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The order is:



If you missed an upgrade:

Heavy Armor: Jack 

Shields: Kasumi, Legion, Thane, Tali  Garrus, Zaeed, Grunt

Cannon: Thane, Garrus, Zaeed, Grunt, Jack, Samira/Morinth


And the order is: Non-Loyal Members, Mordin, Tali, Kasumi, Jack, Miranda, Jacob, Garrus Smaira/Morinth, Legion, Thane, Zaeed, Grunt


There's a hidden value list where you have to balance who you send back on the escorts (assuming you saved the crew) and who you need to hold the line.  You basically want to either use the low end people on your team, or send them back, and basically making sure at least two of Grunt, Zaeed, and Thane are holding the line.

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I've completed the ME2 DLC missions now. Nothing left to do except return to the Local Cluster and see what happens when you probe Uranus.

(Just kidding, I already did that. Couldn't resist).

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Back to ME3 Multiplayer, and I finally got the Black Widow sniper rifle. Why didn't anyone tell me it had a three shot clip? No wonder everyone who has one gets headshot medals every mission. I even managed to do well using the Volus Engineer... which for some reason the game keeps giving me upgrades to. He has every appearance upgrade except lights; My favourite characters (the Asari Huntress and the Salarian Engineer) only have one colour.

I was also trying to get the Combat Simulator trophies on my previous game save, before I take an Insanity run at the game itself. But it won't send me the email to start the strange occurrence storyline thing.

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The penetration mod used on the Black Widow is not a waste.  The damage drop-off is a non issue since it will still auto-kill with a headshot and putting on the mod allows you to shoot through nearly anything. 

The extended barrel is nigh useless for the above reasons.  Whatever you shoot in the head with a Black Widow should die unless we're talking boss critters with armor or shields and even so, the damage output of the rifle with the AP of the penetration mod will more than cope.

If you are big on having rapid cooldown rates for your powers or a quick reload speed for your weapons, the ammo count and weight of the BW makes it somewhat problematic which may cause you to burn a slot on the Thermal Clip reservoir or the Lightweight Material mod to compensate in addition to having to resort to a lightweight SMG or heavy pistol as your sidearm...

I tended to use the BW only with the pure Infiltrator in co-op.  Otherwise, if I needed a sniper rifle, I used the Viper, the Indra (an AR with a scope, to be fair), or the N7 Valiant.

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Decided to start a mission solo with my Krogan Vanguard, because it almost always spawns teammates in and I wanted some Gold medals. It never spawned anyone in, but I got the three Golds (Biotic Kills, Melee Kills, Total Kills). Then I died on Wave 9 because an Atlas gave me a hug :(

What's the word for a Teammate who, seeing as you're already got 4 grabs in a mission, sees you setting up a fifth (in the 'Survive Until Pickup Wave 11, mind you) and Snap Freezes the person you were going to do it to? Because I met one of those tonight.

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13 hours ago, AxB said:

Decided to start a mission solo with my Krogan Vanguard, because it almost always spawns teammates in and I wanted some Gold medals. It never spawned anyone in, but I got the three Golds (Biotic Kills, Melee Kills, Total Kills). Then I died on Wave 9 because an Atlas gave me a hug :(

What's the word for a Teammate who, seeing as you're already got 4 grabs in a mission, sees you setting up a fifth (in the 'Survive Until Pickup Wave 11, mind you) and Snap Freezes the person you were going to do it to? Because I met one of those tonight.

I think the operative term is asshole. 

Sounds like the douchebag with the Black Widow that always targets the enemies ducking behind cover that I am about to Grab.

Rippa and I used to compete to see who would be the first to get a Grab Gold Medal.  We both got really really good at it.

Nothing will put you on our No Revive list faster than stealing a Grab from one of us.

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Says the man who would snipe a guy as I was grabbing them so the game would still go through with the grab animation as I hauled a lifeless body over and not get credit for the grab

Not that I am still bitter about that or anything

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53 minutes ago, RIPPA said:

Says the man who would snipe a guy as I was grabbing them so the game would still go through with the grab animation as I hauled a lifeless body over and not get credit for the grab.

Says the man who would take cover right in the same spot where I was crouching to see who would get the Grab first.

And the man whose weapon always managed to have a penetration mod and Cryo Ammo when I was trying to get Grabs.

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Wasn't really enthused about the Batarian soldier. But then I found out how powerful the Inferno Grenades were. Shitloads of kills! Very little accuracy required!

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Grenades are pretty wonderfully overpowered across the board.  Inferno and Cluster grenades are particularly great because of the area of effect while still being pretty damn potent in their own right...

On Batarians: Having your own permanent shotgun with tons of bleed damage is swell, too, and one can never discount the aesthetic pleasures of being able to spam your very own Falcon Punch over and over (though watching your target get killed by a teammate during the long wind-up does tend to get frustrating...). 

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That heavy punch build-up was killing me, because I kept trying it on Abominations and it would go into the 'Getting choked by an Abomination until you stamp on it's head' animation before the punch could land.

The Ballistic claws are fun though. And they're on a different cooldown than the Grenades, so you can 'Nade people to get their armour off, then shoot claws at them for a Tech kill. Although why grenade kills don't count towards your tech kill total I don't know.

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52 minutes ago, AxB said:

That heavy punch build-up was killing me, because I kept trying it on Abominations and it would go into the 'Getting choked by an Abomination until you stamp on it's head' animation before the punch could land.

Not so bad since the defense choke slam / head stomp is one of the few things that doesn't trigger the detonation. 

I try to wind up well in advance of an approaching Abomination or Husk so that the punch lands before they are able to hit me.

Use the heavy melee in conjunction with the Biotic Charge or the Shock Net for maximum satisfaction.

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I think grenades don't count as tech kills since they have their own categories in the medals.

At least that is the only reason I can think of.

Just like I am 99% sure grabs don't count as melee kills

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When you get a Grab though, it does credit you with a Melee kill in the round log.

After being the Batarain, I was playing as a Drell Adept, and the Cluster Grenade kills I was getting with him did count as Biotic kills. So maybe it varies from class to class. I got Adept to level 20, promoted it, and bought a reserves pack. Unlocked N7 Demolisher for the first time. Just when I'd been betting into Grenades bigtime, I get the Grenadier class.

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I dunno what the 360 side is like, but on PS3 if you try to quick join, usually you join a mission in progress pretty quickly. And if you create your own lobby, it fills up inside of two minutes - it's very rare that you start a mission solo and don't get at least one other player in there before Wave 1 ends. Not that all of the randoms are necessarily good or anything (although some of them are frightening in terms of how high their levels are. I thought promoting a class twice made me a solid veteran, and then here comes a guy with 15 blue swirlies, and thousands of gold cups).

If they do a next-gen remaster, our characters and weapons are all stored on the EA servers, right? So we won't have to re-earn the right to have three different colours on the Salarian Engineer, or cross our fingers we get Stronghold packages a bunch of times in a row?

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4 minutes ago, AxB said:

If they do a next-gen remaster, our characters and weapons are all stored on the EA servers, right? So we won't have to re-earn the right to have three different colours on the Salarian Engineer, or cross our fingers we get Stronghold packages a bunch of times in a row?

Well, I can tell you from experience that you have separate sets of unlocks between PS3 and 360 even when both accounts are tied to your Origin/N7 HQ account... so I wouldn't hold out hope for them jumping through any extra hoops there.

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