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I'm just wondering what kind of wonderment Orange Cassidy will create with Lee Johnson.

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27 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

I am as excited for Roosh vs Bandido as I can be for a TV wrestling match. Oh boy! 




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Oh boy, they killed that crowd dead by the end. Rush-Bandido was the saving grace and half the best spots were in PiP. El Anabolico over Dante Martin was a choice.

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Ok, I'm very glad Cage is advancing, and I was impressed by Martin's double bicep pose. Surprisingly nice arms on him.

Jungle Boy needs revenge. Steel cage sounds like it is going to be very bad for his health, but Christian Cage isn't going to climb, erm, cage with one arm, right? Espesially with the left one, right?

While I'm all in on Bandido, can what happened there with Rush be considered... a high-way robbery?

OC having a mic on stand-by just to mess with Mark Henry is good stuff. Another active title defence, even if it came at the cost of one dead Danhausen.

I can't believe the baddies didn't use that opportunity to steal the TBS title back for Jade. Not super competent.

So, the House of Black is coming back, but this time they are EVIL? Where the hell are you guys gonna go from here? ...oh, that's exactly where.

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Sorry I'm a little late. One of the kittens is awake, walked across my keyboard and it actually posted what I was typing EARLY so I had to delete it.  Little scamp!  Anyway, I was opining about how Jungle Boy needs to be feuding with Rush and Bandido already.  I stated that Brian Cage is underrated.  Cage sets up a cool Suplex on the floor spot and then Maude the Kitten walked across my keyboard.  I dig Cage because he has a pretty great looking heel offense, and he can sell all the highflying spectacularness of Dante Martin.  Martin lays in the elbows to Cage's noggin!  Oh man, Dante Martin's Springboard Splash to the floor is so spectacular.  Fun nearfall by Cage on a Full Nelson Flatliner!  WEAPON X for the win!  That was good.  I'm digging this little run by Brian Cage.  Whoa!  Lee Moriarty versus Hook will be good.  HOUSE OF BLACK! HOUSE OF BLACK! HOUSE OF BLACK!  RUSH! BANDIDO!  YESSSSS!  RUSH IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!  Rush will beat the shit out of folks.  I remember when Rush first debuted on EMLL TV and he was a pretty boy technico and everybody HATED him.  So he just digested the hate and became one of the greatest rudos ever.  He is everything great about Lucha Libre.  OH MAN!  I am so excited about the tomorrow's International Feed as they are beating the crap out of each other in picture in picture.  Bandido hits a zillion highspots in the tiny screen!  The Boston crowd is awesome.  Rush and Bandido MILK IT FOR ALL THE HEAT THEY CAN GET!  John Silver saves Bandido's mask!  Bandido gets the flash pin!  That was fun.   A little sloppy in parts but I don't give a fuck.  This is the wrestling I want to see. WRESTLE 57 MORE TIMES ON MY TV!   Nyla is so fucking great, making fun of Jade Cargill's in ring mannerisms.  I loved that.  Big Shotty Lee Johnson!  Does his push begin now?  JANE!  I hope this leads to Big Shotty versus Danhausen feuding like Tommy Rich versus Raging Bull Manny Fernandez.  Cole Karter distracts Cassidy and allows Big Shotty to go on offense.  NICKY BOY!  HE CHEATS!  QT PILEDRIVES DANHAUSEN ON THE STEEL STEPS!  I figured this match would involve the myriad of people accompanying both combatants.  Big Shotty beats on Cassidy as we wait for the commercials to end.  So Boston crowds are the best crowds.  NICKY BOY drives CHUCK TAYLOR INTO THE RINGPOST!  BLUE THUNDER BOMB BY BIG SHOTTY!  NICKY BOY GETS SPEARED BY TRENT!  CHUCK HITS A TOPE CON HILO!  BEACH BREAK!  That is how you book a match ten ways to Sunday.  That was a hoot. Orange Cassidy is a miracle worker.  I am very excited for the Danhausen versus the Factory feud. AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD.

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Dante deserves a real push already, but if he can’t have that then give me Dante-Bandido and more Dante-Rush and Dante-Yuta.

Nyla clowning on Jade was great, right down to almost breaking her opponent’s face with the Jaded.

OC-Shotty is a YouTube main event, not a Rampage main event. This card was super weak. Seriously, look at the faces in the front row at the end, they are not happy, not mad, just meh.

The Boston crowd and I agree that the JB-Christian-Lucha feud is tired as shit and needs to wrap up.

Happy for the return of Top Flight, and I guess happy for AR Fox to get to be on TV to eat a pin and further the Death Triangle dissension angle. Another group I’m over.

Speaking of, fucking House of Black. It’s a good thing that, outside of tonight, they still produce mostly excellent to classic matches, because AEW is burning my goodwill in a lot of other ways.

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Posted (edited)

I love Rush vs Bandido. Honestly thought Rush was gonna win but should've figured Bandido would win considering facing Ethan in the next round. I wanted whoever won this to go all the way, so let's go Bandido it is. Rush is still the man.

The refs and security have a conspiracy against going out of their way to purposely prevent Jade from getting her title back.

Orange is the best, love his seemingly weekly defenses. Great to see the Beach Break actually get the win for a change, cool way to mix it up. 

Good stuff coming up, nice to see Darius Martin is back as well as the Bunny plus AR Fox! 

Edited by DreamBroken
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THIS WAS A GREAT EPISODE IF YOU LOVE LARGE MEN IN COMICAL PURPLE HATS!!(seriously is making Jake Hager interesting Jericho's best ever carry job?)

Best Brian Cage match was v Darby for the TNT title, this was a close number two. Mr. GMSi makes a surprisingly competent base for smaller flyers. I don't know about him winning cause what's next for him in the tourny that's compelling? Are they trying to run back v Starkman Jones? cause Pretty Ricky should really be above Cage now.

I might be in the minority but I did not care for Rush v Bandito at all. Felt like a sloppy botch fest. I am off the El Toro Blanco bandwagon.

Why is Bunny getting a title shot? when was the last time she had a significant win? Why a title shot and not an eliminator match?

Main was fun, always enjoy Big Shotty and OC is usually fun. Bit of a forgone conclusion and a bit of a choice having the factory in a main event and not one on the youtube shows

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Posted (edited)

That was a long way from being my favourite episode of Rampage, even though there was a lot of good action and a lot of wrestlers I like. It still feels to me like they are leaning hard into a lot of WWE-lite stuff, like show-opening promos and schmozz finishes and (on Dynamite this week) worky-shooty feuds based on who is representing the company or whatever, and catchphrases and so on... And (on Rampage) spooky ooky videos.


All that said, I still enjoyed watching AEW this week. It's moving away from some of the things I like the best (like mostly clean finishes and a more indie vibe) but it's still a lot of good wrestling. And they are really pushing some of the younger wrestlers.


And they are giving us Kingston & Ortiz vs Akiyama & Takeshita! They are still taking care of us crazy hardcore fans. And our favourite wrestlers. As long as they keep doing that, Jeff Jarrett obliquely referencing WWE in his promos and Saraya/DMD being based on "I've been here longer!" " Oh yeah? Well... I have been wrestling longer! " or whatever and too much interference and no Miro and Kingston never winning the big one and etc etc are gonna get me rolling my eyes and pining for the good old days of a few months ago... BUT I'm still all Homer with the giant sub in my feelings for AEW. 


I'm impressed that Orange and Shotty outperformed Roosh and Ban Dido this week! At least in my opinion. 

I thought it was neato how Bandido didn't cheato but still handed a defeato to Rush, who is evil indeedo.


My younger daughter's name is Maia, which I only just realised stands for: Make AEW indie again! 

Edited by Gordlow
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15 minutes ago, zendragon said:

Why is Bunny getting a title shot? when was the last time she had a significant win? Why a title shot and not an eliminator match?

It is an eliminator, they said if she won then she would get the first shot after Full Gear.  

As far as her last significant win, outside of Dark, I think she's only ever won one singles match on TV, over Tay Conti on one of the first Rampages last year.  Her last match on Dynamite was also vs. Toni back in March for the Owen cup.

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2 hours ago, JLowe said:

Oh boy, they killed that crowd dead by the end. Rush-Bandido was the saving grace and half the best spots were in PiP. El Anabolico over Dante Martin was a choice.

Rush some how appears to be on the gas yet has a terrible physique 


  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, zendragon said:

Rush some how appears to be on the gas yet has a terrible physique 


There's a couple of skits on the Iliza Shlesinger Show on these guys!

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Blink and you’ll miss it.  At the start of the match.  OC tells Bryce with a hands pushing forward gesture to “Get him back”.  Shotty was in his corner all the way across the ring.

Good match too.  Putting OC in the last match in a long night of tv is a smart choice.  Character is over and the matches lately have delivered.  I’d hang around after Dynamite to see it.  

A much better presentation for Cage here against Dante.  But as great as this was.  This is what Cage should be doing if he were just debuting.  Not when he has years of mileage in the company behind him.  

Darius is back!  Great news.  That comeback in the battle royal he did after the last injury go-around really convinced me on him.  

The sheer cash print catsuit should be Jades default outfit on the video game.  (Fucking hurry up with that shit already).

Bandido kinda rules.  


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As someone who has run a ringside camera for live wrestling before, I am very happy to see that they’ve given Rush a “dummy” cable to whip his opponent with. It always made me nervous when he’d use an actual camera cable for that. 

if I was feuding with Lee Johnson, I’d call him “Big Shart-y”. 

Wait! That should be @Shartnado’s nickname!

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Gordi and I are on a spectrum and I'm on the other side. I was really feeling this episode. If things switch back to a degree, I'll still be ok because there'll be a lot of things I'll continue to like and hey, I'll be happy because my friend is happy. That said, I was digging this one.

  • First and foremost, I was really glad that they pushed Archer vs Starks to Wednesday. The sheer number of matches on this card had me worried.
  • I wasn't sure about Perry's delivery and it wasn't one of Christian's strongest performances. This is starting to go on just a bit too long maybe? I am really jazzed for the idea of a cage match though. A lot of times, AEW cage matches feel like they're all about giving people something to jump off of but this has a chance of being hatefilled and violent, maybe? The sort of breakthrough bloody performance a guy like Perry needs to get to the next level?
  • I had been looking forward to Cage vs Dante as I thought Cage would see all the opportunities present with him, would still work big because he almost had to due to the size advantage, but he probably loves Dante Martin since that's the sort of wrestler he would want to be. The suplex catch on the outside was amazing and they kept pressing things forward a bit more than usual due to the commercial break (which, I appreciate the slow down portion of the house style, but on a show with a bunch of matches, you want some variety). Dante's come a long way and certainly looked like he could hang and even win against a guy as big as Cage which is a testament. Obviously the story here is that Starks will have to work his way through two giants to the finals. The full nelson slam was a great near-fall and Weapon X looked as good as I'd ever seen it. Fun match.
  • Renee reacting to the hat comment was the first real Renee moment in AEW proper (as opposed to 'Ey EW or whatever). More of that.
  • I give no wrestler more free passes than Rush. Things may have been different in ROH but in the two periods of time I watched him regularly (2013-2016 and now) he's just always present, always in the moment, always lives in his matches as much as anyone. This was a crazy back and forth sprint, but hard-hitting and violent and full of ire and venom. He's great at portraying the notion that he's really trying to hurt someone when he hits spots. Yes, I didn't love the pop up bits but I'm more forgiving with Rush just because he comes off as an unhinged maniac instead of a crossfit athlete doing exciting spots. Bandido could hang. He's got a bunch of physical charisma and when he hits big spots, they're not always clean but they always hit, and that little bit of tarnish actually makes his stuff more visceral and exciting. I'm a little sad that Silver didn't get to celebrate with Bandido though they were both celebrating separately. I don't think there's room for Rush vs Silver on the PPV but on the Dynamite after they should do a strap match or something. An Extension Cord match! Page vs Bandido should be an interesting match up. @LogDid you hear on the AEW podcast how the first time Rush went to do that, the entire production crew absolutely freaked out in Aubrey's ear? She told a story about that. 
  • Speaking of people getting to be themselves, Nyla did an amazing job pretending to be Jade, which is obviously kind of ridiculous given the size difference. It'd be like 93 Vader feuding with the Hollywood Blonds and doing all of their mannerisms to mock them. But it didn't wear out its welcome in a super packed show and it was hilarious. Nyla's a bit like 00s Regal in that she's so entertaining that she should always have SOME role on the show.
  • Good for Lee Johnson taking the opportunity like that. Definitely the biggest match of his life. Orange did his thing. My favorite thing about Cassidy is how he takes his opponent as he comes and works his shtick into how opponent's reactions. Johnson was going to be hungry and out to prove something, so he kept charging in and trying to make a mark and Cassidy was like the stone in the river, just hanging back and letting Johnson's momentum play against him. I loved how wild everything was with the Best Friends and the Factory out there. It never really took from the match. It just gave some bells and whistles to help it along since Johnson is just coming along. It's crazy they hid the piledriver on the stairs on Danhausen in the commercial break (and Excalibur saying the asshole chants were for Tony!). Speaking of matches that probably don't belong on the PPV, I'd love to see OC/Best Friends/Danhausen/Rocky vs Factory (QT/Solo/Karter/Johnson/Big Nicky Comoroto), because of the chaos possible in a 10 man match. I'm not sure anyone else wants to see that. On the other hand, one of the perfect bits of overlap between Gordi and myself is probably the bit at the end where Cole Karter got hugged and then raised his hand super excited about it. That's the sort of thing that's completely unnecessary, but that's just fun, not just that they decided to hug him but his reaction afterwards which was way more human than him being disgusted or annoyed by it. You almost feel bad when they took him out after that (But he did play fake Sting for money last week so you only feel so bad).
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17 minutes ago, Log said:

As someone who has run a ringside camera for live wrestling before, I am very happy to see that they’ve given Rush a “dummy” cable to whip his opponent with. It always made me nervous when he’d use an actual camera cable for that. 

if I was feuding with Lee Johnson, I’d call him “Big Shart-y”. 

Wait! That should be @Shartnado’s nickname!

I'm medium-sized, at the very most, but I will take that as a compliment, thank you!

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23 minutes ago, Matt D said:
  • I give no wrestler more free passes than Rush. Things may have been different in ROH but in the two periods of time I watched him regularly (2013-2016 and now) he's just always present, always in the moment, always lives in his matches as much as anyone. This was a crazy back and forth sprint, but hard-hitting and violent and full of ire and venom. He's great at portraying the notion that he's really trying to hurt someone when he hits spots. Yes, I didn't love the pop up bits but I'm more forgiving with Rush just because he comes off as an unhinged maniac instead of a crossfit athlete doing exciting spots. Bandido could hang. He's got a bunch of physical charisma and when he hits big spots, they're not always clean but they always hit, and that little bit of tarnish actually makes his stuff more visceral and exciting. I'm a little sad that Silver didn't get to celebrate with Bandido though they were both celebrating separately. I don't think there's room for Rush vs Silver on the PPV but on the Dynamite after they should do a strap match or something. An Extension Cord match! Page vs Bandido should be an interesting match up. @LogDid you hear on the AEW podcast how the first time Rush went to do that, the entire production crew absolutely freaked out in Aubrey's ear? She told a story about that. 

They should put the ROH title on Bandido and have Rush chase him and get his two losses back.  Anything to get them in the ring together.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, DreamBroken said:

It is an eliminator, they said if she won then she would get the first shot after Full Gear.  

As far as her last significant win, outside of Dark, I think she's only ever won one singles match on TV, over Tay Conti on one of the first Rampages last year.  Her last match on Dynamite was also vs. Toni back in March for the Owen cup.

It sure would be nice if they gave the Eliminator challengers at least one decent size victory (talking TV not Youtube) beforehand. I'm not at all against the AEW tendency to just throw matches out there, often it renders exciting results, but small builds sure would help develop a small degree of intrigue that these Eliminator bouts often fail to present. 

7 hours ago, Log said:

As someone who has run a ringside camera for live wrestling before, I am very happy to see that they’ve given Rush a “dummy” cable to whip his opponent with. It always made me nervous when he’d use an actual camera cable for that. 

It's a good point, but it feels far too obvious. Everytime I see that neon chord I'm reminded 'prop'. Defeats the purpose of Roosh's recklessness. I like to think they could make the chord less obvious, maybe put a small sticker on it, but he sells his mindless sadist act so well that I believe he'd constantly be using the wrong chord - hence your good point. Seems they feel that way too. 

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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5 hours ago, Brandon Bones said:

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz vs. Jun Akiyama and Kenosuke Takeshita.

Next week on Rampage.

Fuuuuuuuuuck yes.

Que?!?! I didn't catch THAT being announced last night. 

This was a fun, scorry little Rampage that kept up a frenetic pace. Open was a fine sprint with Cage only having the edge because of his BEEF. Jade's money suit is absolutely fucking ridiculous and ugly as shit. Rush is a guy that Bret Hart would call both "a meat chopper" and "a formula man". He never does anything different, always beats the shit out of his opponent, and never sells unless forced to... but it works every time. Flamita is a better rival for Bandido than Rush but I can still watch them play that match back again just to see if they manage anything different. That sounds like backhanded praise but hey. And of course the Orange match was great. Him jumping right into the tech work before backing off Lee for the taunt was a fantastic start. It's just fun watching what different shit he throws into his performances with different people. When you can pull a MOTY candidate out of Will Ospreay, well you got the talent. And I loved the finish with the interference backfiring too. It's too back Chuckie T. didn't get to say the S-word though...

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