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Re: Breeze, I think the dude has really good personality and has a nice chicken-shit opportunist heel sort of way of working his matches.


The problem for me is that I don't buy the Beauty Shot as a flash KO-type move even though they're pushing it as one. He might as well use the Supermodel Kick as his finish rather than as his nearfall signature move, which is not a perfect solution in the long-term, but which would work while he came up with something better.

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I'm not a big fan of Breeze, but I think his game will travel well on the main roster. His act is way less dependent on the enthusiastic participation of a small, devoted fanbase than a lot of the guys in NXT.

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One thing I noticed about Breeze this week, is that he's actually really good at working a live audience.  It seems that WWE has moved so far away from actually working the crowd, that no one is good at it anymore.  I thought Breeze, and to a lesser extent Big Cass, excelled at this.

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Yeah, instead of playing solely to the hard camera, he did a good job of working the crowd and interacting with the ref. I think he does a lot of little things right (I also like his facial expressions, which I think are good, and what little stalling he does is usually well-worked; he should do more of it). Good call, RandomAct. 

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I will say the main event was probably the best Alex Riley match I've seen. Sure it was a middling Kevin Owens match, but it was exactly what it needed to be. When it comes to playing to the crowd, how about Owens saying "I'll stay here all day" while getting a "Rest Owens Rest" chant during his chinlock? Also, his stumbling stomp to Riley as he was fleeing from Balor shows he has a better understanding of his character than anyone on the roster. Something else that's totally refreshing is the announcers putting his character over 100% the right way. The mildly heelish Corey Graves takes the family stuff at face value, the strong face presence Albert calls total BS with valid examples.


If Rhyno's going to be around for awhile, Rhyno/Owens as a stopgap seems like the best possible idea. 


I'm pretty sure this is the only reason Rhyno is in NXT. He's the first big guy that stands up to the bully, but still loses to make the bully even stronger. This would actually be a good time to use the "WWE reject" booking and find some midcarder not doing anything to come do a program with Owens. Cesaro  would be a great fit... Or [troll]Daniel Bryan[/troll]

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The thing about Breeze that worries me a little bit on the main roster is that many of the NXT call-ups lose any semblance of nuance their characters have.  Bo went from good wrestler who is a delusional heel who thinks he is a face to just kind of a bumbling stooge type.  Emma was just kind of a ditz.  Ascension was just kind of a parody of themselves instead of serious heels (ok, so that one isn't entirely on the booking).  They should be able to push breeze as a new, early era Heartbreak Kid (pretty boy with a mean streak), but instead, they'll probably just push him as a Zoolander-esque Fandango.

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But in the case of Rusev and Bo Dallas it was the Royal Rumble. This is just a throwaway battle royal for everyone who doesn't have anything better to do at Wrestlemania. I would prefer not to make my debut in this.

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No, he told them to "kick rocks and flip-flops."


He said "Kick rocks in flip flops and break your toes". Or something equally as stupid.


WWE Network finally came to my cable provider yesterday (YAY), so I watched the show. Enzo is the most ridiculous looking person on wrestling television today, and yet I can't help but love that tiny muppet. If him and Big Cass get any better in the ring, they are going to be selling those fucking SAWFT t-shirts by the truckload once they make the main roster.

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I'm pretty sure this is the only reason Rhyno is in NXT. He's the first big guy that stands up to the bully, but still loses to make the bully even stronger. This would actually be a good time to use the "WWE reject" booking and find some midcarder not doing anything to come do a program with Owens. Cesaro would be a great fit... Or [troll]Daniel Bryan[/troll]

I think Riley was simply the first phase of exactly that happening. You can have an endless stream of name talent being fed to Owens without jobbing anyone you actually want to job. Meanwhile, Finn gets fucked out of the title in one form or another or better yet, Owens chickenshits out in a way to protect keeping the title In order to a: put an exclamation point on his bully heel gimmick* and b: elevates Finn for being the one person Owens can't just run over, even though he's run over half the 2005 Smackdown roster.

*Because if all he does it just smoke fools, he won't be a heel for long. Brock has the best heel promo on the planet at his back and he's just barely not a face right now.

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*Because if all he does it just smoke fools, he won't be a heel for long. Brock has the best heel promo on the planet at his back and he's just barely not a face right now.

Part of that though is that WWE has fucked up Reigns' push so badly. If it were Lesnar/Bryan, Brock would be the most massively over heel in the company.

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