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Some decent action, although the crowd was dead for a lot of it. Not a fan of HHH being added to the Bryan-Cena match. It doesn't need him, and does just seem like a way to feed his ego. MizTV went on for eons, but had a few good parts in it - largely all due to Bryan. Cena's accidental bird flip was amusing. Battle royal was mostly nothing except for a few spots. Glad to see Show back, even though it doesn't seem to set up anything for the PPV that won't wind up being rushed. The Brock-Punk build was amazing.




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People will think the ref missing AJ's tap out was a botch but it was obviously a cleverly concealed set up for a storyline on Total Divas.


Tune in next week when Nattie is overjoyed to find out she gets a pinfall victory over the Divas champion *cue Nattie talking with an agent while the Bellas look on enviously* only for something to go horribly awry *cue ominous music* leading to despair in her moment of triumph *cue Nattie coming through the curtain crying while the Funkadactyls rush to consol her*

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I'm not real big on the Wrester/Entertainer angle, despite how Bryan and Cena are bringing it intensity wise. It just doesn't make much sense. I blame the pipe bomb.


And that botch in the mixed tag match was something else. Looked like Natalya let go of the sharpshooter before AJ started tapping, and the ref wasn't having it.


-What was up with the finish in that tag match? Who messed up, Nattie or the ref?


-Nice to see HHH steal the babyface pop for pedigreeing Maddox.  It definitely would've benefited a wrestler being the first one to hit him.


-Brock promo: Believable.  


-Punk promo: *comment redacted*


-Uso's are starting to grow on me.




When Cena said he fights "For that kid in the front row.  For his dad" and pointed to a kid.  The camera cut to some kid and dad in a Cena shirt and the kid was smiling, and the dad looks down at him and says:


"It's not you."



Fucking best dad in the world ammiright?  That's that kids memories of his dad probably forever:  "It's not you."


Someone GIF that shit immediately.


Can someone make a gif of Seth Rollins saying 'oh, shit' when Big Show came out?

I think Dean Ambrose had a totally money promo tonight. It was probably the only thing I'll end up remembering long term.

There were a lot of decent segments tonight, but they all felt looooooong. If every segment was one minute shorter, it would have been a great raw.

Can anyone give me a good reason why Cody isn't throwing bionic elbows left and right now that he is face? I feel like this needs to happen.


Between Dean Ambrose's "Ghost of Andre" line and Brock Lesnar mocking Punk "taking a beginner's jui jitsu class" and then Zeb channelling Lex Luthor with his plan to drop California into the sea by setting off an explosion along the San Andreas fault, there were a lot of awesome promos tonight.I only hope next week we get a more in depth discussion of Zeb's redistricting plan, complete with Cesaro drawing in a county all for himself. "Antonioburg?" "It's an itty bitty place."


(I would include the entire Bryan-Cena segment which was a billion times better than the Punk-Cena faux shoot nonsense except fucking HHH had to come out and make sure nobody forgot about him.) 


Did I hear Cena mention a Make-A-Wish kid in his wrestling promo? Is that was that was? I mean...I don't think that's cool to do. Otherwise it was a good promo and Bryan was great also. Good segment. Rest of the show was OK I guess.


I am so beyond sick of every Cena feud being that he's a shitty wrestler, it's so tiresome at this point. However, Cena was amazing tonight during his promo, it seemed like a John Cena version of Dusty's hard times or something. Between Cena's promo, the battle royal, Vince McMahon's incredibly awesome outfit, and Cesaro using the flag as a cape this was a highly entertaining Raw.


I thought for sure Vince was coming out to the ring to fire that ref.

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I am so beyond sick of every Cena feud being that he's a shitty wrestler, it's so tiresome at this point. However, Cena was amazing tonight during his promo, it seemed like a John Cena version of Dusty's hard times or something. Between Cena's promo, the battle royal, Vince McMahon's incredibly awesome outfit, and Cesaro using the flag as a cape this was a highly entertaining Raw.


I thought for sure Vince was coming out to the ring to fire that ref.


Yes, it's played, but really, compared to Danielson Cena is a shitty wrestler.


I'm having a tough time believing that Punk is a suitable rival for Brock and that he can beat him.  I know he probably will but looking at it from a casual standpoint, Brock is leagues ahead of him.  That MMA line in the video was awesome and he still feels like a destroyer of men.  Punk just seems like a skinny smartass, wanna-be badass.  Maybe I'm thinking too much.


That Cena/Bryan segment was the tops.  Cena showed more intensity than his entire Rock feud that spanned two years.  He looked like he wanted to kill DB and it was awesome.  DB pushed them buttons and manipulated his emotions perfectly.  This match will rule.  No matter what the outcome, DB will end up looking better than ever and the match will end up being at least a good match.  No way this match will end up bad with these two.


Oh yea, Cesaro's cape was legendary.  Swagger looked bored.


I couldn't watch the whole show. But what I saw REALLY made me want to watch SummerSlam. Great job getting my money.


The Brock/Punk story has been pretty much perfect. They cast it so well at the end -- Punk still has odds to overcome but he at least has a fighting chance.


I loved the Kofi/Cesaro spot in the battle royal. I have no idea how that's physically possible.Cena/Bryan was a money promo all the way. Both guys were excellent.

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They did a fantasic job of building the top 2 Summerslam matches tonight. I'm excited for both of them.


And the Shield was fantastic tonight.

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