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How much value does The Big Show bring to the WWE? Wouldn't they save more money by firing one Big Show instead of six JTGs during their semi-annual talent purge?

The yearly cuts aren't really based that much on money, unfortunately. It's a nice excuse, but if WWE can blow $100 million on a network, a few million in talent isn't much. Some of it is just to get rid of people they really aren't going to do anything with, some of it is probably due to incidents/politics and some of it is probably just to free up more spots for more people.


Big Show is valuable, but only because they make him so. They could put someone else in his role at any time. They'd just have to protect and push that person. I'm not saying they'd perform as well as Show does, but really, almost anyone in WWE minus Cena/Heyman is replaceable.


With all that being said, Show is really good. He has been able to perform in a wide range of roles, he's a good worker and he can always be the "heavy" for some face to fight on a random edition of Smackdown. Show's biggest faults all have nothing to do with him - being on tv too often for too long, constantly being turned face/heel and fans thinking he isn't good because he works a smarter style instead of doing flips and big moves.

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Regarding the Undertaker, here's a thought:

If he's really fit enough to have another match, wouldn't it be better to put him on any other PPV other than Wrestlemania, say Summerslam?

What's to be gained from another Wrestlemania match? If he loses, he's now 21-2 and the streak is even more diminished and if he wins it would just be a mere footnote in the annals of wrestling history. "The next year he came back and won one more match."


If he's on another PPV you're free to do anything and an Undertaker match would be a huge draw for any PPV.



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Show is great. But he's also played out in a billion different ways.

Show should be in an Andre The Giant special attraction role where he only takes one bump a match now. I don't need to see Big Show taking top rope slams like Ric Flair.

He should be in the Andre role of getting tied up in the ropes for the majority of a match.

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So, Mick Foley is in a national news story for stuffing wings into his fanny pack during a wings eating competition.


I would love for someone to put together one of those oral histories of fanny packs in wrestling.  


It is amazing how one thing can drive a city with such pride and glory on one side and complete shame and disgust on the other like the Wing Bowl in Philadelphia.    

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Now you've done it.  There's five more flips.


And speaking of shitty...


The web site Contactmusic.com had a story on Hulk Hogan training Riff Raff, the rapper, who said he's gained 55 pounds of muscle.


Feel free to make your own joke.

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Tying Show in the ropes is the best defense against the knockout punch. I've always asked, since he started using it as a finisher, why doesn't he just go around punching people in the head? I understand a lot of moves don't necessarily need a big set up, I get it "sports entertainment". He could atleast Always do his obnoxious scream/load up deal before it, or better yet always do it while his opponent is kneeling like those sick ones he have Mark Henry. I just found it ridiculous when he went toe to toe with Kane and stuck with body shots in the Rumble considering how great the WMD worked against others leading to eliminations. While I'm at it I was also bummed how Ambrose sold the choke slam like death ad was just dumped out as well. Isn't the choke slam his "secondary" finish, usually used as a near fall? I love wrest... er Sports entertainment!

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The only way I can think of Show havinf a fun-to-watch heel run now is if someone injures his hand and he starts using a big fat hand wrap that he is clearly loading with a metal bar or brass knucks so that if he even taps you with it you're dead.


And then have Dolph or Bryan spend the whole match avoiding it while breaking him down.


Then he can go run his strip mall. I hear rumblings that the Sally Beauty Supply has shoot heat with the China Buffet.

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So, Mick Foley is in a national news story for stuffing wings into his fanny pack during a wings eating competition.


I would love for someone to put together one of those oral histories of fanny packs in wrestling.  

BrianS81177, said:snapback.png


"Never trust a man whose ass is wider than his shoulders" - Terry Funk




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I can't think of anyone I wouldn't rather see than Big Show or Kane at this point.

Unless they're being tossed around by Brock, I can't think of any reason for them to have on screen roles. If hell exists, Big Show vs. Kane will be playing on an endless loop.



Well, you know who the devil will be rooting for.

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Vice President indicates there is a higher power for the roster to take their issues to.

COO sounds like the be all end all.

Also I second the vote for Big Show and Kane getting into a Michael and Dwight from the Office type deal.

Have Show calling himself the Assistant Director of Operations while Kane corrects him as the Assistant TO the Director of Operations.


I think they actually did that joke with Teddy Long and Zack Ryder if I'm not mistaken.

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