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No Man's Sky


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Good God, I am brutal  at space combat. Pirates killed my ass twice and I haven't even had much in the way of valuables on board. I'm holding down O to keep my speed up but I have a heck  of a time finding them.

How do I expand my inventory slots? I thought I bought some upgrade from a trader that would do the trick but it's just sitting in my inventory.

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I'm for sure waiting for the PC release now. Only games I have installed are Dota, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and X-Com.

I should probably get a larger SSD at some point. 

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I feel utterly stupid for asking this, but I still can't get a handle on what No Man's Sky really is as a game.  Is it a building game?  Exploration?  MMO?  What's the main goal, exploration?  I'm all about all of these but between Final Fantasy XIV and Fallout 4 I'm working to squeeze in another game.

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While you may eventually run into other players in No Man's Sky, it's very much a single player exploration and survival game. They are going to introduce building in the next patch, but to what extent, we don't know. While really the main goal is just to explore and survive, there is an underlying push from the game to get your ass to the centre of the universe (not Mars :().

To give you an idea of what you'll be doing, you start on a random planet in a random star system with a crashed ship and must find raw materials to fix your equipment and ship. You go around scanning fauna and flora to discover them and then can break down the flora with a tool in order to get those raw materials. You can upload (and rename) planets and every living thing you find. Filling up the game's shared knowledge bank is pretty much the extent of the "multiplayer". 

It's pretty darn fun though can get a bit monotonous even after 6 hours for me. The main issue I have is after going through most of the planets in three star systems, there isn't the diversity in planets/wildlife/plants that I was hoping to see. I'm sure it'll vary up soon enough but that is my main critique early on. That and it can be frustrating figuring out the game's mechanics as there is little hand holding.

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The main goal is exploration and survival, and the end game is to find the center of the universe and they kind of push you along to get you working on that goal. You start out shipwrecked on a planet somewhere, and the first goal is to mine material to repair and get your ship back into flying order. You begin with an exosuit and a mining tool / blaster type apparatus and off you go!!

Secondary to getting to the center, you can scan everything to an encyclopedia of sorts and you can get credits for that, as well as interacting with a trading system to generate some income for yourself in the idea that you will be needing a warp drive and the like to get between systems. The devs have really pushed the notion of not ever running into someone, although all players are playing on the same servers (not cross-platform though, one for PC, another for PS4). If I do ever come across a real person, I sincerely hope they don't blast the everloving fuck out of me, because I don't really have any interest in PVP. At least not right this second. Maybe somewhere down the road I will be looking to get into dogfights, but I am super amped on just finding stuff and looking around for now.

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The whole "you may run into other players" thing was debunked earlier today. Two guys coordinated it to make it to the same planet so they were there at the same time and neither one saw the other. Each were making changes to the environment around them and that was only local to their game. In addition, the day and night cycles were different as well. You're essentially playing a local game, or at least an online game with a very tiny "lobby." This is what they meant by that it would be incredibly rare to actually bump into someone else.

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That sounds good to me.  I won't get a chance to play this until PS4 holiday sales maybe and I'm happy to see the experience will essentially be the same for late starers and it won't be just a glut of people with souped up level 69 spaceships zooming around one-shot killing me or something.

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I haven't had any crashes as of yet.But on a completely unrelated note, I do have a huge issue with not being able to scan the last species on my starter planet. It's some fucking bird type deal, but I can't seem to get up high enough to get the scan to work, and I think i have climbed every mesa and tall structure and waited them to circle overhead. This is after having upgraded my scan visor, it's going to drive me crazy. I'm not leaving the planet until I get it done.

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My starting planet was toxic as fuck.  I did make friends with a creature with a hadrosaur head, nonfunctioning Manbat looking wings, and a shitty Giant Baba dadbod.  He shits out copper when you feed him.  

Eventually repaired my ship, and got the fuck out of there.  The second planet was DEAD.  I wasn't there long.  Alternated between the third planet, which is a PARADISE PLANET populated by multiple variations of hopping dick monsters, and a space station nearby that looks like a Death Star fucked a GoPro Omni.  Got to see a bunch of ships way cooler than mine.

When I went back to the paradise planet this morning, I found a settlement, went inside, and what was in there was pretty fucked up man.  I'll leave that for you guys to find.



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I'm guessing that everyone accesses the game from a mini "lobby" and if someone isn't in that lobby on your server then you're not going to see them.

What I'm hoping for is that at some point, you can invite people on your friends list to join your game or vice versa. I know there's a certain appeal to the serenity of exploring the depths of space alone, but playing with friends is also fun. When they roll out base building and other updates, it would be cool to actually visit those structures with friends or fight pirates and others with friends.

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Oh, and man, the subreddit for No Man's Sky turned toxic on a dime during that stream yesterday of the two players not seeing each other. So many comments about how Sean Murray is a liar, how everyone was sold a game that was advertised as something else, etc. Just days ago people were singing his praises.

It's one fucking aspect of the game, a really giant game, that may or may not be realized. People need to get a grip. You're still able to explore a nearly endless amount of planets, the game is being supported, and who knows what is coming down the line.

I'm not sure who is worse, the No Man's Sky crybabies, or the douchebag Overwatch cheaters mad that they were banned for cheating. 

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Review of No Man's Sky @ Forbes.com.

A somewhat objective article.

I think he played a little too much Mass Effect and uses that as the measuring stick of space travel games, which is kinda stupid since you don't really have direct control of any of the interstellar means of transportation in any Mass Effect games.

I dismissed most of his criticism about the game not giving you a sense of identity because you don't have a crew or get to see yourself represented as a humanoid being. 

The fucking ship is your avatar, bro.

I think he'd have looked on that a bit more favorably if he'd played Eve Online, Descent, or Elite Dangerous a bit more.

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That sub was super chill and wonderful until the delay got announced, and then it got overwhelmingly nasty almost instantly. Then it settled down again, and I thought all was well and good. I started reading it again after the launch, and holy shit, there is no better descriptor for it than toxic.

I unsubscribed last night after reading all the nonsense about the players "meeting".

I think people just had an idea of what this game was based on the stuff that Sean had said, and based on their hopes for what it could be, they feel like they were cheated out of their expected experience.

I have legitimately just been walking all over my starter planet, learning alien words and trying to decipher some of the story. Granted, I keep making incorrect choices at monoliths and the star maps in depots, but eventually I'm sure I'll get it right.

The language learning has been a huge fucking help to me. It's a whole lot easier to make correct dialog tree choices when you have some idea of what is being said to you.

Edited by grilledcheese
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The Giant Baba Dadbod aliens had a big long upper body, skinny skinny legs, hadrosaur heads, and shitty nonfunctional Man-Bat arm wings.  Kind of got around almost on all fours but not quite.  They were super friendly.  Like one was happy because I fed him, then got sad when I shot him by accident trying to mine what I think was his poop.  Look for the Hadrobats in planet Cherobyl in the Strega system - but watch out for the Jerkrabs, they're fucking assholes.

I don't bother naming a lot of stuff unless creativity strikes me.  Like I have a planet full of hopping dick creatures and gave them the default names.  Too easy.  I did name one Bebop because he had a mohawk.  Plus, you can name every fucking plant you come across too.  That's a lot of shit.  I'll name the star systems and the planets though. I can't remember what the dead-ass moon is called but the paradise planet(home of the dick monsters) is called Troma.


It's also home to a settlement that when I went inside, it was overrun by murderous plant life, Last of Us style, almost.  Some of it can hurt you, and since you're in a settlement, you can't fight back.

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