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Sept Wrestling Jibber Jabber Thread


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Lil Vader needs to go get some experience in Japan. Look what it's done for Harry Smith.

He wrestled a some matches with his old man there in Zero-1 and the Vader Time shows. 


I wasn't expecting much when I saw his FCW look:


Posted Image


He looks like a hitchhiker that's about to rape you.


He looks like a Miz cosplayer.



Judas wept, doesn't he though?!??!

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I'd be all for Baby Vader taking over the recast roll of The Miz.


I feel like this is where I should start introducing my new wrestling meme: "CHIKARA'd!"


It probably won't take off, but neither did "KHADAFI'd!" so I'm only as much a failure at meme-making as Daniel Tosh.0.

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Can someone tell me what the deal with Freight Train and 5 Dollar wrestling is? I checked Google and could not get a clear answer. 


Im on the fence as to how "in on it" Freight Train is.  Sometimes I watch it and feel sorry for him and think Jake and Colt are dicks for poking fun at him.


Sometimes I watch it and think, Im being worked here, he's totally in on the joke. Then I cant decide if he's either the greatest actor or the worst wrestler.


Cant believe Vader Junior has been released.  Wonder if Big Poppa Vader will get a Tweet to attend Raw next week!  They also released that weird looking Irish guy after like 1 month!


I've worked with Freight Train before, and I always got the impression that he knew what was going on.  He's just so happy to be there, it doesn't really matter to him.  He loves wrestling, he's having a blast, and I never once got the feeling he thought he was being taken advantage of.  Jake loves the guy, FWIW.  He's with him at all times, and makes sure he's taken care of in the ring.



Then, there's that part where, if he ended up on Raw tomorrow, we'd all be thinking, "You sold out!  You sold out!"


*J/k; I've always hated that retarded ass chant.  "You can take better care of your family!  For that you fucking suck!"

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There was a rumor going around a few months ago that they were planning on bringing Carter up as a Miz stalker/imposter/something. If it was true and that was really the only thing they could come up with for him, I'd guess that the utter failure of Miz to get over as a face since then may have something to do with his release.

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Holy shit imagine 1991 Vader showed up on Raw tonight? They need more awesome big men, there's been no-one since Show.

I don't understand this comment.  You mean that none have debuted since The Big Show?  There's Batista and Brock Lesnar, but on the whole, fair enough.  But for about ten years since Show debuted, Undertaker, Kane, and come lately, Mark Henry have all been active wrestlers, so your implication that they don't or didn't have big/tall wrestlers is plainly false.  One of the biggest knocks against the WWE is its over-reliance on physically imposing wrestlers.

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Since I watch everything on DVR, I actually like Cole's "We're going to commercials" voice when they break. It cues me to fast forward. Micheal Cole, modern day announcer for our technology.


I hear that voice and my thumb instantly twitches eight times in the vicinity of the "30 sec. advance" button.


Halftime of an EPL game is 30 twitches.

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