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Lilian Garcia came out to a nice reaction. She was followed by Michael Cole, who received spattered boos and some applause, and JBL, who received a decent pop.

Smackdown started off with The Wyatt Family coming out to a big pop. A video recapped their feud with Kane, then Bray cut a promo while sitting in his chair in the center of the ring. Kane's pyro hit and he attacked from behind, but The Family eventually got the upper hand and left him lying.

1. Christian beat Damien Sandow. Christian won with a roll up. Christian speared him post match. Del Rio then ambushed Christian from behind, and said he'll never win the title again. He set up the cross armbreaker, but Christian reversed it and hit the Killswitch...

Renee Young interviewed Rob Van Dam backstage. Big Show and Mark Henry joined him. They team up versus The Shield tonight...

2. WWE Diva's Champion AJ Lee and Layla beat Kaitlyn and Natalya. AJ hit Kaitlyn with a running knee to the temple for the win...

Renee interviewed Ryback backstage. Ryback beat up some producer because he's a bully...

3. Rob Van Dam, Big Show, and Mark Henry defeated The Shield. Big Show caught Dean Ambrose with a KO punch and RVD followed up with a frog splash for the win.

4. The Miz beat Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter, Antonio Cesaro). The referee ejected Cesaro and Zeb from ringside. Miz rolled up Swagger from behind for the victory.

5. Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman) beat Zack Ryder. Axel won with his neckbreaker finisher. Heyman delivered a post match promo.

6. Daniel Bryan beat Wade Barrett in a No DQ match. Mr. McMahon made a surprise appearance early in the match. Bryan had Barrett in the Yes! Lock, but Vince pulled the ref out of the ring before he could signal for the bell. Barrett got the upper hand, and Vince called down Brad Maddox in a ref shirt after Barrett hit the Bull Hammer, but Bryan kicked out. Vince then took the ref shirt off Mike Chioda, but Triple H came out. Bryan put Barrett through a table and hit a top rope headbutt. Hunter counted the pin for the win. Randy Orton came out and stared down Bryan from the ramp to end the show.


Credit: prowrestling.net


Looks a good show. Isn't this only the second time The Shield has cleanly lost a six man tag? Hopefully we'll get little to no McMahon involvment in the John Cena vs Daniel Bryan WWE Championship match at SummerSlam this Sunday.


Dolph Ziggler can't get onto Smackdown either?  A show that features Zach Ryder and The Miz...with The Miz getting a clean pin.


They couldn't give that to Dolph?


He was World Heavyweight Champion, like, weeks ago.


Third loss for the Shield (Orton/Bryan/Kane, Christian/Usos)


Dolph worked Superstars, teaming with Kofi. Gotta love it!


Thanks DreamBroken. After so many matches against each other, Ziggler teams up with Kofi.


Apparently the guy Ryback beats up backstage is Drake Younger if that means anything to anyone.


I bet Bryan vs. Barrett is fun and yeah this does seem like a fun show. It seems to me like Shield vs Van Dam/Show/Henry should've been the PPV match as a six man, since Summerslam is the show where they'll be crunched for time, and that the two individual title matches could have be done on TV next week.


Really happy with this Christian push but it IS a little strange they've decided to cool off Ziggler this much.


REALLY hoping Usos/Kofi vs. Swagger/Cesaro/Fandango gets added to the Summerslam kick off now that its an hour.


It seems to me like Shield vs Van Dam/Show/Henry should've been the PPV match as a six man, since Summerslam is the show where they'll be crunched for time, and that the two individual title matches could have be done on TV next week.


Really happy with this Christian push but it IS a little strange they've decided to cool off Ziggler this much.


I would have preferred the six man to be the SummerSlam match. I'm also happy about Christian's push. Christian's had a better return this time to his short one in 2012. Poor Ziggler.



 Poor Ziggler.




Just imagine 20 years from now when he's selling old pictures of himself with AJ for $10/pop.


And below his foldout table it will read:






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Poor Ziggler.

Just imagine 20 years from now when he's selling old pictures of himself with AJ for $10/pop.And below his foldout table it will read:"AJ LEE&DOLPHWRESTLING SUPERSTAR"
I can't wait for the photo op that lets fans get in the 'Back to OVW' box with him. Probably gonna need to make it a little wider though.

Who is this Dolph Ziggler fellow you guys are talking about?  Name sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't place it.


As I said a few weeks ago, I absolutely do not understand this Christian push, but I am damn sure not going to complain about it.


I just don't think management likes Ziggler. He has a good spot in the company as a guy who will bump like crazy and make their hand picked guys look better but I don't think they actually see anything in him beyond that. I hate to say this because I like Dolph but I'm not sure I view him as a key player either. He's had moments where he looks legit but I've never felt he's on the Cena, Bryan, etc. level.  He could have pissed someone off too.. he doesn't seem like a guy who holds back.


RE: The Shield. I think it might be time to break them up. If this was 20 years ago they could have dragged it out for weeks but because there is SO MUCH television time to fill the writers could not think of a good way to keep their aura. I blame the schedule but I also blame creative.

I hate to say this because I like Dolph but I'm not sure I view him as a key player either. He's had moments where he looks legit but I've never felt he's on the Cena, Bryan, etc. level. 


(sniff)  We'll miss you, Smart Dolph.  It could have been so wonderful.


Posted Image






Who is this Dolph Ziggler fellow you guys are talking about?  Name sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't place it.



It's the failed new gimmick of Nicky from the Spirit Squad.


He's doing a Barry Horowitz/Iron Mike Sharpe gimmick.



Thanks, guys.  I'll keep an eye out for him.


Apparently the guy Ryback beats up backstage is Drake Younger if that means anything to anyone.


Hope he was wearing a hat.


What are the odds he is being punished for his brother's comments. I can't be the only one who saw a depush coming as soon as that came out.


What did he say?



What are the odds he is being punished for his brother's comments. I can't be the only one who saw a depush coming as soon as that came out.


What did he say?



Basically Ziggler's brother said on Twitter that none of the current NXT guys know how to work a crowd.


Gotta love the WWE and their weird pettiness with wrestlers. If Dolph Ziggler was harassing Divas, shitting in gym bags and failing two or three Wellness Policy violations or was related to a famous wrestler, he would be getting a monster push.


Honestly, Ziggler doesn't need the WWE. The WWE needs him. To me, Ziggler could very be their next Edge if they would just let him be himself.


If he weren't wrestling, I imagine he would be an actor and would show up in a Steve Carrell/Seth Rogan type of movie.

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