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Raw 5-11-15


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The opening segment went on for-fucking-ever, and then Dean won a fun little handicap match with the goons. Barrett-Dolph part 393958585 was a thing that further helped Dolph a ton. He got to lose, get laid out with Barrett's finisher, and then get laid out with Sheamus's. Rowan squashed Fandango, and we got a really fun Cena-Neville match. Other than Cena selling an outside-in shoulder before it hit and running to counter Neville AA flip-out before he flipped, it was quite great. Finish was perfect for what it needed to be, as Neville shouldn't be jobbing.


Roman-Kane brawl was okay, although Kane kicked his ass and Roman got lucky with two moves. Brie-Tamina was awful besides Booker's note that Tamina has put on "five to eight pounds of muscle". Mandow-Axelmania sucked.


Bryan's speech was something else. He's the last real-feeling guy in U.S. wrestling. He comes off as so genuine with everything he does. He vacated the title and said that he's had an MRI and has no idea how long he'll be out. It could be weeks, months, or his career could be over - just like last year. 


Cesaro-Big E ruled, although E damn near broke his neck taking a risky bump off a belly to belly. PTPs skit sucked, and Ryback-Bray's stuff sucked worse. Main event was a good-ish match and I liked Dean standing tall at the end. Shame it's STILL ALL ABOUT KANE VS. SETH ROLLINS here because they have a chance to once again get a new top-level guy over.




Screens - 








Sabrina the Tweetage Witch







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It's funny, when Bryan's segment started I was thinking jeez, either this crowd is dead for everything or he's cooled off some being off TV. By the end, I was really happy about the reception he got, and hoped he either a) retires somewhat intact if that's what's called for, or b ) is healed in time for Survivor Series

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Vince better not let that shitty crowd's reaction fuck up the MandoMegoPowers.


I dunno, I just wasn't that into it. Between that, and the PTP as the Outlaws segment, I just got a bad taste in my mouth about overreliance on past stars when a) they're not themselves even involved and b ) it's not even WM season when that sort of thing is to be expected, which feels like it JUST ended. It just seemed really crappy and lazy to me. Axel had a good thing going with Ryback, and the RR for X days gimmick. Sandow got the Dustin as Se7en drop the gimmick interview, and seemed like he had a future in that. Like I said, just lazy

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They need to always do it so the guy waiting in the ring for Ambrose has to bail when he gets there because he's so fucking out of his mind and you just need to let him blow off steam for a few minutes before you want to get anywhere near him...like a brief quarantine while he flings poop everywhere and everyone just knows this is what you have to do.

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Here's the thing. Rollins-Orton as a matchup is the rock n roll band that's technically proficient and every note is perfect, but I'm still not feeling them.

Basically, they're Tesla.

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So when is someone going to tell Michael Cole that Kofi Kingston & Xaiver Woods don't look the same.  I mean he is right in front of you and you botched that so bad.


I would love to know who was the writer who decided to tel Darren Young that he loved Billy Gunn's entrance.   Sure there was a few guys in the back snickering and saying 'I bet you do"


I would have to think that Connor botched that line to Axel and Mizdow because it was confusing as hell.   Ascension vs Mega Ripoff Powers is like a cosplay fantasy gone horribly wrong

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Cena/Neville was really good. Noble almost saved that boring ass Authority opening. Cesaro is the best guy on the roster right now. Bray needs to disappear for a few months. Also we have an Elimination Chamber ppv from outta nowhere.

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So when is someone going to tell Michael Cole that Kofi Kingston & Xaiver Woods don't look the same.  I mean he is right in front of you and you botched that so bad.


I would love to know who was the writer who decided to tel Darren Young that he loved Billy Gunn's entrance.   Sure there was a few guys in the back snickering and saying 'I bet you do"


I would have to think that Connor botched that line to Axel and Mizdow because it was confusing as hell.   Ascension vs Mega Ripoff Powers is like a cosplay fantasy gone horribly wrong

I guess they all look the same to Michael Cole. Or to Vince yelling in Michael Cole's ear. 


 Nice to see Harper and Rowan back together in that screencap. I actually missed Rowan beating Fandango, as the Yankees game was also on. 

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Man, there is a real race to the bottom in attire.   Whenever I see Dolph lately I go into that stare where I'm going to pretend not to see the guy on the Sunset Strip handing out fliers to his band's gig opening for Blackie Lawless and whoever he's calling "W.A.S.P." now.



We've never needed Batista more than now.

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So are the going to build an entire card for EC or is it just going to be the EC match itself?  It coming two weeks after Payback gives basically zero setup time.  I've always wanted an EC match consisting of all members of Shield and the Wyatts after both groups split.  Something tells me this is going to basically be a rematch of the Payback main event and probably add Kane and Big Show.

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Batista coming in for one PPV cycle to get the title shot he'e owed would be boss. Too bad it probably won't happen.


He should show up while Sheamus is bragging about destroying some tiny jobber Dolph and BatistaBomb him into the center of the earth...Like Spinosaurus showing up and devouring T-Rex.

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Just now I realized Paul Heyman hasn't been around in a while as he only shows up when Brock is making an appearance (or needs something said on his behalf).  That's something that needs to change as he's one of the few people capable of interjecting something worth watching in an otherwise forgettable episode.

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For two weeks in a row, John Cena had  the best match on Raw.


If Bryan is done, put him at the commentary table. Get rid of either Booker or Lawler..or both!


I'm all for an Axelmania/Mandow team, but only if they add an Elizabeth-esque figure to the mix. Emma could work.

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I chose to play Marvel Heroes instead of watch RAW. From reading the OP, sounds like I didn't miss anything.

Depends. Which character are you playing as???



My main is Venom but I have them all at 60 & a Cosmic Prestige Daredevil.

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For two weeks in a row, John Cena had  the best match on Raw.


If Bryan is done, put him at the commentary table. Get rid of either Booker or Lawler..or both!


I'm all for an Axelmania/Mandow team, but only if they add an Elizabeth-esque figure to the mix. Emma could work.

Was thinking the exact same thing.

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I chose to play Marvel Heroes instead of watch RAW. From reading the OP, sounds like I didn't miss anything.

Depends. Which character are you playing as???

My main is Venom but I have them all at 60 & a Cosmic Prestige Daredevil.

Oh good Lord, you play the game a shitload more than I do. Most of my characters are around 25.

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