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There's people who like Independence Day, and there's people who like Mars Attacks. And I like Mars Attacks.


And there's people who love cake and want all the cake.  I am... into Independence Day: Resurgence.  How?  I shit on the idea forever but the trailer sucked me in.  I do hate that there's no Big Will. That totally sucks I can see myself going "you know, that was okay but it needed more Will"

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I like it. Not thrilled with the ship getting destroyed for the 3,000th time, but that's outweighed by the fact that they, at least for the moment, seem to be selling me a sci-fi movie in 2015 that isn't about REVENGE or some threat of the Earth's destruction.

Based on this 90 seconds, it looks like they're going for a smaller, more crew-focused story, and honestly, those always tended to be the best movies.

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It finally makes sense why Justin Lin walked away from the F&F franchise: His "absurd shots of people jumping" game could no longer be restrained by by the limits of present-day technology.


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People thought the Abrams Trek movies sucked? 

Into Darkness was fucking horrible, only one step above Dark Knight Rises as horrible near-franchise killing tubs of shit.  


Lin is making The Trek and the Furious, and I'm not interested.

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Still not getting it. I thought the whole issue with horrible ST movies were that they had horrible pacing because they were steeped in techno-babble and overindulged far too much in the show's mythology for a general movie going audience to enjoy?  JJ seems to have successfully bucked that trend without dumbing things down too much or I am just not hardcore enough to see the true faults.

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That Star Trek trailer is not good. I can't understand anything that's happening because there's a zillion quick cuts.

As for the new Star Trek movies, I like them quite a bit. The hyperbole behind comments like Into Darkness was near franchise killing is pretty amusing because it's pretty damn far from being franchise killing.

If you don't like the new movies, just leave it at that and spare the hyperbole that's not even accurate.

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The only Star Trek movies I put above Into Darkness are II, IV, and maybe the first JJ one.

But I'm not a HUGE fan. Big enough that I own all the movies and the first season of TOS on blu-ray, not big enough to worry about the "integrity of the franchise" or to have seen every episode of the all the different shows.

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There's no reason why Dom shouldn't be riding dinosaurs in the next Fast movie. Universal Cinematic Universe.

I honestly think that's the only way they'd win me back after that steaming pile of shit that 7 was. If you're going to do stupid shit, at least make it fun.

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As for the new Star Trek movies, I like them quite a bit. The hyperbole behind comments like Into Darkness was near franchise killing is pretty amusing because it's pretty damn far from being franchise killing.


Now see I can dig that.  The one thing that sorta bothered about the Abrams Trek movies is that they almost seem to satirize the franchise rather than honor it.  I can see why Trekkies would hate that self-depreciating humor since they (like SW fans and other hardcore sets) suffer enough of that on a regular basis.

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If he hadn't done those interviews where he said he'd never been a Trek fan and always preferred Wars, and then come out with those films, hardcore Trekkers still wouldn't like them. But they wouldn't dislike them as vehemently; It would have been a "I don't think he really understands this" rather than a "That fucking idiot doesn't understand anything".

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