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vs Bob Stanley

w/Bobby Brown (not that Bobby Brown) vs Doc and Mike Gallagher

vs Mil Mascaras

w/Giant Baba vs Karl Kox and Dick Slater

vs The Spirit 


When it came to American masked wrestlers, I was a Spoiler and  Mr. Wrestling man myself, but always respected The Destroyer.



Destroyer is awesome. I love the postmatch in that Hansen video; Destroyer actually starts massaging Stan's leg immediately after getting the submission with the figure-four. Stan goes for the heel cheapshot; and instead of selling it with naive surprise like most guys would, Beyer is INSTANTLY on the counter-attack and all like "oh what the fuck, you ungrateful little sore-loser bastard!".

Watching the clip above with him and Hansen makes me think of the hillbilly woman Ethel in Friday the 13th Part 3 who says "That is one ugly man that goes there."

Part 5, for the record.
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