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As much as I like Scorpio Sky, I want Wardlow to run roughshod over him and try to recapture the magic of his push....before MJF had a temper tantrum and all of the focus went from Wardlow to him.

Wardlow reminds people who he is tonight, fingers crossed.

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Most looking forward to Christian Cage as two weeks running, he's cut the two best promos this year. The first after his heel turn was tremendous, actually getting "Shut the fuck up!" chants.

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2 minutes ago, StuntmanCrowley said:

As much as I like Scorpio Sky, I want Wardlow to run roughshod over him and try to recapture the magic of his push....before MJF had a temper tantrum and all of the focus went from Wardlow to him.

Wardlow reminds people who he is tonight, fingers crossed.

The TNT Championship really needs rebuilding after the Sammy Guevara/Scorpio Sky bullshit. When Cody, the late great Mr Brodie Lee, Darby Allin and Miro held it, it was the rare secondary championship that meant something. So tainted now.

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100% Agreed.  Wardlow taking the belt and murdering people with powerbombs for a while would be amazing.  One thing I always loved about the TNT title was that it wasn't necessarily the better man won when the reigning champ lost, it was almost like fatigue set in from so many defenses.  At least that is how I read it.

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2 minutes ago, StuntmanCrowley said:

100% Agreed.  Wardlow taking the belt and murdering people with powerbombs for a while would be amazing.  One thing I always loved about the TNT title was that it wasn't necessarily the better man won when the reigning champ lost, it was almost like fatigue set in from so many defenses.  At least that is how I read it.

Thank you for agreeing with me. I read it same way with Cody's first reign and Darby Allin particularly.

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1 minute ago, The Natural said:

Thank you for agreeing with me. I read it same way with Cody's first reign and Darby Allin particularly.

The ass beating Darby Allin took from Miro before the bell even sounded was *chefs kiss* and they STILL made you think Darby had a shot to win without lessening the impact of Miro's offense.  Underrated match.

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Just now, StuntmanCrowley said:

The ass beating Darby Allin took from Miro before the bell even sounded was *chefs kiss* and they STILL made you think Darby had a shot to win without lessening the impact of Miro's offense.  Underrated match.

This. To add to your post, the first bump and nodding glance by Darby Allin/Sting. Both knew it was over but Darby went down swinging.

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Ok, I know I'm a little turn crazy lately, but the framing of the Rampage tag as "if TBE wins, then a member of TBE gets to challenge Gresham at the PPV" as opposed to it being "Brian Cage gets to challenge..." makes me think Lee's going to turn on Gresham in the tag match and join TBE to get the shot at the PPV.

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2 hours ago, Matt D said:

Ok, I know I'm a little turn crazy lately, but the framing of the Rampage tag as "if TBE wins, then a member of TBE gets to challenge Gresham at the PPV" as opposed to it being "Brian Cage gets to challenge..." makes me think Lee's going to turn on Gresham in the tag match and join TBE to get the shot at the PPV.

I'd dig that, but it's hard to imagine Moriarty as a heel (did he work heel on the Indies?). I'd prefer a Gresham turn on Lee. Gresham could use a Tully. Tho, I'm thinking more along the lines of a Fonzie. I like imagining Gresham going in a Taz direction alongside a Fonzie. 

I'm for Wardy taking the TNT strap. I like Scorpio, but they missed a key opportunity with him after the ladder match win and babyface pop. Being a heel feels a bit less natural for him. He's also pretty clearly not a standard bearer champion in a company with this degree of talent. I'd like to see he and Page get back to some tags. All that said, it's a 'Street Fight' which is very likely a booking choice to add interference and keep the strap on Scorpio. Not to say I don't agree with the TNT title complaints, but I commend them for trying with Scorp. Further, it's not a surprise they've got some things to figure out with Wardy. Smashing guys worthy of being competitive has led them and him to this challenging corner. Now he always has to smash guys or he's gonna look weak and be shittalked (as he has been since the PPV). Time will tell, but not sure his toolbox yet includes all the elements needed to be as high on the card as his push would suggest.  

Stoked for Moxley-King and, as per usual, the entire line-up. Most stoked for Christian Cage wielding a microphone.



I think Wardlaw's going to fall flat on his face. The story with MJF was great. The Powerbomb Symphony stuff was fun. But his promos are pretty bland. He has a great physique but he's trying too hard to look cool and feels like it's a bit of a Evolution-era Batista co-splay act. Would they really Goldberg him to the top with a roster this friggin' loaded? Wardlaw has to lose at some point. One he does, how compelling does he become? 

I think Scorpio Sky is a much better choice for a big title than Wardlaw. Scorpio's been killing it with promos. The "snap to close" stuff (ripped off from Velveteen Dream) is really awesome. Lambert's a great heat magnet. 

I'd like to see them build to a proper chase for the belt. Hotshotting the title to Wardlaw is going to make him look like a not-so-good version of Jade. 

I hope I'm wrong. But I just don't see the long-term stuff that everyone else does. 


Cosplay is one word. And if you have to split it, it’s Cos-Play (as in, Costumed Play), not Co-Splay. The Acclaimed’s scissor taunt is a co-splay.

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36 minutes ago, AxB said:

Cosplay is one word. And if you have to split it, it’s Cos-Play (as in, Costumed Play), not Co-Splay. The Acclaimed’s scissor taunt is a co-splay.

This is apropos of nothing, but I love the way that wrestling games have introduced "taunt" and "attire" into the lexicon over the last 20 or so years.

To keep it on topic: I've given it some thoughts and I believe that Wardlow should win the TNT title, and hold it for a year, only vacating when he challenges for the world title. With the introduction of the All-Atlantic title, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if we were headed for a long reign.

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6 hours ago, Matt D said:

Ok, I know I'm a little turn crazy lately, but the framing of the Rampage tag as "if TBE wins, then a member of TBE gets to challenge Gresham at the PPV" as opposed to it being "Brian Cage gets to challenge..." makes me think Lee's going to turn on Gresham in the tag match and join TBE to get the shot at the PPV.

I'd put money on Lee & Gresham winning, and Lee just issues a friendly challenge for the title or some shit.

49 minutes ago, Casey said:

I'd put money on Lee & Gresham winning, and Lee just issues a friendly challenge for the title or some shit.

Look man, I just find the "A member of Tully Blanchard Enterprises" bit weird. That's all. It's just grammatically weird in a WWE speak sort of way when the answer would just be "Brian Cage" logically.

We all love Toa here. Every single person on this board loves Toa. Some of them just don't realize it yet. But there's no way Toa's getting the shot if they win the tag match. The logical choice is obviously Cage. So why aren't they wording it that way?

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Posted (edited)

Because maybe they're gonna add someone to TBE and have that surprise person be the one who gets the shot? Or they're trying to present it as "Gresham doesn't know who his opponent will be"

Edited by BrianS81177
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Or it's a meaningless stipulation meant to add stakes to the match but won't ever come to fruition. 

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3 minutes ago, BrianS81177 said:

Because maybe they're gonna add someone to TBE and have that surprise person be the one who gets the shot? Or they're trying to present it as "Gresham doesn't know who his opponent will be"

Pro Wrestling Logic says either it's a surprise person and they're losing the tag or it's because Lee's turning. But I mean you guys go and argue with pro wrestling logic.

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Tony, and also Nyla and Marina, if you're reading this, thank you for calling the one team in your women's tag match tonight Thunderstorm, but also you could and should call the other one Beast Problems. You're welcome.

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I love AEW because you really aren't always sure what the end result is going to be, and even when you do - like with Mox/King - you know the match will very likely kick serious ass ?

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How long can they keep this roll going? We are sitting at a solid week plus one hour of non-stop very good stuff. That card looks like it should keep the momentum going. I

I figure they'll open with Wardlow vs Scorp and finish with Mox vs King. Which would be fine by me. Watching Wardlow's coronation would be a fine way to start the day before I eff off to work. And I guess we'll see if the whole "MJF stole Wardlow's heat" talking point holds any water today, as well. I'm expecting Road Warrior pops for his entrance and for his victory. We'll see soon enough. 

And then, with Mox vs King and whichever out of the Thunderstorm tag and/or Penta vs Roosh gets saved for the second hour, I will have something to look forward to this evening. I've also got the last episode of We Own This City on deck, so maybe I'll get some popcorn (and some pineapple or watermelon popsicles) on the way home.

Man, I like having stuff to look forward to, and also having friends with similar obsessions to discuss the details with afterward.

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