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And his about 98 other names... 


Albert really is going to be one of those guys who I dig and think is under appreciated but in 5 years the interwebs is going to vastly overrated him and I will then start hating him.





The biggest problem with Albert is that they always tried to push him to the top, where the fans didn't want him to be.  His best role is the power guy in a tag team, but he always wrestled during a time when WWE didn't give a fuck about the tag team division. 




The first part (of three, you know how to find the rest) of his New Japan Cup Final against Goto, which I remember being really good. 


And then there were all of those times he powerbombed the shit out of Tanahashi really hard on the ring apron but those seem to have spoilers embedded in the screencaps on Youtube so search at your own peril.


Oh and then there were all those... questionable moments (the things a man does to provide for his family)



It was in a way so predictable, but still so surreal and painful to watch him go from possibly Japan's top gaijin to racist midcard variety character to "who?".


he always wrestled during a time when WWE didn't give a fuck about the tag team division. 

this implies that WWE has EVER cared about the tag division.


I always liked Albert but always resented the WWE's effort to force me to like him.  WWE always kept him in front of me, but never seem really committed to doing anything great with him.


The Finn Balor documentary just made me love the big lug even more.  He seems like a great guy that continues to be a decent human being despite being in one of the slimiest business you can try to earn a living in.


He's a guy I always kind of wanted to see better for.  I remember really liking a clip of him as Baldo in Memphis where he beats the crap out of either Erin O'Grady or Kidd Wikkid and he apologizes to them as he beating the hell out of them.  I'm glad someone linked the bizarrely good Kane match.  I liked one of the bits where they T&A took over the APA's office and made it the T&APA.  He kind of had that unfortunate situation where he was in the stable with Show, Reigns and someone else and there's this gigantic dude who doesn't seem like a giant because he's surrounded by other giants.  I'm glad he got his run in Japan because it always felt with his size and decent ring work, he sort of got a good enough run as a monster.  Oh, and I love the bit when they were winding down the Tensai gimmick and he'd lose matches on shows where he'd have to sing Christmas Carols and he'd forget the words and yell out "I'M JEWISH!".


I contend that the Tensai gimmick would have had a chance if they'd let him spend a few weeks working on the gimmick on house shows and dark matches before debuting it on Raw. Just throwing him on tv in his first match back did him no favors, as it was painfully obvious he was struggling to figure out how to wrestle as the character.


And no Sakamoto, please. That Mr. Fuji shit should have been left in the '80s.

In fact, they just should have shown clips of him powerbombing Tanahashi on the apron from NJ and promote him as a returning badass. Not hard; WWE worked with NJ back in the day.



I love me some Power Pro.  (Also Memphis Championship Wrestling in 2000.)


And I assume Doug Gilbert's infamous shoot happened before this clip, because otherwise Randy Hales smoking crack couldn't possibly have been a secret.

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