stuntmanc Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 (edited) I dislike Sammy. But holy shit, that was a goddamn main event and it wasn't all Danielson. There was a brief moment or two that I thought the avalanche Ego's Edge was going to go horribly, horribly wrong. Edited November 10, 2022 by StuntmanCrowley 8
(BP) Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 That main felt like when Foley would work his ass off to showcase Rock or Hunter’s mean streaks. 8
NikoBaltimore Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 (edited) 5 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Boy howdy that main event was the shit And I’m not the worlds best pro wrestling sleuth but methinks something stinks in Boston with Regal being out there for Mox’s promo. Maybe it’s too obvious, but the past month has certainly set it up. I honestly haven't thought of that but it is something to consider come match time. The whole thing is so compelling to me that there's so many ways to go with it all. And that's definitely a viable option. Edited November 10, 2022 by NikoBaltimore
DEAN Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Keith Lee hates the Gunns! FTR! FTR! FTR! Austin Gunn is so fucking good. He is the Barry Windham of the Billy Gunn progeny. Cash Wheeler and Swerve Strickland are all slick in the ring together. This match becomes a SPECTACLE as all eight enter the ring! Then everything goes INSANE! I loved the Suplex off the top of the turnbuckle of Austin Gunn by Dax onto everyone! Then the FTRism kick in and then The Acclaimed hits their finisher! FTR should have Lariated the Acclaim after the match was over- but SOON. MJF talks some people into the door. Ethan Page is awesome as the angry stepfather coming to the ring. Page carries it over to the ring- as Page SO channeling late stage Larry Zbysko. Ethan Page isn't the new Ted DiBiase, he is the NEW Larry Zbysko. This match is fucking great. Eddie Kingston is bumping like a 26 year old in this. Oh man, I definitely have to watch this with the International Feed tomorrow. Eddie is channeling Tenryu again. NICE Everest Exploider by Eddie. This match is awesome! ETHAN PAGE GOES OVER CLEAN AS A SHEET! The REAL Push BEGINS! Awesome! I await the outrage on the DVDVR Message Board. Wardlow destroys Ari Daivari. They COMPLETELY miss Samoa Joe turning on Wardlow. OH NO! They are going to make it a TRIPLE THREAT match, aren't they? That ruins a fun match up, if so. What are these pants that Britt Baker is wearing? Saraya SHOOTS and it is very dramatic. That was a fun wad of pro wrestling. Trent! Jay Lethal! WHY NOT? Trent does the Curt Hennig bump! Jay Lethal is so fucking good. He is mauling the leg of Barretta like Ric Flair which I personally LOVE. Ric Flair was the greatest wrestler I ever saw every month for like ten years. I'm glad someone is emulating him. Trent is selling like Ricky Steamboat. Trent OPTS to go total Steiner and hits two beautiful Suplexes. I await Danhausen to punch Sonjay Dutt's balls into outer space. Lethal takes the third hurtiest bump a wrestler can take! Danhausen punches Sonjay Dutt's balls into outer space! LETHAL INJECTION! It's HEELS NIGHT in BOSTON! I think we are working towards Jeff Jarratt versus Sting, which will be fine. Jon Moxley channels Atsushi Onita, coming out to "Wild Thing" by X. I hope he cries. MOX is great on the stick. That was fucking great. Speaking of good promos, Danielson is awesome. Skye Blue is laying it in because God knows Jamie Hayter is going to beat the fuck out of her. Britt Baker CHEATS! in picture in picture! I don't think Hayter ever kissed Skye on top of the head so this is slightly less than optimal. Reba fulfills her DESTINY and gets kicked in the face. Fun nearfall with the Code Red by Skye Blue. This match is great! Skye Blue is laying it in like @Matt D was hoping. Jamie Hayter slaughterizes Skye Blue with a fucking HORRENDOUS Lariat. That was fucking great. Skye Blue is the new Jun Akiyama to the four pillars of the AEW Women's (Hayter, Storm, Baker, Thunder Rosa). I want her to wrestle Athena next. JESUS CHRIST! Bryan Danielson is beating the fuck out of Sammy. GREAT CEASAR'S GHOST! Sammy throws a chair and CRUSHES Danielson's head! Sammy Guevara IS Terry Funk! We go to a commercial and WE GOT BLOOD! SAMMY GETS A FALL! This match is fucking great! Great Crossface section by Sammy. Oh man, great kick to the face to counter Sammy trying to a Crossbody or something. Sammy beats the hell out Danielson after Danielson beats the hell out of Sammy in picture in picture. Tay is EJECTED! The crowd always loved that. I love wrestling. Sammy Guevara is wrestling this match like Takeshi Ono- a wiry tough little bastard. SHOOTING STAR TO THE FLOOR! LaBelle Lock! Poison Rana! WALLS OF JERICHO! KNEE TO THE TEETH! Crazy ass DDT! RINGS OF SATURN! WHAT A GREAT FUCKING MATCH! Oh man, AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD. 4 4
EVA Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 6 minutes ago, StuntmanCrowley said: There was a brief moment or two that I thought the avalanche Ego's Edge was going to go horribly, horribly wrong. I had flashbacks to this: 4
For Great Justice Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 (edited) Also not sure about the Joe turn? Like Joe rules but that seems rushed? You had a nice and easy path of Hobbs/Wardlow and Joe/Cage THEN the turn…now it’s, what, Joe/Hobbs/Wardlow in a three way? I mean that will rule but what’s the rush? Edited November 10, 2022 by For Great Justice 5
stuntmanc Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Just now, EVA said: I had flashbacks to this: Jesus. I've never seen that before, and if I had I might've turned my head until the aftermath. I don't know who saved it(probably both), but it was definitely a "time stands still" moment. Great job on both Page/Kingston.
tbarrie Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 12 minutes ago, Gordlow said: I don't wanna build it up too much, but Avalon vs Cutler was a hundred million times better than Austin vs Bret at WM13. How dare you, sir. It was clearly only eighty million times better. 1 3
stuntmanc Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Also, not sure the consensus, but I thought Saraya/Baker had a great segment. I'm going to Full Gear and while this match was initially a novelty, it's now become one I'm really looking forward to 7 1
HumanChessgame Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 2 minutes ago, StuntmanCrowley said: Also, not sure the consensus, but I thought Saraya/Baker had a great segment. I'm going to Full Gear and while this match was initially a novelty, it's now become one I'm really looking forward to That was the best promo I can recall Paige cutting, but then again I don't have fresh memories of her WWE mic work. I'm still skeptical about the match itself and really don't want her to put herself in physical danger, but if geriatric Sting and a post-retirement Danielson can still go then maybe she'll be ok. This makes three women's matches at the PPV right? Samoa Joe turning heel came out of nowhere. The announcers were mentioning some tension he and Wardlow supposedly had in the past weeks but I'll be dipped if I can recall any. Joe going after the winner of Hobbs/Wardlow to set up the next program would make a lot more sense. I'm also not a fan of Kingston jobbing to Page, but I'm just hoping it means they've got something more interesting in store for Eddie.
zendragon Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 MEGAPOWERS EXPLODE!!! Pretty good show this week. Bryan continues to top himself everytime out, loved Tay getting thrown out she's so good at that stuff. Trent v Lethal and Page v Kingston where both solid but featured the same finish back to back. Great stuff from Hayter and Skye Blue, loved the out of knowwhere lariet but Tony should have called the Code Red a Code Blue. And Poor Rebel always getting hit in the face evertime out. MJF is kind of figuring it out as a main event player, but this just shows how good he can be when he's on. On the other hand the Sayara Britt promo did nothing for me. Maybe its cause I missed Sayara's entire career so I have no emotional attachment beyond Britt wearing jeans straight out of the late 90's and eye make up that reminded me of my college years where every girl suddenly decided to look like a racoon 3
JLowe Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Was about 2/3 watching the first half and missed most of the opener, so I'll have to do a rewatch Sunday on my DVR. MJF talks in his natural voice and meanders and I was mostly catching up with Texas football stuff during that segment because I don't like him and I hate that he's going to win. Kingston-Page was a very good match but at some point they're going to job Eddie to the point that beating him isn't a big win to get someone over. I was terrified for that top rope Razor's Edge, but they worked it pretty perfectly. Wardlow squash, fine. Joe turn with no build (no matter what the announcers said), fucking awful no matter how good the match will be. Lethal-Trent was awesome. Both are on that list of 20 guys you could say are in the top 10 AEW wrestlers. Jeff Jarrett once again kills my buzz and took another 10% off my goodwill towards AEW (only 10% because they did explain why he would be with Lethal and Dutt in a way I didn't think about). Saraya-DMD was too long and too shooty, even if it was some good back and forth. Too much fucking tweener stuff going on right now. Mox gives another amazing promo, he's miles above MJF on the stick (and in the ring). Mox knows who he is, and he's going to give it to you straight every time. Hayter-Skye was a slugfest and I for one was glad it was competitive because Skye is earning a higher spot on the card. Jayme still looked like a million bucks beating the shit out of her, and that lariat was FUCKING NASTY and Skye sold that like she had been hit by a train. Danielson-Guevara was brutal, Sammy once again almost kills himself. At first I thought the chair throw shot was incredibly reckless, but replay at the end showed that Bryan was ready and had his arms up. Sammy can take an ass-beating, that's for sure. 1 2
The Natural Posted November 10, 2022 Author Posted November 10, 2022 Ugh, Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett. 2 1 3
stuntmanc Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 4 minutes ago, The Natural said: Sucks Eddie Kingston lost. I agree with you on that one, but I'm interested to see where it goes. I don't think whoever wins MJF/Mox is losing the title for a long, long time, so I don't want Kingston to get his "one" shot and lose it. I want him to get his big "Foley" moment and win, so if he needed to be fed to Page to continue Page's push, I'm okay with it. Keep Kingston away from the World Belt entirely until he has the chance for the big upset. I think you only get one chance for that level of reaction. 4
NoFistsJustFlips Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 13 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Also not sure about the Joe turn? Like Joe rules but that seems rushed? You had a nice and easy path of Hobbs/Wardlow and Joe/Cage THEN the turn…now it’s, what, Joe/Hobbs/Wardlow in a three way? I mean that will rule but what’s the rush? Gimmie dat Euro-Continental two falls double title rules match with those three and it's probably the match I'm looking forward to most at the PPV. 2
JLowe Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 26 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Boy howdy that main event was the shit And I’m not the worlds best pro wrestling sleuth but methinks something stinks in Boston with Regal being out there for Mox’s promo. Maybe it’s too obvious, but the past month has certainly set it up. I know the mods here don't like just gif posts so imagine Michael Scott saying "Explain it to me like I'm 5" because I'm not catching your drift.
For Great Justice Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 3 minutes ago, JLowe said: I know the mods here don't like just gif posts so imagine Michael Scott saying "Explain it to me like I'm 5" because I'm not catching your drift. I think they are setting up Regal to turn on Mox to give MJF the win 1
DEAN Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Danhausen punches Sanjay's balls into outer space! 1 1
zendragon Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 Kinda interesting/weird finish with the 8 man. Could have had Gunns pin FTR or SioG get a win over The Acclaimed to advance either of those programs OR some sort of miscommunication or dissention between FTR/Acclaimed (maybe leading to one of the above scenarios) to further that angle. Instead we got a status quo send the fans home happy finish
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