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Other than that track, they really lowballed the WCC joints.  No Digital Underground, MC Breeze, or Skee-Lo?


LOL. I just downloaded "Afro Puffs" on iTunes a couple weeks back. Some fucker stole my Above the Rim soundtrack. Anyway, I just picked up this game (PS4 version) after I got out of work. I did play it on PS3 yes but fuck it. I felt it was worth the purchase. I'll report back.



Other than that track, they really lowballed the WCC joints. No Digital Underground, MC Breeze, or Skee-Lo?

Digital Underground AND Skee-lo? I knew you were a good dude.

In lieu of that, I'll accept the fact that they put "I Got 5 On It" on there, the song that's my number one "I've been singing this for years, yet the only lyrics I know are the title" favorite song.

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Just played the coolest last team standing. The teams are on the same bridge as Chickin Drifting (near Zancudo), except there are blue walls keeping people from getting off the bridge. Behind each team is eight cars. The weapon is forced baseball bats, no pickups.


So you get in a car and start driving at the other team. What you're trying to do is pin someone down so they can't go anywhere. Then you or a teammate can carjack them out of the car and someone on your team can run over them or they can try their luck beating down the opponent with a baseball bat. Running them over is easier. Being out of the car is a quick way to death. As soon as I got carjacked, I immediately began trying to find another car to get in.


We probably had two teams of 6 instead of the maximum of eight. Host played six rounds, which was way too many. Game started getting buggy halfway through - it spawned me off the bridge and I had to walk back up to it. Was trying to get to the cars when someone beat me to death with a baseball bat. Still an absolute blast.


Like for that last one, Technico.


Two of the Four Horsemen were riding last night, and by the end of the night, we needed backup.


I had just gotten kicked offline and rejoined Robert's room when I left the garage and couldn't find his dot. I said "Robert, please tell me you're not in that big scrum by the (downtown) pay-and-spray."




"Well, I guess there's going to be one more." (Begrudgingly heads to latest trouble Robert's gotten himself into)


And trouble it was. There were 10 people around eventually, counting us, and the other eight were actually pretty damn good. One guy was absolutely owning me, I think it was 23-4 by the time he mercifully left. It was one of those deals where I'd be trying to get one person in a scope knowing there was another around who could very easily shoot me, but the real problem was the guy running me over with the car from behind that I never did even see.


I think just two of them were working together, so it could've been worse, but me and Robert could never work together 'cause I'd get killed, respawn blocks away, and have two dots of my own to deal with before I could even get close to Robert. Meanwhile, at one point he had six guys around him. It was CRAZY.


What was funny is for hours before that in the same room, we were absolutely owning everyone in the place. One guy put up token resistance before he left, but he was nothing but a tiny threat. The rest of the room rolled over for us. One guy named That'sMyHusband (the pansiest name ever in GTA history) kept getting his Zentorno and we'd either blow it up or sticky bomb it and blow it up next time he got in it. We must've blown up that Zentorno at least six times.


At one point, Robert and I were like the really polite gophers from the Warner Bros. cartoons:


"Would you like to blow up the Zentorno?"

"No, you do it, I insist."

"Well, only if you're sure..."

"Yes, yes, I insist."


At one point we passed by the Mors Mutual building where cars respawn after you call the insurance and Robert blew up three personal vehicles at once. Someone had a bright yellow hearse I blew up several times. It was insane. People were punished. Then Karma caught up to us, I guess.


If anyone gets on and there's a new patch for GTA, from what I've been able to gather, it only helps with people trying to transfer their characters from the old-generation to the current-generation game. No new features or cars whatsoever. Some of the new cars in the new version are faboo. You can also put the sponsor logos like Sprunk and Redwood on cars to make them look like NASCAR cars. That's neat-o.  

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Good Lord did we get into a giant pile of shit last night.  Most of it was a hell of a lot of fun.


Nobody was on when I started up, so I just wandered around aimlessly, sticky bombing fools.  One guy put a $1000 bounty on me which pissed me off.  I mean, if you're gonna do that, do it right.  I found a group of 3 up near the expensive apartments, so I got into it with them.  3 on 1 became 5 on 1 quickly, then the guy that put the bounty started sniping me from up the hill.  About that time Stout got on and found me surrounded by dots.  He made it 6 on 2, and we ran five of em off.  Bounty boy tried to stick with us, but he ate many a sniper round before he turned tail.


We had a few smaller fights till we wound up at the Mors Mutual site, like Stout said.  ThatMyHusband (sadly his crew wasn't Ba-Ding) was driving around in that yellow hearse with SweetyM.  I put an RPG into the hearse, and things went downhill from there.  I know we blew up that hearse at least 3 times apiece.  There were a couple Zentornos that would continually spawn.  I know I blew up the green one at least 6 times, and the silver one at least 3. 


Eventually we ran all those folks off as well, and got into some more small fights.  We shot one guy out of a buzzard, and then went about 40-3 on him.  We just kept mauling folks, and even stuff that should have got us killed was working.  At one point I ran out in the middle of the street while people were in cover on either side of me.  Managed to get both of em with gratuitous Mary Lous.


Then Stout got kicked, and I found 3 dots near the expensive apartments again.  This time things were very, very different - as Stout described.  That fight must've gone on for well over an hour, and I don't think there were ever fewer than 9-10 people involved.  I know there was 1 group of 3, but I think the rest were just singletons.  It was about the biggest clusterfuck I've ever seen in freemode.  Everybody was high level, and everybody was good to very good.  I think I finished up on all but 2 of them, but I didn't dominate anybody.  It was all like 22-18 kind of scores.  I had one guy 12-8 at one point, before he started whipping me.  Probably finished down 20-14 to him.  Stout, in his wisdom, summed it up perfectly - "we need to learn the fine art of quitting while we're ahead".  I've never been allah akbared so much in one session.


Still it was a damn good night.  Got at least 250 kills.  Blew up probably close to 30 personal vehicles, with a ton of Adders/Zentornos/Entities in the mix.  Went throuh my entire supply of sticky bombs and RPGs at least 3 times.  Probably cost me between 400K and 500K.


Favorite little things:

- in the middle of that giant fight, found myself on the edge of a wall with another guy right on the other side, maybe 10 feet away.  he came out of cover right as I threw a sticky bomb at him.  Hit him right in the crotch and detonated it.  He collapsed to his knees, then his body slumped forward do it was resting on his forehead and knees.

- One guy in that mess nailed me with a Zentorno.  I wasn't killed, but wound up lying face up and spreadeagled.  He dropped a sticky bomb between my legs, drove off, and detonated while I deafened Stout with my laughter.

- Shot GearGrinderGary out of his personal truck.  Ran up all set to sticky bomb it when the world exploded.  The explosion got the truck, Stout's car, me, and Stout.  Seems he had the same idea I had, but was a little quick on the trigger.

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I had no clue Robert was even around me when I blew up GearGrinderGary, Robert, me and my car. I just saw Gary and thought "DOT!" Since Robert had already sticky bombed the car, it went up in a gigantic ball of flames after I sticky bombed it. 


I forgot about the guy in the Buzzard - he came through like he was gonna kick some ass and take some names, got shot out of the Buzzard quick and just proceeded to get punished. That was when no one else was around us and Robert and I set up several of those situations where I always hear the "Jaws" music playing in the background. We'd corner him so that no matter which way he went, he was getting shot. I always picture those dudes going "two on one, that ain't fair."


Oh yeah, I stayed in the room after the asskicking for a few seconds to hear what those guys were saying on the game chat. I figured some of them would be strategizing, but they were all making stupid jokes and laughing like hyenas. Here's a short transcript of our XBox Live chat before that:


"Dammit! Fuck! Goddammit! Fuck! He got me again! Goddammit! Fuck!"

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I signed on the One to play a little Assassin's Creed Black Flag and saw you guys on. The only reason I didn't switch over is, as Katt Williams said, "I had to wake up before Jesus and the Mexicans" for a meeting and I knew I wouldn't have enough willpower to sign off and go to bed at a decent hour if I got going with you guys. I stuck to stabbing people in 1783 and took my ass to bed at a decent hour, although I felt like I was betraying the Horseman the whole time.


I don't know if it shows you what game I'm playing or if it just says "Xbox One," but the whole time I was going, "God, I hope they don't think I'm on here playing GTA since it was just released today."


After reading your descriptions of what happened, I'm kind of relieved I didn't get on. I would have ended up 573-12 and about 700k lighter.



Edit: Almost forgot - Ba-Ding!

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Yeah, all it says is XBox One. We all knew you abandoned us for a chance to be a revolutionary Indian killing the aristocracy during the French revolution, or whatever the hell that game is. I wouldn't mind finding another game, but nothing comes to mind and I'm not buying another game system.


I've got 200 damn channels of TV and all this in-demand hoo-ha, and all I watch is basketball. I should try to get more out of my TV by watching more than the NBA, so I should probably do that instead of playing more Xbox.


It's funny, at the start of the night the other night, I was like "Damn, I gotta go beat somebody's ass in Freemode," and by the end of it, I'm like "damn, I need some time off from Freemode."


Eh, we had a really good night until that last shitshow, and I'm not sure anyone would've helped a whole lot there. 


I was thinking about the XBox One/PS4 version of online - the rooms host 30 people, so there could easily be a room where 15-16 people are warring in the same spot. Dunno if I want anything to do with that.




Other than that track, they really lowballed the WCC joints. No Digital Underground, MC Breeze, or Skee-Lo?

Digital Underground AND Skee-lo? I knew you were a good dude.


I would've totally lost my shit if Dowhachulyke and I Wish were on the WCC track list.


I wouldn't get any missions done.  I'd just pilot Franklin, grab the pimped out Blade with the emerald paintjob out of the garage and cruise through Strawberry with my green flags flying and boomin' the system.


Finding out that Spotify has playlists for basically every GTAV station is so dangerous. 


Was driving to work this morning pumping Los Santos radio and fighting the urge to PIT guys while throwing imaginary sticky bombs in my mind to every expensive car I drove past.

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Yeah yeah Burke we know you BA-DING (dalm be right back)................ (sorry guys i gotta text) but nehoo we know you were sincerely diaturbed not gettin to join it's ok lil buddy we'll be here when you wanna visit. I did see on dynasty 8's real estate page that your apartment was up for sale but hey you can stay with me mane i still love ya.

EDIT: oh yeah ive been banned from the city myself nevermind.

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Ok so i messed around in the router again tonight and imma gonna try to get back online tonight whenever my raiders start gettin their asses beat to bad to watch.


Well thanks the true melraz the boss lady the first lady the mayor got to return to the city last night. And boy were people pissed i was gone so long they shot the shit outta me. Rukered robert and myself got into multiple big ass fights. Hadda lotta fun was a lil rusty but dalm was it good to be back. My shit froze at dalm near 3 and i figured i'd call it a night. Didnt leave on purpose robert just figured it was a sign to go to bed.

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Glad to hear it, Mel. I think ol' Robert's a "multiple big ass fight" magnet. I thought about seeing who was on, but I didn't get home from work until about 2:15 and fell asleep 45 minutes later.


Glad to see RUkered taking time from BA-DING! (hold on, everybody) his busy XBox One BA-DING! (dammit! Just a second, guys) schedule to come back to BA-DING! (no, I'm not mad at you 'cause it took me 20 seconds to respond) Los Santos to shoot some people.


RUkered:texting::J.T.:phone calls.


"Hang on a second guys, I gotta take this,"

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Clearly I remember pickin' on ol' RUkered

Seemed a harmless little fuck

Oh, but we unleashed a lion

Gnashed his teeth and bit ol' Robert's breast

How could I forget?

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Did they make ya work over stout? You need to tell them about your second identity and how a city is on the brink of disaster if you dont get home on time.


Clearly I remember pickin' on ol' RUkered

Seemed a harmless little fuck

Oh, but we unleashed a lion

Gnashed his teeth and bit ol' Robert's breast

How could I forget?

And he hit me with a surprise text

My ear left hurting

Phone calls still going

Just like the day

Oh like the day I heard


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I dont know what

Or why we are poeming

But i thought id add

Although mines a lil boring

Ba-ding ba-ding in my ear

Burkes gotta nother text

But he'll soon be here

And robert so sorry that your titty

From a lion got bit-ty bit-ty

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On Ramps, doing stunt races,

On beach and swamp, with Ax on top,

Lemon yellow sun, waving like the queen,


Havoc didn't give attention,

To the fact that Crissy cannot gliii-ide,

King Cristobal the wicked,

Trolled his world...


Cristobal trolled in GTA Today-ay

Cristobal trolled his crew today.


Mel: We're doing rewrites of a song called Jeremy by Pearl Jam. Probably not your style, like.

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