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This is going to have Taya-Emi, right? That could be good, I still don't have an opinion on Taya but Emi is YOUR HIGHNESS

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2 hours ago, JLowe said:

This is going to have Taya-Emi, right? That could be good, I still don't have an opinion on Taya but Emi is YOUR HIGHNESS


Great photo of Emi here.

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The Bulls refuse to lay down so I have to wait a few minutes for the glorious AEW wrestling!  It's AUSSIE OPEN!  It's the BEST FRIENDS!  Aussie Open are faces in ROH but they are TWEENERS in AEW!  Aussie Open are GREAT at making their opponents look GREAT and TRENT is reaping the benefits. THEN they beat on TRENT as he returns the favor.  I like Aussie Open more as faces in ROH because they get over by being so hardcore. AEW is a more conventional face of wrestling.  TRENT makes a comeback after Aussie Open BRINGS IT.  Doomsday Device by the Best Friends FOR TWO!  SPINNING PILEDRIVER!  By Fletcher!  AWESOME!  Excaliber ALMOST calls Mark Davis AWESOME Piledriver by it's name COUNT TO FUCK!  That was awesome.  BRING ON FTR!  COUNT TO FUCK!  Hey, it's FTR!  Aw, it's remnants of Matt HArdy and Ethan Page's friendship.  They have Mark Briscoe going TOTALLY Memphis by getting conned into tagging with Jay Lethal and his carny pals!  Jeff Jarrett is awesome getting on Mark's nerves.  It's Taya Valkerie!  EMI! EMI! EMI!  Emi lays it in!  Taya lays it in! Taya overpowers EMI!  Jade Cargill distracts Taya and EMI hits a finisher!  EMI beats on Taya during picture in picture and I definitely need to watch the international feed of this tomorrow.  THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!  Taya is closer to Jamie Hayter than Jade Cargill.   BLUE THUNDER BOMB by Taya!  Man, Taya is giving EMI EVERYTHING!  ROAD TO VALHALLA!  That was FUCKING AWESOME!  POSTMATCH!  CARGILL JADES VALKARIE!  This is a fun feud mostly because Taya completely fucking rules in the ring.  DADDY MAGIC LOVES RAP!  I guess AEW assumes everybody is turning the channel after that because Jack Perry is wrestling Shawn Spears?  Why is that?  I mean he's fine in the ring, I guess.  Oh right, Shawn Spears is an old friend of MJF.  Oh right, he had a baby boy!  Ah fuck, I'll be the only American wrestling fan to watch this match!  Congratulations, Shawn Spears!  BABY BOY!  C'mon, Tony.  Shawn Spears isn't winning.  NEW DAD! NEW DAD! I know he had the youngster like six months ago.  I assume the lil punkin is sleeping through the night finally so he can actual get into a schedule.  With my four kids, we breast fed so THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO WHEN THEY WOKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!  Perry is giving Spears the world so this is pretty good.  NICE SUPERPLEX in the tiny screen of picture in picture by Spears.  FIFTH PILLAR SHAWN SPEARS!  Spears looks great in this in an LA Knight kind of way.  This is obviously the best Spears has looked in AEW.  Perry wins with a FLASHPIN!  You guys should have watched it.  It was good.  TAYA MOTHERFUCKING VALKERIE!  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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That was a fun, easy hour watch. 

Opening tag was really good. We get a Hardy Compound match In 3rd company! Liked the main event too, nice seeing Spears on TV.

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The first half was so good and the second half was SO BAD. Also, I’ve had a really hard week and was drinking a lot of beer before the show.

I really enjoy Aussie Open. I really enjoy Best Friends. Did 2+2 make 5. Well, no but it was a very fun match and if you had told me that I would consider Chuck Taylor to be hoss-adjacent and wanting a singles match with him and the thunder from Down Under Mark Davis I would’ve laughed since Chuck was the 4th best guy in that match but MAKE IT HAPPEN COACH TONY K!

It’s funny because AEW defied physics/chemistry/thermodynamics and combined a hot act in Mark Briscoe and a relatively hot act in Triple J and Satnam and somehow created something cold enough that Foreigner sang about it.

I’m so glad that Emi is getting serious TV time. Taya Valkyrie still makes me think of Jennifer Coolidge with some Kathryn Hahn and some...enhancements. Good match, took a while but they gave My Highness her heat. Jade watched and I was hoping she would learn but then she got to come in and hit the finisher on Taya and kill any heat on that matchup and for fucks sake can an adult book this belt? Also watch the crowd and how 70% or more are sitting on their hands for Jade at this point.

FTR is here for 4 years. Obviously, AEW has decided that Acclaimed are going to be a sideshow act. Dante Martin got hurt. Gunns are mid but working hard. Lucha brothers are blessedly in ROHish. Most other teams are split up. Figure they’re good through the end of ‘23.

I continue to think that Orange Cassidy should call out Jungle Boy as the 4th pillar. JB is a nepo baby whose in-ring skills are maybe top-40 on the roster and whose mic skills are well below that. People are popping for his song and nothing else (watch the replay and the crowd shots). Fortunately for him, he was up against MJF’s former lackey who literally 95% of the TV audience and 98% of the live crowd had forgotten about and did not care about. The match happened. 

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8 minutes ago, JLowe said:

I continue to think that Orange Cassidy should call out Jungle Boy as the 4th pillar. JB is a nepo baby whose in-ring skills are maybe top-40 on the roster and whose mic skills are well below that. People are popping for his song and nothing else (watch the replay and the crowd shots). Fortunately for him, he was up against MJF’s former lackey who literally 95% of the TV audience and 98% of the live crowd had forgotten about and did not care about. The match happened. 

Jungle Boy looks and sounds like the Young Buck's dorky younger brother and I can't unsee/unhear it.

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  • Haha 1

Some how my dvr cut off the opening tag… 

wish we could have something long term for emi , he Angelico made tv wish we could find a use for him, also wish we got a better use for Dustin and Pretty Pete and JD Drake

Im kinda okay with the acclaimed feuding with JAS as you can have two tag programs going as they don’t need the belts 

JB is great in ring but doesn’t have the rest of the tools to be a main eventer

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Posted (edited)

Nice Aussies-Besties opener. A bit of a showcase for the Aussies. I like seeing the road clearing ahead for Aussies-FTR! Classic style FTR preacher promo. Schiavone in-ring promos will forever feel like Gene Okerlund on Nitro, and I love it. RIP Gene Mean! Frenemies program switches from the excellent Hardy-Page pairing (more so the Ethan dancing/sing-grunting, less the shitty fine print promo) to Mark and the Jay Lethal gang! And I love it! Don't ask a tired post Dynamite crowd to know what's up, but the heels did everything they needed to for TV. Jeff Jarrett is a fucking treasure. Love this Memphis style home cookin'! On the Frenemies former, a Hardy Compound Match doesn't sound like it's for me, but I'll give it a shot. Emi Sakura takes Taya Valkyrie to her best match. That I've seen. That said, I'm not that thorough with the Valkyrie catalog. Great back and forth during the PiP. I'm with an inebriated (and with a bone to pick) @JLowe in not being so sure how sensible it was to have Jade lay out Taya with the Jaded. Unless 'Furry Boots' is getting the win? But I don't think she's the one who should get the big win. Nor will. Okay, the Daddy Magic/Hager/Cool Hand segment was clearly Wrestlecrap but high-end Mempho Wrestlecrap! A segment that would fit in nicely with the better part of the West Texas Rednecks Dubbya C Dubbya catalog. I loved it. Acclaimed run included. Hager getting tossed into the seats by Daddy Ass was a nice highlight. I also dug '6 ppl appreciate Jericho, but everybody loves the Acclaimed!' Very nice! And good on Cool Hand to let him know not to talk shit on his mentor, Unless...! Bring on the 6 man for @Infinit in Pitt this week! Nice solid promo to set-up the Main Event. Mark Henry just loves the Main Event and he injects excitement in those of us sitting at home on an early Saturday morning with coffee in hand. Shawn Spears looked really good here. Remember when Spears debuted in that battle royal and the place was molten for he and his 10 fingers. A few weeks later he heeled on Cody and ate shit from everybody for getting a marquee match having been employed in WWE prior without a proper push. 'What the fuck Tye Dillinger?' they'd say. He didn't win hearts any further over the next yeaer or so. Then he had that nice late era Pinnacle run doing nice jobs for Jericho, etc. I don't see Spears ever really contending, but man did he look solid here. I think his best fit is in a tag team with somebody charismatic. This reminds me, he and Tully never really did find him that tag partner he desired. Damn 'Pandy' fucked that up! Jungle Jack felt cold with this crowd minus his Tarzan Boy and the waving. That doesn't mean he wasn't really good in-ring, as he was. It was also a post Dynamite tired crowd having stayed for a questionable-on-paper main event. I wonder if the smart move might be to slide young Perry to the darkside? Anyway, Rampage was terribly good fun on a Saturday Morning. 

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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SATURDAY REFLECTIONS:  The EMI/ Taya is SOOO much better on the International Feed.  Taya, knowing how to get things over with the crowd, let's Emi beat the hell out of her.  Taya is so fucking good.  EMI is QUEEN of the picture in picture by grabbing Taya's hair and saying, "I WILL KILL YOU!"  and she does!  SO fucking good.

  • Like 8
4 hours ago, zendragon said:

wish we could have something long term for emi , he Angelico made tv wish we could find a use for him, also wish we got a better use for Dustin and Pretty Pete and JD Drake

It sounds like what you’re looking for, my friend, is a soft brand split.

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Tony is somewhat tickled by the existence of a wrestler called “The Man Scout.”

JR spits the words “The Man Scout” from his lips with naked disgust.

In a world of JRs, be a Tony.

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  • Haha 2

Jake Manning was a regular indie wrestler for quite a long time, before he adopted the gimmick of being a boyscout (only a grown man).

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  • I like United Empire because they have an almost MVC sort of energy, though obviously with slightly different roles. There was a moment in there where they had taken over 2 on 1 on Trent and Chuck Taylor just came in. They beat him down and did the double stampede charge on the outside. That's the sort of thing I don't love. I would have much rather they taken over by cheating like that and them pulling Taylor into the ring with a quick ambush to do the same thing. I don't need a tecnico/rudo split where they're living by different rules, but if Chuck can just come in whenever the hell he wants, then what's the point of having a tag match in the first place. Let the heels (even the de facto ones) be the one really breaking the rules and the babyfaces only breaking them when it's time for the comeback.
  • I wasn't too sure about Emi vs Taya in the first few minutes but once Jade came out and Emi started to really unload on her, it was great. Probably not good to put Jade in a position where she had to follow those strike exchanges, but she did ok. This run for Emi has been lovely and she proves week after week after week that she belongs as a featured wrestler.
  • I badly want more Satnam/Mark Briscoe interaction. And Satnam vs Serpentico. And Jarrett vs Angelico. I love seeing Jarrett bump for weird stuff like Serpentico's "complete shot."
  • Main event was solid and I felt like Spears did a good job of creating meaning for it, but it would have been better if they hyped that meaning a few days ago instead. Probably could have had Jungle Boy beat him with the Snaretrap too, just saying.
  • After hearing some of Matt Hardy's podcast the other day I was thinking we might get a Hardy Compound cinematic thing. I'm looking forward to it. Also looking forward to babyface Britt in Pittsburgh just for the crazy pop she's going to get.
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4 minutes ago, Log said:

Stokley in a cinematic match has the potential to be gold. 

You may not know how right you are.




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3 hours ago, Technico Support said:

Tony is somewhat tickled by the existence of a wrestler called “The Man Scout.”

JR spits the words “The Man Scout” from his lips with naked disgust.

In a world of JRs, be a Tony.

I loved this exchange. I went with non-commentary mode on the Aussies-Besties, mostly to avoid Excalibur having to meet all the needless rundown obligations, but from there-on out I thought JR was amusing. I liked his seemingly genuine sell of Taya spending time in the gym. I'm not quite saying hurray for JR, but when he's just a kooky old man sitting in on the action I have no issue. Also, I like seeing Man Scout get murdered. Anything short of that he's liable to be a nuisance - see his short but kinda awful performance on ROH vs Slim J/Ari. 

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3 hours ago, AxB said:

Jake Manning was a regular indie wrestler for quite a long time, before he adopted the gimmick of being a boyscout (only a grown man).

I was rather surprised to see Jake Manning on my tv still doing the Manscout gimmick.  I haven’t even thought of Jake Manning in at least ten years, much less seen a match of his.  I would not have guessed he’d still be doing the same gimmick.

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