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  2. Awesomely, the "Demon Squad" folks have used the MST3K experience as a net positive and successfully Kickstarted money for a sequel off the notoriety.
  3. With great Power Uti comes great Power Responsibility
  4. I mentioned this last year when Spoelstra got to 700 wins He has been coaching them since 2008 Like how the fuck is that possible besides us being a million
  5. Since they're doing Risky Business as well, that makes at least two.
  6. According to the Discord he's still got 16 years in California waiting for him. Hopefully, he's going nowhere but back inside.
  7. I think that's a pretty safe bet. If you look at the Heat over Spoelstra's tenure, he's gotten a lot out of talent that you'd think he wouldn't get much out of. I think about ten years from now, he'll go down as a coach on the same level as a Popovich when it comes to organizing a good squad. Pop had two decades of playoff level teams and Spo easily could be on a similar run aside from a couple of near misses (a game in 2015, a tiebreaker in 2017, and two games in 2019). He's either in the playoffs or a couple of games away, and to do that over 15 years is pretty incredible consistency in a game where you just don't see it like that. Imagine another 5-10 years of that.
  8. It looked like Mox was stalling for time after Hobbs' knee got hurt, like he was hoping Will could walk it off (and Emi Sakura was an absolute star doing the same thing against Yuka last weekend). So he did a few simple things like an extended punches-in-the-corner sequence to buy time, but then Hobbs' injury wasn't an insta-heal or something he could work through, so they just cut to the finish abruptly. And then the closing promo sequence felt like it was a bit stretched, because the semi-final thing ended early and nobody in there could improv a promo.
  9. Shocking. I'll bet you this makes his stock drop! All the way to... 21?
  10. Found out it’s a photoshop and got very sad
  11. Today
  12. https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/438805504_10168619006560364_1848109266251124167_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=S1vkgycv6DgQ7kNvgGFQKjr&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AfBXpY8E6cfKT6hsuliQPcOus7oN01FN-n7TeiC7TffD4A&oe=66309601 Tony Khan has the neck brace.
  13. Chan Romero, he guy who originally wrote/recorded Hippy Hippy Shake passed away at age 82.
  14. Time for my second Swiss Money Holding reference of the week.
  15. That would be hilarious. I won't make another Flex-N-Gate joke but Tony being the disgraced son who's daddy has to clean up the mess while he stands around looking forlorn and dad yells on the mic would be something else.
  16. This has actually made me want to play the OG FFVII.
  17. FWIW, before the title game I said something to the effect of "both of them are deserving, but I would vote for Young"
  18. Log


    I was going off this quote from his agent: "Our No. 1 goal is to get a long-term commitment from them," Lewis said on the eve of the NFL draft. "If we can't, then we're asking for a trade. And hopefully if he gets traded, that's what we do -- get a long-term commitment with somewhere else."
  19. Too busy having sex. Women love sex with Great O’Khan.
  20. Boy did I read this wrong on first glance! Now THAT would be commitment!
  21. Grizzled Young Veterans will be debuting on Collision this weekend
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