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  2. I’m so straight, my house is filled with tough straight stuff like leather and pictures of buff bikers.
  3. You're straight though, we queer people have different rules for our homes:
  4. “For some reason we showed Haku the Booker T/Hogan promo and he laughed for minutes”
  5. Gonna be honest, if I didn't enjoy the art of people who didn't like my skin color, I'd enjoy like zero art. Especially of the pro wrestling variety. If you don't get over some of that stuff and just enjoy the work, you'll drive yourself crazy and never enjoy anything.
  6. i think Hogan just went full Sheiky. i think it ties back into the "separating the art from the artist" idea. easier for some people than others (i mean that for both the performer as well as the audience). i can go back and appreciate '80s Hogan promos and matches for what they are, but anything after his in-ring career ended is just cringeworthy.
  7. USC was punished more harshly by the NCAA for Bush getting money from an agent than UNC did for systematic academic fraud and Penn State for covering up children being raped in the locker rooms.
  8. Today’s chain restaurant lunchtime classic rock playlist includes: skynyrd, zeppelin, Van Halen, genesis, CCR
  9. I mean we all know who the real killer was... You guessed it: Frank Stallone!
  10. I want Brian in a neck brace. Maybe in a wheelchair. Maybe gets in a wheelchair war with Adam Cole
  11. Well "Bright Eyes" is likely the closest we are getting to Rogue rampaging through the S.H.I.EL.D. Helicarrier. Alas, no Suzi B was used at all, still cameos galore and a Hulk namedrop James
  12. One Man Gang/Tiger Jeet Singh vs Harley Race/Crusher Blackwell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP3tp5ZouIU
  13. Today
  14. As far as wrestlers always using inside terms goes, I'm really enamored with the use of the word "gimmick" as a verb, adjective, adverb, noun, whatever, with multiple meanings. It's like "Smurf."
  15. So this was passed along party lines (shocker) in the FTC. It's not something that was ratified by congress or anything like that, and could change based on the next elections. So it's a little shaky. Get out of your non-compete-based jobs while you can!
  16. At least it's not Spirit or Frontier, where the inflight entertainment system are the other passengers.
  17. What I don't understand about Hulk Hogan is how people can be a fan of his knowing what he's done. It's bad enough he was a selfish bastard pulling the "That doesn't work for me, brother", what he said about the victim his Son left brain damaged in a car crash but worse of all, he's a racist piece of fucking shit. The racism trumps anything he's done in wrestling and childhood nostalgia. Fucker lies as he breathes as well. Fuck Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
  18. Dave the Diver is cute but it's one of those games that tries to do a lot of things and doesn't end up doing any of them particularly well.
  19. See and I wouldn't get an undermount sink because I've never seen a top-mount sink just fall through the counter. I guess this is how I find out I'll never buy a house with Dolfan.
  20. Everyone wanted a 2v2 or 3v3 game and got a wet fart. Having Red Earth characters in the game is cool, but not re-drawing the Darkstalkers sprites is very uncool. Look at Leo standing next to Morrigan or Hauser standing next to Jedah. Absurd. Fuck that game.
  21. Horace was an okay midcard worker, and I don't think being over pushed as an nWo B-Teamer deserves this sort of vitriol.
  22. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AP-v5apmyAo&pp=ygUgQnJldCBoYXJ0IGR2ZCB2aWRlbyBvcGVuaW5nIG1lbnU%3D When it comes to best wrestling video packages, fittingly Bret Hart gets one. It barely gets talked up though so I'm doing my bit to help. This is also one of the best wrestling DVDs and documentaries as well. I never thought we'd get this DVD after what happened at Survivor Series 1997 and to Owen Hart.
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