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Ok, I was thinking about games I'd love to play.. I can't program things worth a shit, but I have Ideas, oh man do I have IDEAS.


1) Shadowrun (this one is fairly simple. Take Payday 2's maps and general game play.. throw in Shadowrun's Orks/Trolls/Elves and Magic/Technical blend) Missions can be done in stealth or A Giant Troll covered in chrome walks in and starts shooting up the place). Multiplayer vs Environment (cops/corps)


2) A Build Your Own Fighter Game. We haven't had anything since Fighter Maker on. what.. PSX? PS2? Create a visual for your fighter, choose a martial Arts style (like using CAWs in the WWE game), and then as your character gets more experienced, pick new moves to expand your character's style. (do you put points into grab for that improved suplex, or throw it into ki to throw fireballs, ala Ryu). Complete with customize a move system depending on what the input is to enter it (for example, your standard Hadouken quarter circle forward for basic moves, or a more complicated input like a charge back plus all three punches or kicks for super moves)


3) KOTOR 3. Like SWTOR but primary emphasis is single player, but a friend can jump in and control one of your companions/teammates.


4) Jade Empire 2. Sorry. Know we'll never get it but... it deserves to be remade on current gen at the very least.


5) Challengers for Madden/NHL (EA), NBA (2K) and MLB the show (Sony).. we need challengers to up the sports game environments

What's on your list?

I have a really clear concept in my mind for an open world/sandbox game in a science fiction setting but I think accessible computer power available to do some of the things I really want in terms of vastly improving the quality of interaction with NPC's is still a generation of tech or two away. It's frustrating because the potential to make those kind of games more lifelike and generally interesting and immersive is right there on the horizon yet we're not quite ready. I also like sci fi in general because it leaves you open to so much creative shit that just works well in video games be that things like flying cars or really weird aliens or what have you. I imagine it taking place on some distant hunk of rock that has developed as a sort of trade city/metropolis over a long time with many different kind of people and not a ton of government out on the frontier, so it would have a lot of really bizarre and different kinds of architecture and places to explore. Sort of like a Tattoine kind of deal, but I envision it being a very metallic, industrial mega-city kind of setting. Human quarter probably looks a lot like fucked up Blade Runner LA in my mind if I'm being honest. Maybe even an underwater breathing alien species for something completely different in one area; there's things like that which we've never really properly explored in this sort of game.


I imagine it not really being as mission driven as these sorts of games are now; this is where the "interactions we can't really have with current computer power in video games" comes in, where you really are left to explore, meet people, get into different adventures of either the legal or illegal variety in ways that really appeal to you, based on who you meet and choose to interact with. There could be tons of side activities like racing or even Alien MMA or whatever you can do. Be a hitman. Be a space cop. Be a fucking drug runner (hello, GTA San Andreas bike missions). Have some sort of space casino with a rip off of that Pazaak game from KoToR. Whatever you want but less mission/story arc focused. I don't know if I'm really doing the scope of how I see this working justice, but I think when we cross a certain threshold in computer power what we will be able to do with sandbox/open world games is going to blow people's fucking minds.


I'm also genuinely baffled like Fozzie why there's never been a create-a-fighter mode in a major fighting game at some point. Is it just too obvious? I don't know if I'd say it's a dream game for me at this point but it is a good idea.


KotOR III, Psychonauts 2, Alpha Protocol 2, WWF Backlash, Jet Set Radio Future HD, Super Mario 64 HD (or a straight up sequel)...I could go on with all the vaporware or missing sequels that I actually care about. 


After watching the Did You Know? about Chrono Trigger today, man alive do I want another one of those games.


I want a true RPG sports game. They did it with Final Lap Twin way back when on the Turbo Grafx 16 and it was awesome. Really odd that is hasn't really been done since.


There's never been a good espionage game, so I'd love a game that recreates the look and feel of the old Mission Impossible tv series. You would play the role of the Handler and each level would begin with you receiving your brief before you then pick your team based on individual skills and plan how you're going to achieve the goal. Each level would be self-contained but lead to an overarching mystery. It would be a mix of Rainbow Six and Hitman with GTAV's character switch mechanic and it would be the best thing ever


I'm also genuinely baffled like Fozzie why there's never been a create-a-fighter mode in a major fighting game at some point. Is it just too obvious? I don't know if I'd say it's a dream game for me at this point but it is a good idea.


soul calibur 4 and 5



There's no way this answer doesn't contribute to my hipster label or whatever, but, it's my answer: I decided to learn how to make games this fall. it's going slowly. I had two ideas that are so, like, low level that they seem thoroughly doable, and a third slightly higher level idea that'll be if I decide I like doing this.


My friend's husband works for the guys making Killer Instinct(the current one), so I can just ask them how they come up with shit if I wanted to. :-P


A Bethesda game where your character has superpowers.  You pick a base of 2 basic powers to start, maybe super strength and flight or invulnerability and super speed, or telekenisis and some sort of energy blast.  You get stronger and learn new powers as you go through a huge, crazy ass world, solving crimes and beating up super villians.  What the hell is taking so long for them to make this game?  It is basically free money, we'd all buy that game.   

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1. Jade Empire 2 with Lu Feng doing the voice of the villain.


2. Skies of Arcadia 2


3. An Alpha Protocol game that isn't shitty.


4. A free-roaming Vampire: The Requiem game with a Mekhet / Khaibit character.


An open world game that is really open world.  My idea is that you're a cop who owes the mob money, so to get it, you can be a good cop or bad cop or do side jobs to earn cash.  But your actions have lasting consequences, ie, if you go the dirty cop role, your rep will change and eventually you would become wanted and have to change your identity, etc.


Also have the world be more interactive: you can go into buildings, talk with people on the street, etc.  Bascially make the world more than window dressing.


And have the missions have more than one way to complete them.  I'm replaying GTA3 and it's kind of sad that this game is probably the best in the genre in this respect.  Nowadays there are way too many insta-fail missions because you didn't use the right kind of gun or someone saw you, etc.

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And have the missions have more than one way to complete them.  I'm replaying GTA3 and it's kind of sad that this game is probably the best in the genre in this respect.  Nowadays there are way too many insta-fail missions because you didn't use the right kind of gun or someone saw you, etc.


That's one of my biggest complaints about GTA4/5.  I played Vice City at least a dozen times, and I went out of my way to find different ways to complete a bunch of those missions.  It was also nice doing things to set up a mission for success before you started, like leaving a fast car nearby before starting that stupid race with Hillary.  Might be why I've never replayed either of the last two games.


At least the online missions in GTA 5 still have quite a bit of flexibility.




And have the missions have more than one way to complete them.  I'm replaying GTA3 and it's kind of sad that this game is probably the best in the genre in this respect.  Nowadays there are way too many insta-fail missions because you didn't use the right kind of gun or someone saw you, etc.


That's one of my biggest complaints about GTA4/5.  I played Vice City at least a dozen times, and I went out of my way to find different ways to complete a bunch of those missions.  It was also nice doing things to set up a mission for success before you started, like leaving a fast car nearby before starting that stupid race with Hillary.  Might be why I've never replayed either of the last two games.


At least the online missions in GTA 5 still have quite a bit of flexibility.



What we lost in flexibility, we gained in ease of access.  Nothing worse than failing a mission in GTA3 or Vice City and having to drive all the way across the map to do it all over again.  The new checkpoint/retry system is great and I have no idea if I would have the patience or persistence to go back and play those games today.


I'm playing it on iPhone and they did add in a replay option.  But the maps are so small compared to the newer games (and generally easier to navigate) that the driving to the mission really isn't so bad IMO.  That's also another thing I don't really like about newer open world games, the maps are huge but there's not too much to a lot of it, it's basically just bloat.  I would be perfectly happy with something the size of GTA3 if it was really interactive. 


2. Skies of Arcadia 2

Always the right answer for me in threads like this.

Lately, I've been jonesing for a new Mercenaries game. More like the original than the sequel. I guess Just Cause has largely picked up that ball, though.


River City Ransom/Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari: The MMORPG is my stock answer for these things.



I'd love an HD remake of Ace Combat 2. Propeller Arena - which is a phenomenal Dreamcast game that was 100% finished and then shelved (but which found its way to the interwebs) because you could fly a plane into a building - would be cool. 



Vanillaware Presents: Streets of Rage IV would be pretty fucking amazing and will never happen. 


Vanillaware Presents: Streets of Rage IV would be pretty fucking amazing and will never happen.

Well, there's the PC remake that does a pretty good job of being Streets of Rage. And there's the concept video from...2 years ago?...that showed what a modern SOR would look like.

But, yeah, I would love an SOR 4.


After learning that they consist of actual trained soldiers I want the next big mlitary IP to be based on the Queen's Guard. Double hard British army bastards screaming at people and cleaning house in bright here-I-am-come-get-me red bloodshed-friendly outfits. Their furry helmets enabling them to be safely fired missile-style into enemy territory, headbutt foes into the horizon or absorb enemy firepower as a literal bullet sponge*. Inspired by Luigi's Mansion's press A to call for Mario feature, one of the primary buttons will be dedicated to shouting MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEEN's GUARD.


*this could be stored up and unleashed in a devastating all-direction attack with a warning cry of 'hat tension!'

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