RUkered Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Shit, Technico reminded me that Chris wanted me to mention that to you, Mel. I'm using that setup to hardwire my PC downstairs while the router and modem are upstairs. It works really well. You could plug your router/modem into one upstairs, and then plug the PS3 and Xbox into the other one downstairs. I could be wrong, but I don't remember having to do any configuration. I think it was just plug and play. 1
jstout Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I rewired my whole setup to get the cable modem closer to the Xbox so I could run an Ethernet cable from the modem to the Xbox, and it runs much cleaner. I run the laptop wirelessly, even though I could technically run an Ethernet cable over to it, and the Internet intermittently drops out on the laptop two or three times a day. Maybe you have the same problem, just more often. (other folks: Mel and I have the same Internet provider). I'd still try a couple more things first (clearing your Xbox cache, deleting and reinstalling the latest GTA update), but it's an idea. It still bothers me that at one point, this setup worked correctly. So what changed?
melraz09 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I didnt know such a dalm thing existed. I saw robert post about it a few posts ago but had no idea what he was talkin about. Yeah my ps3 and xbox 360 are wireless. They worked great for ever till here recently i cant keep my nat type to open. Ill hafta get one of them things and see of it works. Much obliged technico
Technico Support Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 No problem, man. Definitely get one. As Rukered said, it's plug and play. It's also extendable, so you can buy more of them if you want more wired connections. IMO, wireless is unpredictable as fuck and should only be used as a last resort. My own wireless router has a setting in it that makes it weaker ("good neighbor policy") and that shit was enabled by default. WWWTTFFFFF If NAT is an issue, you might be able to give your Xbox/PS3 a static IP and specifically allow it through. 1
melraz09 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Mines worked good for years i dunno what the hell happened to it. If i clear the cache stout will that fuck up the dlc shit (guns & cars) or will i still have all that shit
jstout Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Mines worked good for years i dunno what the hell happened to it. If i clear the cache stout will that fuck up the dlc shit (guns & cars) or will i still have all that shit You'll still have everything. That's what bothers me about this: If it's NAT settings and lack of port forwarding and all that shit, why did it just become a problem a couple of weeks ago? Hummed along like a dream before then. And hey, just thought of this - you watch Netflix wirelessly over the XBox, don't you? Any problems with that? Just don't understand why things just recently went south when you changed nothing. Wouldn't any problems with NAT settings and port forwarding still exist whether he was on wireless or connecting with an Ethernet cable?
Robert C Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Hey melraz, did you ever check how many bars you're getting on signal strength for the XBOX?
melraz09 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I think the router/modem is screwed up. It works good outside of public games i didnt know shit about nat till here recently. It only affects public games the best of my knowledge. I think a direct plug in bypasses all that shit. But im possibly wrong somebody can correct me if i am. Yeah the signal started goin up and down from weak to strong. Thats why i bought the booster. It stays strong now but doesnt seem to help much if any.
jstout Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 You buy one of those cable signal strength amplifiers that plugs into the wall? I tried one of those and the cable worked great, but the Internet quit working completely. The less cable you run, the better.
RUkered Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Mel lays a lot of cable in that basement. I'll see myself out. 3
melraz09 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 The bad part is id hafta drill through 2 floors.
melraz09 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 That thing i got is wireless stout. I just plugged it into an outlet in the basement. My phone keeps good wifi now too.
jstout Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I see. Just got back from Los Santos - good God, either every decent player doesn't start playing until 2 a.m. or every decent player has heard the Call of Duty, 'cause both rooms I was in suckity sucked. I try to blow up the first guy I see, and he makes the mistake of trying to fight back by getting out of his car and trying to shoot me. Not smart. Ran over him, blew up his car, and then managed to kill him 16 straight times after that before he finally got a fluky kill on me. He was a Level 77. Ran out that server, joined another. At one point, five guys were around me, and I was thinking "i'm in a tight spot," but that didn't work out their way, either. Blew up two guys riding in a car, then sniped them both on the respawn and a third guy who had wandered down to see what the fuss was. He found out. One guy shot me a couple of times, but I got the best of him, too, and it wasn't long before those five dots turned into no dots. One of those shitdicks put a $3,000 bounty on me, causing me to kill him several times and put a $9,000 bounty on him when I got a sec to call Lester. One guy was in a John Travolta Saturday NIght Fever white disco suit. He should've just been wearing a neon sign over his head. He perhaps should've been dressed more conservatively. Speaking of Lester, that sumbitch never answers his phone anymore when the cops are around you. I think it's been tweaked so that Lester doesn't pick up when the cops have you in their sights (the map's flashing red and blue). 2
Robert C Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Well folks, I think I reached a milestone tonight. Looks like I won't be able to wear my helmet for a while. I blew up 97972341 Zentornos, and all I got was this stupid dunce cap. I think I just might be the first ever DVDR Dunce. This may be my proudest moment in GTA. First, I'd like to start by thanking all my fellow crew members. I couldn't have done it without you. Special shout out to the rest of the Nite Shift. Without your love and support, I never would've had the strength to make it through the dark times - the days of tanks, of jets, of getting spawn sniped 25 times in a row by some 12 year old. This is your award too gentlemen, every bit as much as it is mine. 5
jstout Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Damn, between Robert being sent to GTA prison, Mel not being able to stay in Freemode and BA-DING spending all his time fighting in the French-American Revolution or whatever the hell you do in those Assassin's Creed games, they've split up the Horsemen for the good of Los Santos. I shall go on to the end. I shall fight in Paleto Bay, I shall fight on the seas and oceans, I shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, I shall defend Los Santos, whatever the cost may be. I shall fight on the beaches, I shall fight on the landing grounds, I shall fight in the fields and in the streets, I shall fight in the hills; I shall never surrender. 3
Cristobal Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Nights like this are why this game is still awesome a year on. So, I start off by getting into a big freemode fight a few blocks from my apartment. I pick a fight with one guy, and then his buddy comes along to help. Two guys in a buzzard come in, I bring it down with one RPG, and the fight is on. This goes on for a bit, then the dude who was piloting the buzzard runs me over in an Entity while off the radar. He then tries it again, but of course I'm expecting this, so I'm somewhere you can't drive, and I shoot him when he tries. The fight goes on some, and then the same douchenozzle comes back off the radar again, this time in a tank. Me and the other team of two get him out of the tank quickly (he's pretty much the worst player in the fight,) and he sends the message 'fuk u'. Next time I kill him, I ask "Were you saving that much time or can you just not spell fuck you?" Sure enough, he goes off the radar again, (from all of a block away, and thirty seconds later he tries to run me over. I shoot him and say, "It doesn't work when I'm ready for it, dumbass," and at that point I'm done with this session. I join a group of five in a race called "McDrifty With Cheese", set to Muscle cars with it raining. I dunno if the level 40 Scottish bloke made the race or not, but the American kid he was talking to seemed pretty confident in his ability to win, as both the kid and the Scot put $10K on said Scot. It's a drifting course set in the parking lots under the highways near the airport. After the first lap of four, I'm quite comfortably in second, and over the course of it, manage to start catching up on the Scot. He's in a Dominator, which might drift a bit better, but the Gauntlet's just better overall, and at level 40, he won't have full mods on there. I win, getting $10K for the race and another $3K for the hundo I bet on me. He says "C'mon, replay, ya pussy!" suggesting he doesn't really understand how things work, cuz if you can't beat me on my first go-round, you won't on my second. That said, I manage to fuck up a turn pretty badly on the first lap, (the race is only three laps this time,) but it's the only time in the race I do, and meanwhile my car's too fast and I'm too good. I get $8K for that race, and another $8K cuz I bet $300 on myself this time. The Scot rage-quits after I win. I head back into freemode and I see bounties. The closest one is by the East Los Santos LS customs, so I head there, but the dude jumps into the shop. I wait. And wait. Dude's not coming out. Finally, there's another bounty nearby, so I go after that. I track it down and get $5K from it, and once I do, lo and behold, the first bounty has flown the coop. I drive to the helicopter pad and pick up a frogger, then I go after the bounty. He's in the industrial plant near the port, and once he sees I'm in an unarmed chopper, he gets out and tries to shoot me down. I land, try to ambush him, but he drives off. I get back in my chopper, and he goes through the Merryweather building. I land on that building, but he stays in there, then goes off the radar. I fly off to the north a bit, looking around, but it turns out he's still back by the Merryweather building. I head back there, trying to crash into his car (a red and blue Turismo) but I hit a pole of some kind and die. By the time I respawn, he's taking off. I call my Zentorno and go after him, chasing him up roads to the east, onto the highway, and eventually towards the Sandy Shores airfield. I'm driving down the runway after him, but he nails me with a sticky bomb. Costs him $9K, but he's moving away...and it's been too recent since I called my Zentorno. There's still a minute left before my mechanic will come again. Fuck. So I run back to the airport, when lo and behold, a buzzard is sitting there. Well that works. I get in the Buzzard, and I'm going to go after that bounty, but there's another bounty now that's really close. I go after him and after a short chase, blow up the car he's in and get $3K from him. For whatever reason, that first bounty had gone off the radar again, but when he came back on, he was on the train headed towards Paleto Bay. I went in and tried a rocket-slash-suicide attack, but I only succeed in crashing my chopper and blowing myself up. Grr. Now my mechanic will answer, and he brings my Elegy. I drive up the highway to get ahead of the train north of Paleto Bay, and he's gotten off it when I do. We can't see each other because of a small rise, but I climb a small grain silo, (the ladder is on the far side of it from him, and he's apparently stopped looking for me, whereas I have a sight clear as day on him and I snipe him and collect his bounty...$9k! He's gone on passive and is now running towards me. I run him over and drive back to Paleto Bay, picking up a helicopter and flying back to town. I get a bounty (only a measly $1k,) bank the two bounties, and once I do, a mugger from that bounty I'd chased all over hits me. After that failure, dude just puts a $1K bounty on me. Since a buzzard is after me, I break for the tunnel through the mall, call Lester to go off-radar, and book it home when I do. I send a mugger after the guy who sent it on me, watch it get him on tv, and then go join another race. The race is only two people (I win easily) and I go back to freemode. Right after I've banked, ANOTHER guy in a buzzard is coming for me, so I hop in my car (Zentorno) and book it for that mall tunnel again, only he gets me with a missile just before I make it in there. I go on passive, intending to send the guy the message "Brilliant, you blew up a $9K car for a $1k bounty", but as I'm doing so, another bounty pulls up beside me and sends me a friend request. Abandoning my taunt, I get into the (non-personal) vehicle he's driving, and promptly proceed to blow it up with a sticky bomb to collect his bounty...$9k. #winning. 3
Robert C Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Damn, between Robert being sent to GTA prison, Mel not being able to stay in Freemode and BA-DING spending all his time fighting in the French-American Revolution or whatever the hell you do in those Assassin's Creed games, they've split up the Horsemen for the good of Los Santos. I shall go on to the end. I shall fight in Paleto Bay, I shall fight on the seas and oceans, I shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, I shall defend Los Santos, whatever the cost may be. I shall fight on the beaches, I shall fight on the landing grounds, I shall fight in the fields and in the streets, I shall fight in the hills; I shall never surrender. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and blown to fuck Zentornos. 2
jstout Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Robert, at his parole hearing: Parole hearing man: Robert, your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. Do you feel you've been rehabilitated? Robert: Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means. Parole Hearing Man: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society... Robert: I know what you think it means, sonny. To me, it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did? Parole Hearing Man: Well, are you? Robert: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed those terrible crimes. I want to talk to him. I want to try to talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit. 3
Robert C Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 I have seen the other side. It is a desolate wasteland full of the worst of Los Santos. Where tanks roam at will in great herds, destroying all in their path. Where they sky is blackened by swarms of jets overhead. Where glitchers and god moders commit their foul crimes. Stray not from the straight and narrow path, lest ye too be cast into this foul pit of perfidy. 2
AxB Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 No racists? I would have thought Bad Sport would have been full of racists.
RUkered Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 I was sailing the raging waters, singing sea shanties with my mates, when I get a call from Melraz: "Have you seen the forum?" I get on here and see a dunce cap, docked the boat, and switched over to 360 where Stout and Robert have a party going. I join up and Stout and I do a couple missions while Robert gives us a rundown of all the chaos going on. The Horseman blood runs thick, because my first thought was, "So how many cars do I need to blow up and how many games do I need to quit so I can go to GTA jail and cause chaos with our fallen brother?" In all seriousness, the funniest part of the whole thing to me was that he probably got the dunce cap for blowing up 80 bajillion Zentornos over the last year, yet all we kept hearing over the headset was, "BOOOOOOOM fuck your Zentorno buddy!!!" You can put a man in a dunce cap, but while you were busy making sure it fit, he's pulled a RPG out of his back pocket and shoved it straight up your shiny super car's tailpipe anyway. 2
Robert C Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 No racists? I would have thought Bad Sport would have been full of racists. I spent most of the time in a party with ordinary, decent folks like melraz, jstouit, and RUkered, so I couldn't hear em. I did get a couple texts that were nicely homophobic, so i guess there's that.
jstout Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 "I think it adds 10 minutes to my sentence every time I blow up a car" ... BOOM! "There goes some dude's Adder." 2
Robert C Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 In all seriousness, the funniest part of the whole thing to me was that he probably got the dunce cap for blowing up 80 bajillion Zentornos over the last year, yet all we kept hearing over the headset was, "BOOOOOOOM fuck your Zentorno buddy!!!" You can put a man in a dunce cap, but while you were busy making sure it fit, he's pulled a RPG out of his back pocket and shoved it straight up your shiny super car's tailpipe anyway. "I think it adds 10 minutes to my sentence every time I blow up a car" ... BOOM! "There goes some dude's Adder." First thing I did when I got in there was shotgun a guy out of his Zentorno, then blow it up. It kept sending me updates on how long I had left in purgatory. The clock starts at 24 hours, and I think it adds 10 minutes or so for each personal car you blow up. I probably added less than 2 hours to my sentence while I was in there. Once I figured out the timer, I started trying to get the scum around me to blow up all of my cars. I got up to 18 of the 20 blown up before people stopped helping me out. On the plus side, taking cover behind your personal vehicle was actually a viable tactic for once. And y'all know you can't help yourselves with shiny things any better than I can. It's like shaking a string in front of a kitten. It's in our DNA, man. 2
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