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Hello sorry if this seems like a complete and utter stupid question to ask but looking through the site there doesn't seem to be any mention of sets,are they still available to buy I have heard a lot about them and would like to get some.


I thought this was going to be a thread about old wrestling sets for television. I got ready to hear people demand they bring back the Smackdown fist.


Ditto. :lol:


Since I'm finally re-employed, I need to get one of these after having the NJPW set forever. Which should I get first: Memphis, Mid-South, Texas, AJPW, or AWA?


I did not do AJPW, but here is my ranking of the other four. The only I did not like much was Texas, but that was because of the overexposure of the hypocritical Von Erichs (despite greatness of Freebirds and discovered treasure Eric Embry at the end of the run).


1. Mid-South: Some of the best wrestling ever, and great angles like Hacksaw-Dibiase and Dibiase-Murdoch to boot.

2. Memphis: Jerry Lawler truly is the The King of Memphis, with Dundee and Dutch as excellent co-stars. Awesome group of rivals for Lawler throughout, especially in the early and middle part of the 80's (Rude, Savage, Bundy, and a Flair studio match cameo).

3. AWA: Really good action for most of the set, even as the company struggled to keep up with modern production and presentation. Hell, In 1989, when the company looked like it was DOA, they featured solid action.

4. Texas: I cannot overstate how much I grew to hate the Von Erich characters. David, Kerry, and Kevin could go in the ring, especially when motivated, but they symbolized the hypocritical Christian conservatives that I loathe. The Birds and Eric Embry's run in 1989 make the set worth the money, but the Von Erichs are to me what Cena is today in his most ardent haters' eyes.


Thanks man, it's really a tossup between the first two for me, all the Jerry Blackwell and Bockwinkle vs. Hennig talk makes me want the AWA but I can wait, and I can see myself disliking Texas for the same reasons you do. So: Memphis or Mid-South? I'm leaning towards the former just for the brawls and promos but I really don't know the unsung heroes of Mid-South, like Butch Reed etc. And I have seen some of the big Mid-South (both noted angles above) and a good bit of Memphis Youtube and from Phil's comps, so I'm torn.

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