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Posts posted by Elsalvajeloco


    IMO, Heaven's Gate isn't really the worst film ever made or anything, but it is far too long and boring. The story behind it is more interesting than the movie.


    The first (plodding and disjointed) three hours sets up the last forty minutes, which were phenomenal. I plan on watching the documentary sometime soon.

  2. If Mark Henry is going to be cast as a comic book villain in a movie, he should be Darkseid.


    Cue up the Superman punch.


    The head honcho at Warner Bros. just said DC is coming out with a new film series and Rock hinted towards being in it. Lets get on that, pronto.

    • Like 1
  3. So Cormier will hold Hendo against the cage for fifteen minutes then.


    I was about to post the TL;DR version of this, but I thought I was being too contrarian. I see people all over Twitter saying Cormier is going to smash him, but the one thing I give Shogun over Cormier is that Mauricio is a more dynamic finisher. The reason for that is he is willing to completely sell out for a knockout or submission. That has been his MO for his entire career. This guy use to roll for kneebars and leglocks without hardly any setup at all.


    When I thought there was a possibility of this fight in Strikeforce at HW, I saw it as a tepid 30-27 Cormier win. There has been little that has happened since then to change my mind. If you think Cormier is going to fight Henderson like he did Cummins, apparently you haven't seen the rest of Cormier's UFC run.

    • Like 2
  4. Nope.  Maybe next year for Mad Men's final season, but HBO will probably just cast Daniel Day Lewis or some shit for TD season 2.


    There is the rumor that season 2 is suppose to be more female oriented. Is Daniel Day Lewis willing to crossdress for an award?

  5. Remake Heaven's Gate but make the penultimate scene the entire movie. Also, you can probably intersperse more Walken into the film. It would get a NC-17 rating but I totally don't give a shit. I just wanna see it.

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