Robert Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 Yeah, it sucks for a guy like Mil Muertes for example. He would get tons of interest as Mil Muertes but since he can't do that he offers his services as Ricky Banderas or Mesias and promoters lose interest immediatly. You would think with all this time off they'd throw the guys a bone and allow them to do the gimmicks so they can make some extra cash but it ain't happening. The big news of the day is Dorian Roldan appearing to move up in the ranks of LU. Whether that's good or bad news remains to be seen but he certainly has ideas and may start implenting them soon. 1
Jiji Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 Looking at AAA, can it possibly be good news? I mean, if it means Psycho Clown, I guess it could pay off.
odessasteps Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 If it means no Sexi Star, it's an overall win, right?
BrianS81177 Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 Quote Lucha Underground ring announcer Melissa Santos held a live stream on Instagram recently, and in that stream, Santos stated that the El Rey Lucha libre show is very close to signing a deal that would see LU come to Netflix.
Tromatagon Posted January 20, 2017 Posted January 20, 2017 If you check out the latest Masked Mats and Mayhem on youtube, we had Eric Van Wagenen on to address the hiatus and then a dope-ass Chris Roach interview on the writer's side of the show. We delivered big time this week gents.
Jiji Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Hmm, Konnan and PWI are reporting that El Rey may not be negotiating with Netflix just to air LU but to sell the show outright to Netflix. That would be amazing in terms of visibility for the show. It doesn't sound good for El Rey either way though, with them seemingly cancelling their flagship show, From Dusk till Dawn. Sounds like the shit is about to hit the fan one way or another soonish.
S.K.o.S. Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Maybe too early to be thinking about this, but I wonder if Netflix would release the episodes from any future taping all at once.
thecubsfan Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Konnan doesn't know what he's talking about (or, at best, confused things or talked to someone who confused things) and Netflix isn't buying a wrestling promotion. The LU appearing on Netflix thing is - I don't want to say an outright lie, because that's too harsh and I'm sure someone in the power structure has tried and maybe even is trying - but it's clearly being used as a golden pot at the end of the rainbow to keep the spirit of the talent up at a trying time. It's gone out there every couple months since season one two years ago, but i feel like I'm the only person in the universe who notices this, and LU fans who are very excited about this very same story every couple months. You're not being dumb, but it is dumb we are still having conversation about Netflix. (And also Netflix as if would be a panacea - there are a lot of things LU could be fixing beyond getting on one digital VOD service, and those aren't happening either.)
Jiji Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 I'm not putting much stock into it either, as Konnan always spouts dogshit rumours. And, yeah, pretty much since the end of season 1, there has been talk of Netflix but the new angle of El Rey outright trying to sell the show/package rather than just get VOD is the interesting part. Hopefully they find a buyer before the station goes tits up.
HumanChessgame Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 Ever since I heard about the GLOW series coming to Netflix I'd wondered if they would consider airing a wrestling show. It wouldn't have to be them creating an original promotion or having a hand in the booking, just airing the finished product. Does LU really cost that much to produce?
NikoBaltimore Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 The thought of El Rey possibly going belly up makes me really sad. So much goodness is on there that it'd suck to lose that. But regarding LU I'm hopeful they'll find a way to keep it going. At the same time with all the contractual drama and everything else I also fear it's the start of a slow decline until they have to cease operations. 2
thecubsfan Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 El Rey is no closer to going belly up today than they were a month ago. The decision to split up the episodes was on El Rey's side. It's possible LU's ownership let them know they weren't going to be taping as soon as originally expected and that affected El Rey's decision, but otherwise the issues with LU aren't really connected to El Rey. LU won't have a slow decline. Here are the two most likely paths LU episodes return to airing this summer and air the full season 3, El Rey says they want Season 4, the other investors want to pay for Season 4, Season 4 is taped very late this year or early next year and things continue on normally until the next fork in the road. Everyone who was part of Season 3, whether they're still on good terms with AAA or quit or got fired, are still available to be used if the writers want to use them. LU episodes return to airing this summer and air the full season 3, El Rey says they want Season 4, but the investors aren't willing to put up enough money to keep it going, and no Netflix/movie/whatever deal gets done to bridge the gap. The 3 seasons taped continued to get sold internationally, but production on the show ends, and everyone is released from their contract. (And then there's quite a bit of a chaos with WWE eventually going after people who are now free agents.) It's going to be a sudden decline or rise either way - they're either going to have the money or they're not going to have the money by some deadline, and that'll decide things. It will be slow, because it's a long time before anyone has to make a decision and we might not get much info on which way it's leaning until that decision is made. (The silver lining to this break is it buys LU much more time to deals done to find some funding. The flip side is if they come back with the rest of Season 4 in June or August or whenever and the business status quo hasn't changed in anyway, we probably shouldn't be too attached to the future of the show. It's not just that it'd be nice for LU to be on Netflix, it's that LU probably needs to be on Netflix - and probably other less public deals too - just to survive. Every month they're not is ticking down the clock.)
Tromatagon Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 El Rey is getting lowballed by Spectrum and might get kicked off of the service, which would fuck them over pretty badly, but Spectrum insists that a deal with Univision will be reached (after me going after them like a savage on Twitter the second I saw the text scroll on my screen)
Ramo2653 Posted January 31, 2017 Posted January 31, 2017 U-Verse just picked up El Rey too. I watched a bunch of kung-fu flicks on Sunday before the Rumble.
Curt McGirt Posted January 31, 2017 Posted January 31, 2017 In an imaginary world Matt Hardy would be a money mark, buy out LU, storyline feud with Dario, and we would have the best season ever. In the real world TNA has lived so far beyond its price of purchase we can only pray that LU can be struck with the same mojo. Stranger things have and are happening.
Tromatagon Posted January 31, 2017 Posted January 31, 2017 I'm usually the doom and gloom guy on our podcast but shit's sort of fine and it looks like things are going to be okay for the show itself; if they lose Pentagon I'll never watch the show again and they'll be dead to me though
FluffSnackwell Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 Next year's Rumble: 'Taker's old ass can't even make it to the ring during the allotted minute and a half interval between entrants when suddenly Thrill Switch starts playing, Pentagon breaks his arm before he even enters the ring knocking him out of the Rumble and essentially taking his spot in the match. Or Vince watches this season of LU, deduces that Pentagon is a jobber that frequently loses to lady ninjas a third his size via piledriving himself leading to Pentagon being redubbed once again as LuchaSkeletor and entering into a 20,000,000,000,000,000,000 match series with Calisto.
Tromatagon Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 I think he'd give him a girl's name like Kalisto and just job him out like Kalisto
Tromatagon Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 Aaaaaaaaaaaand Spectrum, my cable company, just lost El Rey Network.
thecubsfan Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 The *good?* thing is this move also removes Univision and Unimas and that entire family of networks, so there are a going to be a lot of angry people and this shouldn't last too long.
Tromatagon Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 Basically what's up is this. Spectrum is Time Warner and Charter joined as one company. Time Warner agreed to pay a certain amount for the networks and Charter agreed to pay another amount. One of the two was a lot more than the other. So they're trying to pay the low price across the service despite previous binding agreements and can totally suck ON my dick dude
thecubsfan Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 MLW says season 1/2 on Netlifx (in "north america and parts of south america") on 02/15. Lucha Underground's social media says they'll be back with new episodes on 05/31.
NikoBaltimore Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 I don't even have Spectrum, but they can all fuck right off for dropping El Rey. But on a good note, yay for new Lucha in May! That's promising, but still would love to know when they plan to film. And without giving away anything I wonder how Ricochet/Puma is featured in the end of season 3. His contract expired so it's going to look weird if come season 4 they out of the blue they write him off.
A Guy Named Tracy Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 On 2/1/2017 at 8:30 AM, Tromatagon said: Aaaaaaaaaaaand Spectrum, my cable company, just lost El Rey Network. It's back already.
Tromatagon Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 We had a pretty good Masks, Mats, and Mayhem episode last night. We interviewed Marty Elias, and put out some info that is more accurate than Court Bauer's. Netflix is happening. It won't be happening in two weeks. They gotta do a lot of subbing and dubbing to meet Netflix standards. This takes time.
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