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This thread is for the classics games on NES, SNES, SEGA Genisis, N64, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBox, XBox 360, GameCube, and any other system.


I don't think I rented a game from BlockBuster with my allowance more than WCW/NWO World Tour on the N64.  I loved that game.  I didn't think it could get better, then WCW/NWO Revenge came out.  Beating folks with Goldberg in less than a minute never got old, and Sting making run ins from the rafters, complete with bat in hand was great.


Then WWF No Mercy came out.  Still the best wrestling game Ive played.  Ive never owned a Playstation anything, so I got into Smackdown vs. Raw late.  You could legit have forty minute classics against Triple H cause he reversed EVERYTHING and you actually had to breakout the moves on him.


Can we include the Japanese games too? Because I loved me some VPW2. My Kawada/Kobashi team was unstoppable!

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I still think Giant Gram 2000 is my all-time favorite wrestling game, even if i wasn't good enough to do the historical matches.


Can we include the Japanese games too? Because I loved me some VPW2. My Kawada/Kobashi team was unstoppable!


Sure. It's all open for discussion


Best Smackdown game remains Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain. An awesome game I'll still play when the mood strikes me. The other Smackdown games which deserve mentions: Smackdown vs. RAW 2006, Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth, Smackdown 2: Know Your Role and Smackdown.


VPW 2 still has the greatest tag team matches in any wrestling game I've ever played. Singles matches were usually short and not so great but tag matches were almost always amazing.

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New Japan Pro-Wrstling Toukon Retsuden 3 is a completely underrated game!

I could play that all day just for the ring entrances alone!

The victory poses were so great, including the Otani "Fist bump and fall off the top turnbuckle" pose. Add to that I had so many fun matches playing as Inoki against everyone!



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Smackdown 2 was killed for me by the ridiculously long load times.

It was torture being up late at my best friend's house playing season mode and have to suffer through:






*3 second cut scene*






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PS1 SmackDown games sucked because of shit like the loading times, followed by:


"Look! MATT HARDY and JEFF HARDY are talking."




"I wonder what they're talking about?"


And it would lead to absolutely nothing...


As for positive old-school wrasslin' game memories:

Going to my cousin's house and playing (IIRC) RAW for SEGA Genesis and FINALLY beating the WWF Championship Tournament mode.

Making up ridiculous move names in the first Smackdown.

My best friend talking another friend into buying an N64 solely for WrestleMania 2000, and it being totally worth it (for us at least).

No Mercy.

Seeing my friends go from super excited for ATTITUDE to completely mortified when they discovered it was just a shitty "update" to WAR ZONE. I still remember the collective "WTF?" reaction when the two had a match, only for Vince to pop up on the TitanTron and reverse the decision for no reason whatsoever.

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I had a PS1 before an n64 so I was stuck with War Zone and Attitude for a while. I remember being super hyped for War Zone because I was such a huge WWF fan and was really excited to finally be able to play a non-arcade WWF game. Of course it sucked but I played it a ton and enjoyed it at the time. The TV's flying in from the crowd are still lulzy to think about. Same goes for Attitude. LOVED how much blood there was in that game.


Then I was at a friend's house and played WCW World Tour on the n64 and was convinced I needed to get that system. I wound up getting an n64 that Christmas with WCW/NWO Revenge. My friend and I played that at each other's houses for hours upon hours. We would do the 40 man battle royals where it'd be pinfall only and stuff. So much fun.


I was ridiculously hyped for Smackdown Just Bring It and wound up being really disappointed because it just wasn't that good. I really liked VPW 2. I mean, it's the same engine as the WCW and WWF n64 games so of course it'd be great, but it was awesome because it didn't have the slowdown/glitches No Mercy had. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Fire Pro that was released in the US for the PS2 and have had some fun playing King of Colosseum 2.

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New Japan Pro-Wrstling Toukon Retsuden 3 is a completely underrated game!

I could play that all day just for the ring entrances alone!

The victory poses were so great, including the Otani "Fist bump and fall off the top turnbuckle" pose. Add to that I had so many fun matches playing as Inoki against everyone!



If I am not mistaken, that whole game was mo-capped by the actual NJPW Roster. Which you could tell with their animations.


I am a Fire Pro dude myself.


I've been a firepro guy since the Saturn. Which means I just passed the 15 year mark of me playing Firepro games. It doesnt matter when its been 8 years since the last good one, though. I fucking play and enjoy anything wrestling, games wise, though some I enjoy for like two weeks, and some I play the shit out of.


The wrestling games I played the most were the N64 ones, Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy, both fantastic, but my No Mercy cart had a fault where it would randomly wipe all the saved data, pain in the arse.


The Gamecube ones - both the Day of Reckoning games were pretty good. Wrestlemania X8 was fine but didn't have any kind of story mode. Wrestlemania XIX had this shitty road to Wrestlemania thing where you had to destroy arenas and climb a lot of stuff to disrupt Wrestlemania, it was seriously dull, lobbing a near endless supply of goons off ledges. There were 2 "Legends of Wrestling" games for the Gamecube too, both shite, but I did enjoy mauling guys with Big Daddy in the second one.


Played loads of Smackdown 2 with friends, it was the perfect game for groups if you had more people than controllers. Just put on a Rumble match and pass the pad when you get eliminated - do they still let you do that in WWE games? So much fun with that game, we all feared Malenko, Gangrel and Ivory since they always seemed to be eliminating us. Most loved by the group were always the Mean Street Posse and Steve Blackman, most hated was Steven Richards. Good times.


There was a Megadrive game called Wrestle War too, which remains the only game to have made my thumb bleed.


My favorites are the obvious, and previously mentioned Revenge, No Mercy, and Here Comes The Pain. I nearly flunked out of college playing HCTP with my CAW that was totally where Davey Richards got his shtick. Getting four friends in the Cell was like crack. I did order a modded PS2 so I could play KoC green and red. So many amazing matches in that game. The cumbersome navigation of the Japanese menus is probably the only reason it isn't an obvious #1. Best sim style wrestling I've ever played. For whatever reason I couldn't get into FIre Pro, and I tried.


My No Mercy cart no only wiped saved data but also slowed down with four guys on the screen. Aside from the glitches, it's probably my favorite game ever.


My cousin and I played No Mercy and Day or Reckoning 1 and 2 so much during high school/college that my Mom actually banned us from playing it in the living room.  We drove her nuts.  Mostly because the entire time we played we'd be doing "dueling JR's" on commentary.  "BAH GAWD JERRY HE'S BROKEN IN HALF!  SOMEONE STOP THE DAMN MATCH!  HE MAY BE THE TOUGHEST SOB I'VE EVER SEEN...IN THIS EN-VIR-ON-MENT!" 


Any classic wrestling game discussion would be remiss without a mention of Joe Gagne's Funtime Reviews:


To get ultra-geeky, I still think The Amazon from PRO-WRESTLING is based on Kamen Rider Amazon

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I love No Mercy, but VPW 2 is so much better. For starters, No Mercy suffered from some bad slowdown in 4 player ladder matches and 1 on 1 cage matches. Even still, from the day No Mercy came out, there would always be 4 of us who would be playing No Mercy until 4 or 5 am on Fridays or Saturdays. We went through at least 3 controllers because of how fast we would  be railing on the shoulder buttons for reversals or to fight off being KO'd. It was like all those years of playing Track and Field finally paid off with regards to super fast button tapping.


However, VPW 2 is better because it didn't suffer from that slowdown. It had the MMA mode, the awesome Kings Road mode (and dammit, every wrestling game should feature a Round Robin mode), and a better moveset. I was really disappointed that there was never a VPW 3 to build off of No Mercy.


Other than that, it was Fire Pro 6 Man Scramble, Fire Pro D, or Here Comes the Pain as far as wrestling games we'd get together and play. Few things are as funny as getting a group of friends together for Fire Pro, with 2 or 3 of you understanding how Fire Pro works, and watching the other 2 or 3 just fall on their faces in frustration because the way they play WCW Revenge/WM2000/No Mercy didn't translate to Fire Pro. The cool thing was that Fire Pro was so engaging that they wanted to figure it out and they did.


As for wrestling games I wish I could have played, I really wish I could have played Giant Gram 2000 and King of Coliseum 2. I acquired GG2K via questionable (i.e. Usenet) means, but I could never get it to work. I never played KoC2 because I never wanted to go through the hassle of modding my slimline PS2. That said, I've played a ton of wrestling games, and my breakdown of favorites by system would go something like this:


Arcade: (1) Wrestlefest - Duh; (2) Champion Wrestler; (3) WWF Superstars


NES: (1) Tecmo Pro Wrestling; (2) Pro Wrestling; (3) WCW Wrestling


Quick note about those last two: I only ever beat Great Panther once and never even made to Great Puma, and I never beat the Vader looking guy at the end of WCW Wrestling, only ever getting as close to a 2.9 pin count.


SNES: (1) SFPWXP - This was the first game I ever played on an emulator and I probably played this more on the emulator than I did most games on the SNES; (2) WWF Royal Rumble; (3) Saturday Night Slam Masters


Genesis: (1) WWF Rage in the Cage - I was one of the few with a Sega CD and this was one of the few games I had for it. Second place would be WWF Royal Rumble, except it was better on the SNES.


Saturn: (1) FPW 6MS


Playstation: (1) FPW G; (2) WCW vs the World; (3) WWF SmackDown! 2


PS2: (1) FPW R; (2) WWF SD! Here Comes the Pain; (3) Galactic Wrestling; (4) Def Jam 1 or 2


N64: (1) VPW 2; (2) No Mercy; (3) WM 2000; (4) WCW/nWo Revenge


DC: (1) FPW D; (2) Toukon Retsuden 4


Xbox: lol, yeah, no


GC: (1) Day of Judgment 2


360: (1) Uhhh, WWE All-Stars?

  • 6 months later...
2. The feeling I had when I played WCW WOrld Tour for thr first time might be unmatched man. The menu music, the 3d ring, the deep move list. I was in heaven. The dives to the outside of the ring. And THEN I played Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (Japanese Version with REAL Japanese wrestlers) and that was taken to another level. More move, more wrestlers, first game with an post-match rating system (never got a perfect score till this day).  (300 = perfect score) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnH_XtYnwBUbdHlFMjNRUjRadVNjYmFkaTVuSE9Zc3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0 (I charted a few matches. Will continue whenever I play again)


N64 Wrestling > Any TYPE of game on ANY type of system.


I, too, remember the first time I played World Tour. I didn't have an N64, just a Playstation. At the time, the Playstation wrestling games were terrible. But when I played World Tour, I was blown away. The realism, the ability to use weapons, BLOOD, all that fun stuff. The next Christmas, I begged for an N64, Revenge and Goldeneye. T'was a great holiday in 1998. One of my friend's and I played the hell out of Revenge. We'd do 40 man battle royals where you had to get pinfalls or submissions and just play for hours. Good times. I know I'm getting older when I say that they just don't make video games like they used to. I'm sure 12 year olds will complain 15 years from now about how they just don't make games like the good ol' days of CALL DUTY and all that.

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Crazy to think that World Tour and VPW 64 were released less than a month apart. WCW must have been unhappy that there was a larger Japanese roster, so they had them removed for the international release. 


My favorite is probably WCW vs The World.  All those top rope moves, the deep international roster, everything.  Great, great game.


After that, I'm a (really) old school guy.  Pro Wrestling on the NES.  Champion Wrestler in the arcade.

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