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The "NEW" Tough Enough


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So I'm guessing they going to alternate male/female eliminations.  The sound mix was horrible on the show.  It's really awkward to do confessional segments when people can see them each week.  Then again, nobody in wrestling seems to pay attention to things happening on TV each week, so maybe that's a test.  If someone calls out someone on something they said in a confessional, they get disqualified.  The plea to stay should happen before they open up the voting.  Not that the mic work seemed like it would save anyone in week 1.

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At first I thought Mada was Thomaso Ciampa.  That's about all I remember about him.  Most of the other male contestants weren't that memorable either, and even less for the women.  It really needs more time to establish their personalities.  I'm going for Giorgia on the women's side, it's too early to call for the guys.  ZZ looks like he could make it based on his personality alone if his physical conditioning gets better.


The post-show segment was the only time I've not wanted to see Miz get hit by a bus.

I didn't even know his name I just call him Ciampa.

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I want to know why that whole studio was so awkwardly quiet during the live show and all of a sudden during Tough Talk there was a loud audience that made the whole thing so much more fun.

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I was amused by the constant moving of the goal posts to help Tanner the douche


Suddenly that became double the men's average

Which really amused me since Tanner wasn't the highest total person but HE WANTS TO DO MMA! HEEL!!!!

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So Patrick's the only one who has a wrestling background right? I wonder if there's gonna be an issue with the fact he did an angle on the indies with Lita (she hit him with the Twist of Fate)


He did a Periscope today and it was pretty funny because he was ignoring anyone who brought it up. He said no one in the house had wrestling experience but he had done some amateur wrestling. 

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So Patrick's the only one who has a wrestling background right? I wonder if there's gonna be an issue with the fact he did an angle on the indies with Lita (she hit him with the Twist of Fate)


He did a Periscope today and it was pretty funny because he was ignoring anyone who brought it up. He said no one in the house had wrestling experience but he had done some amateur wrestling. 


So in other words, next week they're gonna have MCW footage of him in the ring

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Well based on Twitter feeds - they only waited to Week 2 to get all the women into bathing suits


From Giorgia's Twitter



They already wore bathing suits in the ring on Day 2 of the competion special.



They didn't even bother explaining that. I guess the suits wanted to see what their bodies looked like. It would have been interesting if they noted that. Show someone working out like crazy just trying to lose a couple extra pounds in the hopes of having that extra edge. The only one out of the whole bunch who doesn't fit their obvious desired look for a "sports entertainer" is ZZ which at least means he might have a shot since his personality/character is miles ahead of everyone else which makes up for the fact that he is in no physical shape what so ever.

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Yeah, Tough Talk is so much better than the actual show.


Gabi has been married THREE TIMES and she's what? Like 28?


Amanda basically telling Paige that she didn't stand out because the show is edited for drama and Paige responding with LOL standout was pretty dumb.


Paige is really bitchy on this.

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