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Rey Jr is 41 today. So yeah... y'all are fucking old.


Of course - I never realized that Rey was 6 weeks older than me.

FINALLY! I have someone my age who has worse knees!





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I am so happy you did not post this match so that someone else could.



I love this match so very very very very very much.


Jesus, that sequence that starts around the 4:49 mark sticks with me to this very day.

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I more didn't post it because it was post in the Eddie thread like a month ago... and in the first Eddie thread :-P


The match cannot be posted enough anywhere.   It is the best thing I ever saw on WCW.

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I don't know why I remember these things. 




Rey Mysterio Jr. v. Misterioso – Mask v. Mask  5/16/97- (PHIL SCHNEIDER): Misterioso may have been a good luchadore at one time , he seems to have some faded athleticism and some concept of what to do in the ring. However inertia and narcotic abuse had led him to be a shell of whatever potential he might have had. The mask has such an iconic role in Lucha history that even the most half assed luchadore will step it up when he is dropping the hood (as Pogo Pete mentioned earlier, I still need to see it to believe it.) Also, Rey Mysterio Jr. did not want to take his uncle’s mask in a bad match, so both guys had their working boots laced.  Misterioso unmothballed a tope to start and him and Junior did some ring side brawling, with Rey taking a nice ring post bump. Rey took the first fall rather quickly with a springboard leg drop. Misterioso controlled the second fall, doing some nice mat based submission work on Rey’s knee and gets a submission with Lucha hold #7286. Because this is Tijuana they brawl into the crowd, a section which was highlighted by Rey doing a balcony dive. They take into the ring and have a nice nearfall section highlighted by a Misterioso superplex , Junior top rope rana and a pair of really nice Nodowa’s by the rudo (getting nice height and power because Rey is so small.) Rey finally gets the duke 
with a really nice springboard rana roll up (which he had really stopped using at this point, which belays the importance of the match.) Really nice lucha match, which thankfully didn’t have the stench of Konan all over it, this wasn’t all Rey, Misterioso held his own for once, and when you watch him perform like this, you really bemoan his normal suckassness.  Don’t do drugs kids.
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I should mention that Eric and Schneider have the Rey Jr/Low Ki match from the JAPW anniversary show currently as their match of the year.


So if you have a means of watching the match you should do so

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One reason I like Rey so much is how he's the perfect antidote to so many bullshit philosophies in wrestling. "It's unrealistic for small guys to beat big guys!" Bullshit, the crowd always loved it when Rey won. "You've got to be able to cut good promos in modern wrestling!" Bullshit, the fans are clearly not there to see Rey talk. "Spot-monkeys are useless and nobody wants to watch flippy gymnastics crap!" Bullshit, the audience always pops huge for Rey's highspots. "Only white Americans can get over with mainstream America!" Bullshit, Vince Russo, Rey (and many others) have disproved your racist assumptions on countless occasions.

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He was interviewed on Wrestle Talk TV a few weeks ago. They did ask him why it was that of everyone in the Wrestling business who's ever been interviewed, none of them has ever said Rey was a twat. He says it's because he was always raised to be respectful, and he never got himself into any backstage politicking so nobody ever had reason to dislike him.

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It was actually phrased like "When I talked to Raven, he said that basically everyone in the Wrestling business has some else in the Wrestling business who thinks they're a... twat".

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Not being a huge fan of the lucha libre, I only watched this match because Meltzer raved about it.   I got my copy from Henery Hawk, before there was such a thing as RF Video.


This was actually a sequel to their match the week before in Mexico City that went to a draw and may have been even better.

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