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Wrestlemania XXXI

Matt D

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If Undertaker doesn't ride out on a motorcycle then the Divas match gets cut for time.  Cause he can't walk to the ring in less than 10 minutes.


Okay, you got me, I just wanted to see a "carry him off on our shoulders" moment where people are chanting for the carriers :)


They can do the Luger SummerSlam celebration with Cena.  After he wins via countout, here comes New Day, Swagger, and an Uso to lift him up on their shoulders.

Speaking of, if another Uso can't go that night then they should replace him with El Torito.  Then when they win we get Naomi, Rikishi, and El Torito dancing.

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Ultimately I think there will be one more Deadman entrance next year, but I'm definitely for some kind of Bikertaker.


There's one more match than last year, and no obvious match you can easily do in 5 minutes (save the Divas match perhaps). Every match (save the aforementioned, & maybe they can schmozz Orton-Rollins after 6-7 at a push) kinda needs at least 12 minutes, if not 15. I am hoping they keep the two main-events to around 20 minutes so the card can breathe. Ultimately, the big matches could go either way quality-wise so they'd be wise to give the undercard every chance to deliver just in case it all goes pears in the last hour. Frankly, I'd cut Lesnar-Reigns to 15 minutes and give the time to Cena-Rusev but that's just me.

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I think Reigns should definitely add something new at Mania, whether it be a new ring entrance, new gear or something that steers him away from the stigma of the Shield and yeah, having Reigns walk through the crowd face to face with thousands of drunk smart asses isn't the best of ideas. Looking forward to the show now despite my complete apathy towards almost everything. Also NXT will be showcased in the Battle Royal according to my Twitter timeline.

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I know a lot of people are predicting a new angle to start at Mania. But historically speaking, has Mania been the birth place of new angles? I felt like the last big turns at WM involved Trish Stratus and that was in 2001 and 2004.

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Game of Thrones has tons of incest and dick stuff, Vince would probably be way in to it.





Also "Reek" seems such a classic "Vince McMahon makes backstage rib into on-air gimmick" re-packaging of a guy.




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If 'Taker does, in fact, come out to Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around", it would be awkard if he did his usual slow walk to the ring, since it's sort of an upbeat song. Deadman Taker riding a bike to the ring, with that song playing, would be all kinds of badass, though.

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It is definitely faster paced


I would guess it gets used as a video package to hype up the legendary Deadman's history and return, right before the GONG and the Man coming around again

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