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Brian and I probably have a similar one for the Devil trailer when M. Night's name came on screen and everyone was like "LOL yeah no."

This is probably #1 for me, that trailer seemed to have everyone enthralled until M. Night's name popped up and the entire theater seemed to groan at the same time. 


Mine are a little unconventional.


The theater employee's reaction when I went to see the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode III and the uber nerds decided to have a lightsaber war in the aisle.  There was a 17 year old kid screaming at the top of his lungs for these douchebags to sit down and behave like their parents taught them how to act in public.  That was the night that I realized that there are levels to this nerd shit, and quite frankly I'm not bout that life.


Another crazy one is for the false finishes in Return of the King(another midnight showing).  By the time that movie actually ended I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of the audience I was in hated that movie.  There were about five or six loud curses when people realized the movie wasn't over for the third and fourth times.  Since then it has become my favorite of the three movies, but that shit was brutal around four in the morning. 


When I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" there was this group of Indian people who freaked out when Batman was finally seen on screen. They were clapping and cheering and screaming YEAH BATMAN ALRIGHT! They seemed so happy to finally see Batman again.


The other extreme was "Passion of the Christ", which I saw with my brother, and everyone in front of us, behind us, left and right to us were teenage girls crying.


Gotta be the night a few of us went to see Rocky 5 in the theater.  The crowd was amped up and really into it the whole night, just a really, really great experience.  But when Rocky KO'ed Tommy Morrison at the end?  This guy across the aisle from me jumped up out of his seat and was dancing up and down the aisle.  He was so excited and so into it, it was just awesome. 

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I was one of two guys that made it to the last ten minutes of Cronenberg's The Fly.  When Brundlefly went into his last transformation, I was the last man standing.  I received applause from the concession staff and a free movie pass when I exited the theater.


EVERYONE in the theater cheered when Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) got blinded and eaten by the little dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.


The audience absolutely lost it in the Avengers during the Hulk/Loki scene.


The glare I got during Star Trek: Into Darkness when I squeaked about the secret base and connecting it to the secret agent dudes the doctor from Deep Space Nine kept getting involved with was great. ;-)


I rarely go to the theater, but reactions to the pencil scene and the 18-wheeler flipping over in The Dark Knight got a lot of ooohs and aaahs.


When the fake Batman hit the mayor's window. I've never seen so many people jump, I think the whole theater moved. 

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the oddest one i've ever been at was a showing of "A History of Violence" and seemingly the entire audience would burst out laughing anytime something happened. i couldn't figure it out to this very day and still can't.


South Park - opening weekend it was packed and everybody was laughing there asses off for everything...until the mole called god a bitch. Near silence. Things got back on track quickly.


Me and a friend went to Passion of the Christ just to watch reactions of the audience. Probably the closest I have ever been to being Beavis or Butthead. 


Mississippi Burning had great audience reactions as well. The fake interrogation of the mayor especially. 


When we saw Rocky Balboa, dudes were hugging and high fiving over the computer simulated fight. By the time the actual fight came they were running around and celebrating. It was awesome.


When I was in high school, a big group of friends went to see Can't Hardly Wait and the theatre was packed. Whole crowd sang along to every song and lost their minds at every joke- it was like a Rocky Horror screening, except that no one knew all the dialogue yet.

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-Seeing Spidey 3, when out-of-control Dancin' Peter manhandled MJ, some lady shouted out, "Oh no you didn't..."


I always thought that was just a hack writer's idea of sassy talk. I had no idea people actually said it in real life.


-Seeing Star Wars New Hope when they re-released it back in the mid-90s, I took my two teen cousins who had never seen Star Wars before (this was before they released 85 different versions on dvd/blu-ray/VHS).


When Luke dropped his epically whiny "I was going to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters..." line, the entire theater broke out in uproarious laughter. Its still the single biggest laugh line I've ever heard at a movie. 


Were I George Lucas and hellbent on fucking with my movies, the first thing I would've done was go back and find a take of that scene where Luke doesn't come across as an obnoxious tool.



I rarely go to the theater, but reactions to the pencil scene and the 18-wheeler flipping over in The Dark Knight got a lot of ooohs and aaahs.


When the fake Batman hit the mayor's window. I've never seen so many people jump, I think the whole theater moved. 



The other moment that riled up my audience is when the Joker is shooting at the armored truck with Dent inside.  The Joker doesn't blow up the truck, Dent wonders if that's all, and then the Joker pulls out a rocket launcher.  We let out a collective "Oh SHIT" with that.


I only have one theater story and it is for Borat, which is the best time I've ever had at a theater. Every time something happened in that movie, there would be this awkward silence followed by someone going "heh!" making it okay for everyone to laugh. One exception: when Borat is despondent over losing everything and he angrily throws the suitcase w/ his chicken on the ground. It was so cathartic to just be able to laugh without fear of judgment that a few people started applauding.

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the oddest one i've ever been at was a showing of "A History of Violence" and seemingly the entire audience would burst out laughing anytime something happened. i couldn't figure it out to this very day and still can't.

That was me watching Shooter. Giggling like an idiot at Wahlberg wrecking everyone.


I will second the Fast and Furious franchise.... every time one of those comes out we go to the theaters and every time people start driving recklessly out of the parking lot.


Avengers was the last movie I went to where people were popping for everything especially the Hulk stuff


Borat. Wrestling scene. I've never heard an entire theater lose their minds like that.


Yes, this was it for me too. People were literally falling out of their seats. I've never been in a theatre with all the hollering and clapping and all that stuff, but this was the one time for me where the whole place was hysterical.


A couple of individual reactions...


- My wife and I went to see Tropic Thunder. She doesn't like Tom Cruise and had no idea he was in the film. She keeps nudging me... "that's someone under makeup, right? who is that?" and I keep telling her to just try and figure it out. Finally, all of a sudden, in a packed but quiet theatre, she suddenly blurts out "Oh, fuck off!"


- We watched The Guard with about twenty other people. There was an older couple near us, and the guy was silent throughout this comedy... except for the racist bits. At those moments, he would bellow this extended "ho ho ho" kinda laugh. It was hugely uncomfortable. I mean, those bits are funny, and everyone else laughed too, but this guy would still be laughing long after everyone else had stopped. You could feel the fun being sucked out of that theatre.

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I totally forgot about the Jackass movies. Jackass 1 and 2 probably got the most sustained laughter I've ever heard. So many people were out of breath, myself included.


The Sum of All Fears comes to mind as well. Man, when the nuke goes off, it was deathly quiet. Very, very awkward, especially considering how fresh 9/11 was in everyone's minds.


It's funny seeing people mention Blood and Chocolate too because that was the exact same reaction in the theater I was at.

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