but nice guy Chuck Taylor 8
tbarrie Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 For everybody saying they were expecting a build towards Bucks vs FTR for all the belts - that could still be the destination. The Bucks not being pinned could be used as a reason for them to get a quick rematch, and I could see Swerve and Lee losing in a way that advances their storyline. 4
The Natural Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 3 minutes ago, JLowe said: I was so certain that Bucks were going to hold onto those titles until an "all the belts" match with FTR, did not see that coming. So much crazy shit happened in that match. Starks is a total star, Hobbs is getting there (near 300-pounds doing a frog splash across 3/4 of the ring), Swerve has his weird offense but sells so well, Lee should not move that well for a guy that big (that fucking jumping spin kick at the start!). I was questioning why Lee went for his cannonball to the floor but it made sense in the context of taking everyone out so Swerve could get the pin. If I'm Tony Khan, I never let Takeshita return to Japan full-time. I totally bit on some of those nearfalls (and I'm almost certain we had another accidental 3) and I think the fans would've popped huge for an upset. Takeshita pulled out some new stuff today, sported a decent crimson mask, really laid in some forearms, took a hellacious beating. Mox was Mox, he's at the top of his game. How in the hell does Vince not make a guy with the looks, the build, and the skill of Claudio into a multi-time world champ and top draw? What was it Regal said "I love big strong guys just beating the stuffing out of each other"? Fun match, that finisher was nuts. They also did a good job with Wardlow/OC, told a good story, solid match. I know she's really popular here but Serena Deeb kills crowds dead. Decent match, the Tay-Jay postmatch was intriguing. Jericho's promo was great until the Noah's Ark line (minus the cheap misogynistic shot about Kingston not treating his women right). Kingston's response was terrifying. Do Britt and Rosa have legit heat? Cute cheap shot with the sandbag and "carry this for a month". Agree with all you say but particularly the bold. Still irks me Claudio Castagnoli never got the push he deserved in WWE. Cesaro was so underrated and should have been a multiple time world champion were it not for the senile randy old man in charge. You also had big name backers in Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk for Cesaro but that didn't happen either. Hope Claudio gets the world title reign in AEW to stick it to Vince. 3
The Natural Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 8 minutes ago, elizium said: Wardlow seemlessly fitting into an OC match was impressive, showed a range that he hasn't had to show before. The OC hope spots were well done as well, to make the whole thing believable. We need more evil manager but nice guy Chuck Taylor My favourite part: Â 3 1
JLowe Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 3 minutes ago, The Natural said: My favourite part: Â I don't have a tweet but I thought it was hilarious when Chuck pulled out the chainsaw and Wardlow looked at him and threw up his arms and said "Really?" 9
The Natural Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 Bryan Danielson vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Konosuke Takeshita are musts. 8 2
HarryArchieGus Posted July 14, 2022 Posted July 14, 2022 (edited) 14 minutes ago, The Natural said: Agree with all you say but particularly the bold. Still irks me Claudio Castagnoli never got the push he deserved in WWE. Cesaro was so underrated and should have been a multiple time world champion were it not for the senile randy old man in charge. You also had big name backers in Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk for Cesaro but that didn't happen either. Hope Claudio gets the world title reign in AEW to stick it to Vince. I haven't seen more than a handful of highlights and an NXTUK match of Castignoli under the Titan Sports banner. If he'd been treated with the respect he deserved in that run this would still be a fun, but because of said handling this is going to be extra special. I generally dig Hager just fine, but that was a cut above. Edited July 14, 2022 by HarryArchieGus 2
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