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Posted (edited)

Let's go, Dark Order. Be poignant for them to win the AEW World Trios Championship on the anniversary of the late great Mr. Brodie Lee. Let that happen. Shame Alan Angela and Stu Grayson are no longer there.

AEW Revolution 2022, 6th March fell on my birthday. What a birthday for that, seeing The Batman with my Dad and best friend who is like a brother to me in Aje and going to Pizza Pieces getting Happy Birthday sung to me with a piece of cake and lit candle. Didn't expect that.

AEW Rampage and AEW Battle of the Belts, 7th October falls on @Gordlow's birthday. Happy returns, matey!

Edited by The Natural
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  • The Natural changed the title to Rampage and Battle of the Belts IV - 10/7/2022
Posted (edited)

Cheers, bruv! Much appreciated.


There's nothing like sharing food you love with family and friends at a birthday celebration.


Plus, I am getting FOUR HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES of AEW TV with the extended Dynamite yesterday and Rampage tomorrow. Quite a nice gift! (I also got some really nice sake and umeshu from my students yesterday. No wrestling merch so far, though).

Tony Khan's birthday is October 10th. Maybe I'm benefiting from him booking himself some fun birthday matches. 

I share a birthday with Thom Yorke (of the rock and roll combo Radiohead) and Yo-Yo Ma (who plays the cello) which I find pretty delightful. Also Rhino, who is exactly 10 years younger than me which REALLY makes me feel old.

Some pretty sweet wrestling! 

Death Triangle vs Dark Order! Man, what a gift a Dark Order win would be!

Mawks and Claudio and Yuta vs Roosh and Private Party! A little BCC for my birthday? Yes, please!

Rayne & Skye (a natural pairing) vs Tay and Jay (not as natural a pairing as it looks because their names don't rhyme).

FTR vs Gates of Agony - which REALLY feels like it was booked specifically as a birthday present for good ole Gordlow!

Jade vs Willow - Two big Willow matches in one week? Again: Yes, please!

PAC vs Trent! Oh boy! Best birthday ever!

Last year we also had the G1 on my birthday. Remember that? KENTA vs Hiromu, Shingo vs Yano and Ishii vs O-Khan on my actual birthday. And Uncle Tony gave me Deeb vs Shida on Dynamite. Also the best birthday ever!


Edited by Gordlow
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Trying to get ahead of 1:16:24 of Catch today so I can watch this tomorrow morning. I'm 2:42 in so obviously a better use of my time is writing about these shows, right?

  • BCC vs Private Party/RUSH: It'll just be great to watch RUSH interact with all of these guys, including Private Party, who he'll be a dick to. This sets up a RUSH vs Matt Hardy match, maybe? which I'd be morbidly curious about. Claudio basing for Private Party should be a lot of fun if they have time to get into some more complex spots.
  • Nese/Woods vs VBs: I don't think they'd put this on cold without some purpose. Whether it's heating Nese/Woods up for an Acclaimed match or an FTR match or doing something with splitting Pillman and Griff, it'll probably be fairly quick regardless.
  • Rayne/Skye vs TayJay: Skye and Tay will probably hit each other very hard. I doubt we get a Skye turn out of this or anything but it should be good.
  • Dark Order vs Death Triangle: Match itself will be solid because Reynolds/Silver are very good  at being wrestling savants and laying out the spots in these big crazy matches. It's not my thing but I think they're probably the best at it in AEW, at balancing big stupid matches without them seeming quite as stupid. They should have put the titles on Dark Order in the first place and if the Andrade angle is out, then they absolutely have to respect the fact they've built this up as a celebration of Brodie Lee's last match and put them over. Anything else would be nuts.


  • Jade vs Willow: This match is a potential waystation on the road to an eventual Willow win a few months down the line if she keeps getting over. She does feel like she's breaking out right now, but she's gone from bottom of the card to someone rising. I'm sure she knows what kind of an opportunity this is and she's a unique opponent for Jade and they'll make the most of it.
  • TRENT? vs PAC: It would be crazy not to run Ethan Page vs PAC next week. This will be a good high octane match but I'd probably be more interested in Chuck vs PAC or Danhausen vs PAC or Rocky vs PAC or Orange vs PAC 3 or Statlander vs PAC or Yuta vs PAC. I'm not going to lie and say this won't be good though.
  • FTR vs Gates of Agony: I said I'd find the Toa match. It's below. Remember when FTR had the Dark run last year when they were being clever asshole heels? Super over babyfaces are good too but that was a lot of fun. Again, I think both teams will really make the most of this opportunity, FTR being showcased on the special when they haven't gotten a ton of time lately, and Gates with a chance to make a mark and stand out. The nature of the other matches on the night and the physical mismatch between the teams means we probably get a long heat segment here and a huge comeback and it should be great.


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I hope the Blondes get put out of their misery tonight. They’ve been booked as totally pathetic and bottom of the food chain for so long I just feel bad for them when they’re on tv. Woods and Nese should take their lunch money though, total mugging. 

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i am confused. Are Rampage and Battle of the Belts both live tonight, or was Rampage taped before/after Dynamite, and BOTB is a separate event?

32 minutes ago, twiztor said:

i am confused. Are Rampage and Battle of the Belts both live tonight, or was Rampage taped before/after Dynamite, and BOTB is a separate event?

Seems like both will be live.

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40 minutes ago, twiztor said:

i am confused. Are Rampage and Battle of the Belts both live tonight, or was Rampage taped before/after Dynamite, and BOTB is a separate event?


7 minutes ago, porksweats said:

Seems like both will be live.

You are correct they’re live.

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4 hours ago, Matt D said:

Anything else would be nuts.

After giving the heels the win on Dynamite (specifically Sammy to stick a thumb in Andrade's eye. I know I said Tony was on drugs but in retrospect I see why) this would be especially nuts. 

Take in mind folks, Battle of the Belts is SEPARATE from Rampage on your system guide so act appropriately with your DVR. 

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11 hours ago, Gordlow said:

Cheers, bruv! Much appreciated.


There's nothing like sharing food you love with family and friends at a birthday celebration.


Plus, I am getting FOUR HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES of AEW TV with the extended Dynamite yesterday and Rampage tomorrow. Quite a nice gift! (I also got some really nice sake and umeshu from my students yesterday. No wrestling merch so far, though).

Tony Khan's birthday is October 10th. Maybe I'm benefiting from him booking himself some fun birthday matches. 

I share a birthday with Thom Yorke (of the rock and roll combo Radiohead) and Yo-Yo Ma (who plays the cello) which I find pretty delightful. Also Rhino, who is exactly 10 years younger than me which REALLY makes me feel old.

Some pretty sweet wrestling! 

Death Triangle vs Dark Order! Man, what a gift a Dark Order win would be!

Mawks and Claudio and Yuta vs Roosh and Private Party! A little BCC for my birthday? Yes, please!

Rayne & Skye (a natural pairing) vs Tay and Jay (not as natural a pairing as it looks because their names don't rhyme).

FTR vs Gates of Agony - which REALLY feels like it was booked specifically as a birthday present for good ole Gordlow!

Jade vs Willow - Two big Willow matches in one week? Again: Yes, please!

PAC vs Trent! Oh boy! Best birthday ever!

Last year we also had the G1 on my birthday. Remember that? KENTA vs Hiromu, Shingo vs Yano and Ishii vs O-Khan on my actual birthday. And Uncle Tony gave me Deeb vs Shida on Dynamite. Also the best birthday ever!


Happy birthday!!! ???

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HBD Gord, to many more! 

AEW is really good about not hot-potatoing their titles, but I'm looking for a Trios title change tonight.

I think Willow loses here and gets 'one last shot' on a Wednesday or PPV to put a little more juice behind it (49-1 makes a lot more sense too) but if they're not getting the tag belts, I think eventually you have to give teams like DO and Best Friends their due with these trios titles.

Plus, the only title change on these BOTB specials so far has been Sammy's TNT title win over Cody, which I don't think one could necessarily categorize as "fondly remembered." 

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1 minute ago, Curt McGirt said:

After giving the heels the win on Dynamite (specifically Sammy to stick a thumb in Andrade's eye. I know I said Tony was on drugs but in retrospect I see why) this would be especially nuts. 

Heels going over on Weds was all about:

  1. Danielson and Jericho the following Wednesday; Jericho lost the last match against Danielson and has to come off, to a degree, as a Honky Tonk Man vulnerable champion. Basically, on paper, Danielson has a clear advantage over him. In the first match, he only won due to a low blow after Danielson outwrestled (out-Lionhearted) him. In the second match, Danielson won.
  2. Garcia. A lot of people came in on Weds night thinking that Garcia might still turn on Danielson for a Horsemen beatdown. He took it to Jericho immediately, more or less discounting that, but the fact that the finish was Jericho nailing him with the belt (furthering the whole Ring of Dishonor theme), really cemented the turn and furthered that storyline.

You'd sort of expect the faces to go over to give Danielson momentum and put the belt even further at stake but Canada can be weird and Jericho was already the underdog on paper (even if not logically).

Now, all that said, could Sammy have been "rewarded" to a degree for not throwing a bunch back and just taking whatever Andrade threw at him, thereby not jeopardizing the main event? Maybe. I do think that Sammy challenging Garcia for the Pure title at the next PPV is a pretty solid match on paper.

But that wasn't just a fuck the fans sort of finish.

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Posted (edited)


  Went for four hours of wrestling (or, two of wrestling and two of sports entertainment) today. Sheamus vs Gunther was pretty good! Spoiler: Gunther hit Sheamus really hard, but Sheamus kept fighting back. Also, they hammered on the idea that there is dissension between Zayn and one of the Usos over and over and over and over again throughout the whole show. Maybe now I get while some folks think AEW doesn't build stories enough. Personally, I had figured out the issue well before the end of the 20-minute opening promo segment. BMMSM was fun, though. Glad I watched that.  Even though the ending sucked.

Now it's time for two hours of pro wrestling!

Hooray! Blackpool Combat Club!

Oh HOORAY. Two hours of JR.

Alpha Toro ?

AEW really feels different from WWE. You can probably guess which one I prefer.

Blond(e)s got straight squashed. Does Tony Khan have a brother or sister? Does that sibling have a daughter? Cuz they should bring in Tony's Niece.

I like how they semi-subtly set up Anna as representing Brodie Lee.

The Trios Title Match was one of those relatively rare matches where I was *really* invested in wanting one team to win. So, I was biting on near-falls. And for the second time today, disappointed by the ending of an otherwise good match.


I like PAC going straight into title defence #2. They should give PAC a new finisher where he soaks the hammer in lighter fluid, then... you know what? Never mind. Trent's piledriver  set-up was just great. More impressive to me than the table bump. Nice Savage/Tito finish.

I didn't expect Willow to win but I was still sad when she lost. She is just so likable.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I was still into it at the end of a four-hour session. I wouldn't say that Gates of Agony are made as stars now, but I feel like they hsve definitely been established at a kind of Faces of Fear level as a big-man team that's a credible threat. I came into the match already a fan, though. Interested to see how others feel.

  My hot ? takes: Claudio is strong. The Acclaimed are over with the live crowds. Mad King is very good at character work and FTR are very good at tag team wrestling.

Pretty darn good birthday!

Edited by Gordlow
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Probably gonna be a low voter on this one; my favorite match was the first one. The Bicep Slicer is an interesting new submission for Yuta. I dig his music a lot with the sword sound as his own "breaking glass". Speaking of music I LOVED Willow's, it was straight out of an '80s/'90s late-nite talk show, I expected them to pan to Paul Shaffer playing keyboards or Arsenio to walk out. This was a very "angle advancement" show and heels dominated everything for the most part. Meh. I wanted DO to get a gold watch at least. Can't say PAC/Trent or the main weren't hard hitting though. Keep the belt, Nyla! 

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26 minutes ago, ka-to said:

Why does this Excalibur keep saying sole butt?

Because Excalibur learned move names from Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium in the 90s. 


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MORE WRESTLING!  YES!  I'm NEVER going to bed!  LATE. KITTENS. DAUGHTER. SON. WORK.  AEW is WRESTLE AND ROMANCE!   It's AEW LIFER Jon Moxley!  It's Claudio Castaglio!  It's Wheeler Yuta!  Marq Quen looks good early.  This is like a New Japan undercard match.  Which isn't bad, just random.  It's the two last guys to sign contracts with AEW beating the fudge out of each other!  Private Party wait until picture in picture to hit all their spectacular stuff.  Rush is a HEAT MACHINE!  Rush has a new day-glo green cable that Mox completely leans into.  The Giant Swing is COMPLETELY preposterous.  A LOT of stuff happens!  BICEPT SLICE according to Lord Regal by Yuta for the win!  That was fun.  Random, but fun.  Speaking of random, it's Tony Nese and Josh Woods against the Varsity Blonds!  This is such a great episode of WCW Saturday Night!  THE MOTHERSHIP!  That was quick.  The Varsity Athletes are going to take on the Acclaimed?  Sure.  I'll take it.  Tay Jay and Madison Rayne and Skye Blue have a wrestling match!  I'm guessing this is all building up to Ruby Soho returning and taking on Tay Melo.  Skye Blue is our face in peril as we REVEL in picture in picture.  Tay Melo is a great heel ass kicker in picture in picture.  Anna JAS is so much better as a tagteam heel than a babyface singles wrestler.  TAY JAY are the Midnight Express of the AEW Women's division.  CREATE SOME TAG BELTS AND PUT THEM ON THEM!  Nice Northern Lights Suplex by Rayne!  GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER by Tay Melo!  Skye Blue looked GREAT in this.  Rayne thigh slapped a kick that missed by fourish inches but she was fine otherwise.  TAY JAY are fucking AWESOME.  They need to get on that Dynamite six-woman action.  Shane Strickland is menacing!  Our FIRST Main Event!  It's Death Triangle!  It's the Dark Order!  Rey Fenix is our face in peril?  GREAT fucking German Suplex by Pac!   Alex Reynolds is our face in peril?  Reynold's taint is called the "base of the spine" by Schiavonne.  Pac is the all star of this match, suplexing Reynolds on the floor.  Man, Reynolds is really taking an EXTENDED beating.  The crowd gets behind his STRUGGLE to escape the Mid-South-level ass beating from Death Triangle.  Reynolds finally makes the hot tag to 10!  Hmmmm. I'm assuming that Preston Vance will be wrestling Wardlow soon?  Johnny Hungee versus Pac would be good.  GREAT nearfall off the EVEREST Brainbuster by John Silver!  GREAT nearfall on the PENDULUM BOMB!  GREAT NEARFALL ON THE MILLION PART FINISHER.  And what the fuck happened to the finish?  So I guess they taped BotB and rolled the tape at 11?  That was weird.  EDIT:  My DVR is completely fucking up recording all of this. Trent Barretta is the most underrated guy in AEW.  That was a great top rope Superplex by Pac.  Trent starts his comeback with a Tequila Sunrise Suplex!  Pac does THE GREATEST SELL OF A DDT EVER!  BETTER THAN RVD!  So fucking great.  Pac is making Trent look like a billion dollars.  GREAT set up for and PILEDRIVER by TRENT.  FOR TWO!  This match is fucking great!  BRAINBUSTER THROUGH THE TABLE!  This match is fucking great.  GREAT NEARFALL on the toprope Suplex!  BRUTALIZER!  Trent makes the ropes!  HAMMER TO THE HEAD!  PAC WINS! PAC WINS! PAC WINS! THAT was fucking GREAT!   Pac is a TOTAL fucking WRESTLING MACHINE.   Daddy Magic is growing a MOUSTACHE!  How much more awesome can this man become?  Daddy Magic does the coolest OCHO symbol.  Jade Cargill and Willow Nightingale has the greatest crowd on earth behind it.  Jade is a heat machine!  This is definitely the best Cargill match so far.  That's how you beat some heat onto a babyface.  I love a chinlock.  GREAT LARIAT BY WILLOW!  And she goes on offense.  Second Rope SUWA DROPKICK!  And my DVR craps out!  I'll finish this tomorrow.

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