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Wrestling Clichés That Should Be Abolished

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I hate champions winning non-title matches, personally.


I think they should win the majority of them b/c the champ should be better than a midcarder no matter what the situation. It should be a big deal when a champion loses at any point. Flair went out there and showed ass when he wrestled Italian Stallion or a Rocky King but he won in the end and those guys got a tiny bit of cred b/c they could hang with the champ. Would you really want him eating a pin from one of those guys just b/c it was non-title? If it furthers a story, I have no problem with it but champs shouldn't be dropping lots of falls.

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I hate non title matches in WWE just because they often feel like the only way top contenders are decided for the mid card belts.

Why bother using competent booking and have a guy win several big matches to earn a title match, just have him beat the Champion with a rollup on Smackdown to set up a ppv title match.

Hell sometimes they even do that for the big belt. I hate it.

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I hate champions winning non-title matches, personally.

I think they should win the majority of them b/c the champ should be better than a midcarder no matter what the situation. It should be a big deal when a champion loses at any point. Flair went out there and showed ass when he wrestled Italian Stallion or a Rocky King but he won in the end and those guys got a tiny bit of cred b/c they could hang with the champ. Would you really want him eating a pin from one of those guys just b/c it was non-title? If it furthers a story, I have no problem with it but champs shouldn't be dropping lots of falls.

Not exactly. What I would want is, if the champ is going over, why announce before it starts that match is less important?

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Not exactly. What I would want is, if the champ is going over, why announce before it starts that match is less important?



I just don't think they should do non-title matches with the champion at all. If it's a singles match, title's on the line. If you want to showcase the champ or (ugh) have him drop a fall, do it in a tag match. The main reason the IC title has been such a joke for years is that the champ is rarely above the challengers. It's just a pool of 6 or so guys where they all trade wins at an equal rate, but one of them has the title because someone has to. The art of establishing contenders through non-title feuds has been completely lost.

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I like contract signings, but they've become really predictable.  How many contract signings do not end in a brawl or beatdown?


Beyond that, contract signings make no sense in an era where the GM is on tv every week booking impromptu title matches.  The champ has to sign a contract for a big PPV match, but the gm has the power to book him in a title match later in the same show?  So contracts are meaningless, then?  Or, if both parties have to sign the contract before a title match can be held, why do champions not refuse to sign the contract when Teddy Long makes a title match for later that night?  At the very least, the champ could insist on some sort of arbitration to buy himself time.


In general, I hate the "title matches every week on Raw" mentality.  Makes title defenses less meaningful.  But they're here to stay as long as tv ratings call the shots.

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In general, I hate the "title matches every week on Raw" mentality.  Makes title defenses less meaningful.  But they're here to stay as long as tv ratings call the shots.

Are you talking about the secondary titles? Because the main title is certainly not defended every week on Raw.

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That spot, in tag matches, where the heel strikes the face on the apron, which fires them up to try to enter the ring. Only to have the ref cut him off and the heels double team the partner while the face partner argues with the ref, distracting him. 


In WWE diva matches, I used to hate the spot where the divas would end up bumping heads and knocking each other out. Hasn't happened so much as it used to lately. 

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Dragging yourself to the corner to make a hot tag. It works when you're a small baby face tag team like the Hardy's or something, but it looks dumb when...say the Big Show is crawling to desperately tag Kane. I prefer the All-japan method of getting one last shot and then walking over to tag.

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In general, I hate the "title matches every week on Raw" mentality.  Makes title defenses less meaningful.  But they're here to stay as long as tv ratings call the shots.

Are you talking about the secondary titles? Because the main title is certainly not defended every week on Raw.


Talking about titles in general.  The world title hasn't been defended on tv a lot lately, but there have been (multiple) long stretches where the world title got defended on tv an awful lot.  Was worse when they had two world titles and relegated one to Smackdown and treated it like an afterthought.


I'd like to see them try some semblance of realism and give the gm the power to make matches for the following week (or later).  Not sure why they don't go that route - hey, it'd make a free tv match seem important and have some build - except that the want the show to seem completely unpredictable.

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The chickenshit heel/doesn't want to get hit in the face heel. It's basically a full contact sport that allows strikes to the face. Cowards don't involve themselves in boxing, MMA, football or even soccer, there's no reason for them to be involved in pro wrestling. If it's a manager, fine, but if the guy is a full time competitor, him being a coward makes absolutely zero sense. 

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In general, I hate the "title matches every week on Raw" mentality.  Makes title defenses less meaningful.  But they're here to stay as long as tv ratings call the shots.

Are you talking about the secondary titles? Because the main title is certainly not defended every week on Raw.


Talking about titles in general.  The world title hasn't been defended on tv a lot lately, but there have been (multiple) long stretches where the world title got defended on tv an awful lot.  Was worse when they had two world titles and relegated one to Smackdown and treated it like an afterthought.


I'd like to see them try some semblance of realism and give the gm the power to make matches for the following week (or later).  Not sure why they don't go that route - hey, it'd make a free tv match seem important and have some build - except that the want the show to seem completely unpredictable.



One thing that never gets explained is how there are so many match slots open during every RAW show. The GM or whoever can just make a match and even make it "next." Is there no match lined up? Are guys wrestling on less than 5 minutes notice?


Why is there never a main event?


Just once, I'd like to see some guy storm into The Authority's office and say that his match got cancelled because of The Authority booking a match on the fly. 

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In general, I hate the "title matches every week on Raw" mentality. Makes title defenses less meaningful. But they're here to stay as long as tv ratings call the shots.

Are you talking about the secondary titles? Because the main title is certainly not defended every week on Raw.

Talking about titles in general. The world title hasn't been defended on tv a lot lately, but there have been (multiple) long stretches where the world title got defended on tv an awful lot. Was worse when they had two world titles and relegated one to Smackdown and treated it like an afterthought.

I'd like to see them try some semblance of realism and give the gm the power to make matches for the following week (or later). Not sure why they don't go that route - hey, it'd make a free tv match seem important and have some build - except that the want the show to seem completely unpredictable.

One thing that never gets explained is how there are so many match slots open during every RAW show. The GM or whoever can just make a match and even make it "next." Is there no match lined up? Are guys wrestling on less than 5 minutes notice?

Why is there never a main event?

Just once, I'd like to see some guy storm into The Authority's office and say that his match got cancelled because of The Authority booking a match on the fly.

Very good point that I didn't really think about until now. Are we supposed to believe that the people in charge are well aware that they have three hours of television to show every Monday and they just plan on winging it? "Sure hope some guys come out here and start some shit, we have a couple hours to kill "

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Some stuff in here I don't mind because hey, it's theater. Of course the music's going to play when the face runs in because that's what signals the audience to look for it. With the big arena deal they have to do stuff big and bold and that's fine.

That said, WWE needs to get some of that indy/Japan stuff with tiered signatures that CAN finish under particular circumstances and better protection of the real bombs. It's killing the nearfalls.

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I can buy the music thing somewhat. Maybe there's a guy in Gorilla who sees someone coming and hits the button to cue their music and tron. 


Music for Roman Reigns run-ins makes no sense though since he doesn't pass through Gorilla and just seems to hang out with the fans. 

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