RIPPA Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 God - why did I watch so much of the edited version The Hangover last night? I almost would rather just have total silence then here the phrase "FORGET YOU!" edited into a movie ever again 2
John Austin Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Watching Bloodsport for god knows how many times already, still enjoy it. Loved how there were highlights of the fighters and lot of them we never saw again until like Chong Li destroyed them. Speaking on Chong Li, two things, one, I loved how they portrayed him as the unstoppable beast even until the semi-finals with his fight again Chuan IP Mung, which, I'm glad wasn't as much of a squash as the others were. And I find it funny, Chong is Korean, yet he's played by Bolo, who if I'm not mistaken is Chinese right?
Brian Fowler Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I have never found a movie with more replay value than Scott Pilgrim vs. The World... 2
John Austin Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I don't get why people hate Blown Away so much. It's a perfectly acceptable movie with some great tension building moments strung throughout. The finale is rubbish though so I'll pay that. You talking the Tommy Lee Jones one or Nicole Eggert one?
Control Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Speaking of BLOWN AWAY, Jeff Bridges' filmography is much spottier than I thought it was. In my mind it was kind of uninteresting until THE BIG LEBOWSKI, and after that it was all aces, but looking through IMDB I see that he's all over the place throughout his career. Was it SEABISCUIT that really established him as a "great actor" in the public imagination?
Curt McGirt Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I just watched most of Slap Shot. Goddamn could that not be made today. To emphasize the point, Goon is on right now after it. Way too cuddly for the brutal vulgarity and homophobic slurs of the '70s. I still laughed my ass off.
mco543 Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I also don't think you'd get someone of Paul Newman's caliber nowadays (if there even is anyone comparable to him) to do a movie like Slap Shot now. The scene where he tells off the owner of the Chiefs seems like it would probably be a deal breaker.
Gonzalez Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 If Slap Shots was made today I'm sure it wouldn't be a screwball comedy due to how dark, and depressing it really is.
TimLivingston Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I just watched most of Slap Shot. Goddamn could that not be made today. To emphasize the point, Goon is on right now after it. Way too cuddly for the brutal vulgarity and homophobic slurs of the '70s. I still laughed my ass off. I did this back-to-back on Netflix. Slap Shot is pretty damn impressive from a vulgarity standpoint and stands up really well, actually. I forgot how sad the end of the movie was. Goon actually had one of the best fucking stories I've ever seen in a sports movie and can be endlessly replayed. Everything once he joins Halifax is solid fucking gold. It's hard to watch the last 20 minutes, but man alive is it an awesome movie.
Curt McGirt Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I love the hell out of Goon. I think I expected Slap Shot to be more like that but... woof.
caley Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Speaking of BLOWN AWAY, Jeff Bridges' filmography is much spottier than I thought it was. In my mind it was kind of uninteresting until THE BIG LEBOWSKI, and after that it was all aces, but looking through IMDB I see that he's all over the place throughout his career. Was it SEABISCUIT that really established him as a "great actor" in the public imagination? Bridges had a lot of interesting to wonderful work before 'Lebowski': he was getting lots of attention as far back as 1971/72 (He was great in 'The Last Picture Show', got some good reviews for 'Fat City'), I loved him in 'Against All Odds', have heard good things about 'Star Man' and 'Tucker: The Man and His Dream', and I still think the best acting performance he ever did (Save 'Lebowski' where he says he was most playing himself) was 1993's 'Fearless'. Also, I don't think the ending of 'Slap Shot' is depressing at all. They have the big cathartic brawl, take out all their frustrations and the guy wins back his girl. 'Slap Shot' is awesome.
Hooks Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Even though most of us saw these on TV growing up, I suppose it fits here since they were actually originally short films? Anyway, for Xmas I bought myself the Ultimate Three Stooges collection. Over 200 of their short films (and a couple features....but, you know.....Curly Joe DeRita. Eh.) Of course I've always loved The Stooges, and this set has been so much fun to go through. I've been watching like crazy over the last couple days. I had no idea Lucille Ball had appeared in one of the shorts so that was cool to stumble across. But most exciting so far was the one titled "Grips, Grunts, and Groans" which centers around professional wrestling. Long story short, the fellas befriend a star wrestler and not only end up getting him extremely drunk, but while trying to sober him up, they end up knocking him out with dumbbells and causing a locker to fall on him. So they shave off his beard, attach it to Curly, and Curly takes his place in the ring. Of course wacky hijinks ensue. There is also involvement of the mob who have a bet on the match and Curly having a wild reaction to a certain perfume. So much awesomeness.
Gonzalez Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Also, I don't think the ending of 'Slap Shot' is depressing at all. They have the big cathartic brawl, take out all their frustrations and the guy wins back his girl. 'Slap Shot' is awesome. Dunlop straight up lies to his players about their hockey future, and the steel mill is still closing. That's a pretty fucking depressing ending.
Craig H Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Also, I don't think the ending of 'Slap Shot' is depressing at all. They have the big cathartic brawl, take out all their frustrations and the guy wins back his girl. 'Slap Shot' is awesome. Dunlop straight up lies to his players about their hockey future, and the steel mill is still closing. That's a pretty fucking depressing ending. Of course, that all comes down to whether or not you believe Reg is actually taking the team with him. Prior to that, his intentions were good, but he's ultimately just a fuck up stumbling through life. It could be the same with bringing the team with him or it may not. Also, I watched Hangover 3 and it was SOOOOO BORING. God. So boring.
caley Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Also, I don't think the ending of 'Slap Shot' is depressing at all. They have the big cathartic brawl, take out all their frustrations and the guy wins back his girl. 'Slap Shot' is awesome. Dunlop straight up lies to his players about their hockey future, and the steel mill is still closing. That's a pretty fucking depressing ending. He lies to his players to get them to play to try to drum up interest in the team. It doesn't work, but at least they get their moment of a winning streak and going to the finals, or whatever it was, rather then the team just folding and the players all quitting.
TimLivingston Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Oh hell yes. HBO has The Rocketeer going right now. HBO Go is your friend.
Gonzalez Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 He lies to his players to get them to play to try to drum up interest in the team. It doesn't work, but at least they get their moment of a winning streak and going to the finals, or whatever it was, rather then the team just folding and the players all quitting. Watch the last five minutes again. The team, and Ned(who was Reg's biggest skeptic) all buy into the team moving to Minnesota, except for Francine. After Lily asks him if she's coming to Minnesota he tells her "For sure", and then looks down as if to say "My lies are catching up with me".
PuroresuFan Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I love the hell out of Goon. I think I expected Slap Shot to be more like that but... woof. I always cracked up watching Jonathan Cherry as Marco getting American slang all wrong. "Hey, you wanna step outside and get your pole smoked?"
Reed Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. This was shockingly great. Really, the terrible-looking trailers did this a big disservice. -characters that seemed believable and did believable things. Someone finally realizing they should be armed and loaded when going up against the coven was refreshingly brilliant. I mean, they were still doomed, but at least they didn't go down without a fight. -I liked how they'd set you up for a scare, then go in an entirely different direction with it. -Hector is the best protagonist so far. Yes! Someone finally suggests showing the footage to the cops! The immature, Jackass-obsessed teenage boy somehow manages to have more brains than most of the adults in this series put together. -Stuff in the basement was genuinely unsettling and reminded me a bit of Insidious and The Blair Witch Project. -despite its positives though, it is still hindered by being, you know, a Paranormal Activity movie. The constant "downer" endings are getting old. Can't someone get the better of this cult/demon for once? At least just for one film?
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. This was shockingly great. Really, the terrible-looking trailers did this a big disservice. -characters that seemed believable and did believable things. Someone finally realizing they should be armed and loaded when going up against the coven was refreshingly brilliant. I mean, they were still doomed, but at least they didn't go down without a fight. -I liked how they'd set you up for a scare, then go in an entirely different direction with it. -Hector is the best protagonist so far. Yes! Someone finally suggests showing the footage to the cops! The immature, Jackass-obsessed teenage boy somehow manages to have more brains than most of the adults in this series put together. -Stuff in the basement was genuinely unsettling and reminded me a bit of Insidious and The Blair Witch Project. -despite its positives though, it is still hindered by being, you know, a Paranormal Activity movie. The constant "downer" endings are getting old. Can't someone get the better of this cult/demon for once? At least just for one film? Regards your last spoiler, I already went over this: They haunt Mark Henry. They get beaten down. It writes itself.
ivpvideos Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Watched The Call last night. The first 2/3rds of the movie is shockingly thrilling and great. Then it takes a turn down the cliff and the ending is ridiculous. Also watched Men in Black III. Decent enough and Brolin nails the Tommy Lee Jones impression.
Territorial Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Ghosts and demons don't breathe. Therefore, they don't wanna pay their air bill. They stupidly think things like demonic powers and already being dead will protect them from the power of a dreadlock combover. Mark Henry - natural enemy of the supernatural. Look it up. It's in the dictionary. 2
Reed Posted January 4, 2014 Posted January 4, 2014 I might be giving them too much credit for clever storytelling but did anyone think there were strong hints Ali was in cahoots with the coven and had been turned at some point after the events second film? She sent them to that house by themselves, even though she had to know, or at least have an idea, what would happen when they got there. Also, if she knows exactly where the coven is, why has she been sitting on this info for years? Why not get the authorities involved? She's also a loose end for the cult, and these are people that have made a point of killing anyone who even comes close to figuring out what they're up to.
Swift Posted January 4, 2014 Posted January 4, 2014 Some completely random movie thoughts... 1. Watched Pickpocket yesterday, and there's an actress in there named Marika Green. Completely gorgeous, with a huge resemblance to a fuller Natalie Portman. Doing a Google search, it turns out she was also this woman in Emmanuelle. She gets very naked, but I guess she never looked as good as she did in Pickpocket. She is also Eva Green's aunt. 2. Felicity Jones is adorable. She's going to be making a bigger splash in Hollywood this year with Spiderman 2, and I predict a lot of guys falling for her. 3. How come in multi-million dollar effects films, when they show a photograph of characters who knew each other 10 years ago, it always, always looks badly photoshopped? They seem to spend huge amounts of money on special effects, but farm out the photo job to some 15 year old high school kid.
cwoy2j Posted January 4, 2014 Posted January 4, 2014 Watching Bloodsport for god knows how many times already, still enjoy it. Loved how there were highlights of the fighters and lot of them we never saw again until like Chong Li destroyed them. Speaking on Chong Li, two things, one, I loved how they portrayed him as the unstoppable beast even until the semi-finals with his fight again Chuan IP Mung, which, I'm glad wasn't as much of a squash as the others were. And I find it funny, Chong is Korean, yet he's played by Bolo, who if I'm not mistaken is Chinese right? I was shocked that he was like 42 when that movie was made. He looked a lot younger.
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