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So I happen to see over the weekend that ECWA announced the participants in this year's Super 8. And I realized that this might be the first time... well... ever that I didn't know a single guy in the tournament. So I figured I would pick one of the guys and we would go on this journey of discovery together.


(For the record: The list is: Sean Carr, Napalm Bomb, Kai Katana, Breaker Morant, Jake James, B.J. Hancock, Jason Kincaid and Corey Hollis.)


I went with Kai Katana since Napalm Bomb lead to too dicey of a Youtube search and Breaker Morant only leads to clips of the 80s Australian movie of the same name.


Katana seems to be based out of the tri-state area so I am now wonder if Ray or Pete stumbled across him at a recent show.




Katana seems to be based out of the tri-state area so I am now wonder if Ray or Pete stumbled across him at a recent show.




Not to the best of my knowledge, no. Think I only went to three live shows all last year (ROH, JAPW, Ludus) and pretty sure he wasn't on any of them.


Holy shit.  I keep forgetting that the Super 8 is still a thing.   I am trying to repress the memory of the hangover on the morning after the night of the Low Ki - AmDrag final.


I am happy to see that Jason Kincaid has followed in the proud tradition of having a proper pro wrestling name.  The lack of anyone in the upcoming tourney with the first name of Chris or Steve is very disturbing.


Yeah, I haven't been to too many shows recently.  Hey, I didn't know Sabu was managed by Morocco Mole from the Secret Squirrel cartoons.

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