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I still can't cotton to the ones where they don't have "ringside is hot lava" logic and fuckers are leaving the ring by going under the bottom ropes.  They do that all the time in Stardom so they can compartmentalize into triple threat matches.  The duality of the OTTR stip.  Everybody be looking for Gremlin rule loopholes.  I think it should just be if you touch the mats outside you are done.  Cut out that three card monte shit where people are weaving under and doublin' back.

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Battle Royals were cool in the 70's and early 80's when they were once a year and also the most dangerous match of the year. In every other match at that time throwing the opponent over the top rope was an immediate DQ. Then "his momentum carried him over the top rope" started and soon the DQ rule was discarded. They can be good now when they are very scripted. But they really have lost the feeling of being important. 

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On 11/17/2024 at 6:54 PM, SirSmUgly said:
  • The Undertaker has never had a match better than "fine" with Brock Lesnar (as much as I enjoyed the surprise of seeing Lesnar end the streak live at the time). 

Their HIAC match in 2002 was top tier, but other than that, yeah. All of the second-run Brock vs. Taker matches were really overrated.

On 11/18/2024 at 2:54 PM, AxB said:

And really struggled throughout his career to have a good match with anyone who isn't Mick Foley.

I was with you until this. Austin 3 stages of hell, Rock Iron man, Shawn's return match, Orton LMS, and the Danielson Mania match were all legit great.

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I liked AEW a lot more when in the early years it really was a blender of like every style imaginable, even if some of those people weren't the greatest workers, but now it's become kind of stale to me because it feels like they want to have one specific tone most of the time, with like one deathmatch every 2 months. But it doesn't feel as varied to me anymore and I've kinda lost interest as a result. Like, I don't want to dig into the "Is Will Osprey great or overrated" shit for the umpteenth time because I'm really not interested, but I do feel there's a bit of "hey what if we had 20 will osprey's" going on there sometimes and the company is less interesting for it.

  • Like 7
31 minutes ago, Death From Above said:

I liked AEW a lot more when in the early years it really was a blender of like every style imaginable, even if some of those people weren't the greatest workers, but now it's become kind of stale to me because it feels like they want to have one specific tone most of the time, with like one deathmatch every 2 months. But it doesn't feel as varied to me anymore and I've kinda lost interest as a result. Like, I don't want to dig into the "Is Will Osprey great or overrated" shit for the umpteenth time because I'm really not interested, but I do feel there's a bit of "hey what if we had 20 will osprey's" going on there sometimes and the company is less interesting for it.

This dovetails nicely with the recent report on VOW that Tony absolutely despises Toru Yano.

  • Sad 1
3 hours ago, Death From Above said:

I liked AEW a lot more when in the early years it really was a blender of like every style imaginable, even if some of those people weren't the greatest workers, but now it's become kind of stale to me because it feels like they want to have one specific tone most of the time, with like one deathmatch every 2 months. But it doesn't feel as varied to me anymore and I've kinda lost interest as a result. Like, I don't want to dig into the "Is Will Osprey great or overrated" shit for the umpteenth time because I'm really not interested, but I do feel there's a bit of "hey what if we had 20 will osprey's" going on there sometimes and the company is less interesting for it.

They brought in a lot of different sort of people in 21-22. I feel like we’ve gotten a lot more of the same this year. That’s part of why I’m sort of dreading Bailey coming in. It feels like they’re nearing a tipping point. 

On 11/3/2024 at 8:53 PM, RazorbladeKiss87 said:

Smart Mark Video should be eligible for the WON HOF. I think a lot about the early-mid 2000s is very different without them and that would extend to our modern landscape. 

After Steel City Wrestling closed, I was very happy that I got to work in Reading, PA for their Future Wrestling Alliance promotion. Great stuff with Low Ki, Hit Squad, Don Montoya, and the Maryland Championship Wrestling crew. I even got to call Quack vs. Hijo del Santo. It was like a mini-East Coast All-Star team.

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9 hours ago, Go2Sleep said:

I was with you until this. Austin 3 stages of hell, Rock Iron man, Shawn's return match, Orton LMS, and the Danielson Mania match were all legit great.

For the amount of time that HHH was near the top of the card, this is a really short list.  I don't think it's controversial to say that he's on the bottom side of main event wrestlers as far as match quality goes.  He also wrestled at a time where pretty much everyone on the roster could put on a pretty good match.  

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1 hour ago, DJ Hero Morganti said:

That reminds me of my hot take.  Comedy is just as important to pro wrestling as drama.

I agree, but I also tend to hate comedy characters.  It is one thing for the characters to be funny, but having one dude on the roster who is just a joke isn't really necessary.  Give me Steve Austin and Kurt Angle singing Jimmy Crack Corn over Santino.  With that said, the only thing that redeems Disco Inferno's entire career is when he wrestled Dean Malenko and would have won the Cruiserweight Championship if he didn't have to go to the corner to read his diagram to figure out how to put on his new finisher.


to me comedy in wrestling is like the famous restaurant scene in Goodfella's, where Henry Youngman makes a few jokes in a cameo. You get a little levity sprinkled into a serious movie, it doesn't turn the whole thing into farce

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35 minutes ago, supremebve said:

I agree, but I also tend to hate comedy characters.  It is one thing for the characters to be funny, but having one dude on the roster who is just a joke isn't really necessary.  Give me Steve Austin and Kurt Angle singing Jimmy Crack Corn over Santino.  With that said, the only thing that redeems Disco Inferno's entire career is when he wrestled Dean Malenko and would have won the Cruiserweight Championship if he didn't have to go to the corner to read his diagram to figure out how to put on his new finisher.

Yeah, comedy characters who are also portrayed as ineffective dolts don't do much for me. Eventually that one joke stops being funny. If a comedy character was portrayed like "okay, yes, they like to kid around, but don't ever actually motivate them to be serious because they'll eat your lunch", then that's far better. That's why I'm on board with Orange Cassidy and not a myriad of like characters, because it's established that Orange is extremely capable when he wants to be.

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Jaques Rougeau: yes

Santino: no


(this concludes my treatise on Comedy In Wrestling and/or my sense of wrestling humor)

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3 hours ago, Stefanie Sparkleface said:

Clearly the man hasn’t seen Yano’s DVD. Someone get him a copy.

5,000 YEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Speaking of comedy vs drama, it bugs the fuck out of me when someone argues, "TV shows do (insert drama thing here), why can't wrestling?"  The latest was Stevie Richards on his pod, arguing that 24 and the like did terrorist subplots and the like, so why did they have to cut Slaughter's reign short?

Because wrestling has a long history of handling everything in the most crass way possible, and also a long history of swearing it was real. 

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1 hour ago, Technico Support said:

Speaking of comedy vs drama, it bugs the fuck out of me when someone argues, "TV shows do (insert drama thing here), why can't wrestling?"  The latest was Stevie Richards on his pod, arguing that 24 and the like did terrorist subplots and the like, so why did they have to cut Slaughter's reign short?

Because wrestling has a long history of handling everything in the most crass way possible, and also a long history of swearing it was real. 

also Hogan needed his belt back.

Stevie's right in theory, but he's very wrong in practice for the reasons you list. And I think he knows that. He ought to, anyway, given the aspects of wrestling/locker room culture he's not been shy about critiquing.


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Disco's 1997 is one of the three best things WCW did that whole year.

There, there's a hot take. It's so hot that I hope I can use it to somehow charge my phone during this power outage.

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If you looked hard enough, there probably are examples of sensitive topics being done “tastefully/correctly.” But they are so outnumbered by all the other bad examples, it makes the number functionally zero. 

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1 hour ago, SirSmUgly said:

Disco's 1997 is one of the three best things WCW did that whole year.

There, there's a hot take. It's so hot that I hope I can use it to somehow charge my phone during this power outage.

Honestly, through the eyes of a ten year old, Disco Inferno was pretty awesome. WCW is what got me started on wrestling and I'd say the biggest factors were The Giant, La Parka and Disco Inferno for those first few weeks. 


I think the issue is that there is nothing worse than wrestling comedy that isn't funny, even if it just isn't funny to you. A regular match going bad is simply that, but bad comedy feels like it is endlessly ruining your night.

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11 hours ago, Stefanie Sparkleface said:

Yeah, comedy characters who are also portrayed as ineffective dolts don't do much for me. Eventually that one joke stops being funny. If a comedy character was portrayed like "okay, yes, they like to kid around, but don't ever actually motivate them to be serious because they'll eat your lunch", then that's far better. That's why I'm on board with Orange Cassidy and not a myriad of like characters, because it's established that Orange is extremely capable when he wants to be.

I feel like Yano does this, uses his bullshit to steal wins


5 hours ago, username said:

I think the issue is that there is nothing worse than wrestling comedy that isn't funny, even if it just isn't funny to you. A regular match going bad is simply that, but bad comedy feels like it is endlessly ruining your night.

So much Vince McMahon in this 

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