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Sadly, until Paige went there and Charlotte went into "I'm going to fucking kill you" mode, that Diva's segment was painful.


Can't say I saw the whole show because I never do.

Cesaro/Reigns was pretty boss, would have been better had Claudio gone over but that's not realistic.

I thought the Paige/Charlotte bit was phenomenal. Why can't the guys ever go for straight up, old school, carny heat?


Cesaro/Roman was fucking great. I'll put $5 on none of the Survivor Series tournament matches being that good.


Charlotte is a bad talker with worse facial expression work than anyone in Chipman Alberta's community theatre troupe and that segment was... uh...


Nothing else on this show really mattered.

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Roman vs. Cesaro ruled so much. Cesaro came off as a top level guy once again, and Roman held his own. The finishing sequence was superb as well. The BoD-Wyatts stuff kinda sucked, and holy Jesus was the main event promo exchange between Paige and Charlotte a disaster. They have Charlotte, who can't deliver scripted lines well yet, try and do that while also balancing TALKING ABOUT HER DEAD BROTHER and how she's fulfilling his dream. If it was part of her character's story, then there's a way to do that well and enhance her act - this wasn't that way.




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Oh, and fuck Michael Cole for not knowing the goddamn difference between quarter- and semi-finals at any given time.


A couple great matches on the show so there's that. I applaud them booking a woman's feud about something other than boyfriends or slut shaming. Not sure using dead little brothers is a huge improvement tho.

So the third hour is a total white flag now, huh?


I was flipping back and forth tonight. Reigns/Cesaro was off-the-charts. Owens/Neville was great, too. I'm really happy they gave Paige and Charlotte the final timeslot. They did a good job building up that the whole night, and then they went THERE. I was hoping Paige would after Charlotte teed it up. Great nasty heel awfulness and awesome old-school "defending my family's honor" babyface passion from Charlotte.


Oh yes Cesaro and Reigns was fucking great great GREAT.  I loved every minute of it and I want to see it again.  I'm not too thrilled about the Final Four I was kind of hoping Kalisto would pull the upset against Del Rio but him vs Reigns might not have worked. 


I only caught the Divas contract signing, but I thought it was terrific.  Charlotte's delivery came across much more natural than it did in the past, and Paige is much better as mean girl than she was as the Anti-Bella.  The mention of Reid was a little icky, honestly, but man was the brawl after entertaining.


And holy hell, can Del Rio get a less business exposing finisher? I think the Canadian Destroyer is available.

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I completely disagree. We can argue about execution all day and sure, Charlotte bringing herself to tears isn't great TV. But they went for actual by God southern "oooh what a horrible person" heat. That's progress.

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When Charlotte hit the spear into the barricade, fit a second, I thought they were going to have her "injure" Paige and take her out of the match. But then Paige fought right back, which was a bit annoying.

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Highlight of the show was Cole explaining we could see a video package about Nick Bockwinkel on the website because they have to so much important stuff to get to on Raw...only to cut immediately to the Ascension.

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