The Natural Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 (edited) With Batman and Marvel Studios getting their own threads, I figured we could use on to collect talk about Marvel films owned by other studios so Spider-Man (Sony), X-Men, Wolverine and Fantastic Four (Fox). The Spectacular Spider-Man is the best adaptation of the original material and I hope that quality makes it's way to the big screen sooner rather than later. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 comes out next year. X2 is the best X-Men film and one of the best comic book films ever made. I really like X-Men: First Class and X-Men. I hope X-Men: Days of Future Past released next year isn't a clusterfuck as it looks busy wiith characters from the original trilogy and from First Class meeting one another. The Wolverine is out this month. This is the sixth time Jackman's playing Wolverine. I'm not tired of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and I've always liked the character. However out of the trailers released for Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Thor: The Dark World and The Wolverine, I'm least excited for The Wolverine. If I remember rightly, the Fantastic Four reboot is out in 2015. EDIT: Forgot about other non Marvel Studios films so Blade and Daredevil (2003) count. EDIT: Venom and The Sinister Six films announced. Edited February 20, 2014 by The Natural
MikeRose Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Yeah, I'm not feeling the new Spiderman either. Electro looks like one of moleman's minions. 1
glfpunk Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 I've been to a couple movies in the theater recently and both had a trailer for the new Wolverine movie. Wasn't there already a movie just about Wolverine? And yes with a quick google search I see that there was. So how is this one different?
The Natural Posted July 12, 2013 Author Posted July 12, 2013 I've been to a couple movies in the theater recently and both had a trailer for the new Wolverine movie. Wasn't there already a movie just about Wolverine? And yes with a quick google search I see that there was. So how is this one different? I haven't ever fully watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) which I think is the other Wolverine movie you're talking about. I guess this one might be different in respect that people are hoping it's better than the other one and it's Wolvie in Japan.
Gonzalez Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Yeah, I'm not feeling the new Spiderman either. Electro looks like one of moleman's minions. I'm the opposite. When I saw the new EW cover it gave me hope for this new series.
Brian Fowler Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 The first one was a rather bad film, but this one is at least loosely based on the much beloved Claremont/Miller Wolverine Mini-series. It's more or less a sequel, although it sounds like they are more or less ignoring the first one. More or less.
Bustronaut Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 Jamie Foxx will never not look like a porn name to me. Also, is he really that short?
Big Fresh Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 X-Men Origins: Wolverine takes place before the first X-Men film. The Wolverine takes place after X3. They literally bookmark the entire series.
Eivion Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 The first one was a rather bad film, but this one is at least loosely based on the much beloved Claremont/Miller Wolverine Mini-series. It's more or less a sequel, although it sounds like they are more or less ignoring the first one. More or less. Not a sequel. They flat out are pretending Origin doesn't exist. The Wolverine is out this month. This is the sixth time Jackman's playing Wolverine. I'm not tired of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and I've always liked the character. However out of the trailers released for Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Thor: The Dark World and The Wolverine, I'm least excited for The Wolverine. I still find myself far more excited for Wolverine than I was for the others. It just seems like they are finally getting things right with that one,
Niners Fan in CT Posted July 12, 2013 Posted July 12, 2013 I recently watched The Amazing Spider-Man. It was solid. I like Andrew Garfield a lot. He was cracking jokes...etc. It felt more like Spidey than Tobey McGuire to me. I absolutely loved Emma Stone as the female lead, Gwen. Web shooters is not a huge deal to me but they worked very well and went a long way in showing how intelligent Peter is. I liked his room too. Showed off more of that intelligence. The fight vs. The Lizard in the school was probably the best Spidey fight scene yet. Sheen was spot on as Uncle Ben. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Matt D Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Do we need to talk about Garfield talking about how MJ should be a guy or would that just be tedious?
EVA Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 It really sucks that we're about to get our 6th and 7th X films, and nobody has even touched Apocalypse or Mister Sinister. If DAYS OF FUTURE PAST is a hit, Apocalypse better be in the next damn movie.
jaedmc Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 I actually kind of dig what they're doing with Electro's skin. the rest of the suit is a little bland. 100% behind Mister Sinister and Apocalypse. If you told me Sebastian Shaw would be a lead villain before either of those two back in 2000, I would have rolled my eyes. Is Days of Future Past going to be another stand alone flick like the last X-Men movie. Because I'm wanting a little more continuity. Avengers got me spoiled, and I love the X-Men so much more.
Brian Fowler Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Pretty sure Days of Future Past is going to connect First Class with the original two X-Men movies, although probably with more than few bits of retconning. Also, as I understand it, the two movies Singer had nothing to with (Last Stand and X-MO:W are going to be ignored completely.)
Eivion Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 They already pretend Origins doesn't exist. Singer confirmed a bit back that Days of Future Past will retcon Last Stand out of existence as well. There also might have been some Apocalypse rumors.
jaedmc Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Last Stand getting retconned is a great idea. That fucking movie. I just pretend that Wolvy:Origins, was a horrible memory implant that was written by the big doofus from Of Mice and Men. I had no idea that Singer was doing the new X-Movie and that most of the cast from First Class were coming back. I try not to keep up with comic movie news as I like to be surprised. EDIT: I just looked at the cast on IMDB. Pants coming off.
Matt D Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 The amount of characters listed in DofP is crazy. I wish they had learned from First Class and cut down the characters. That was the biggest problem with that movie. No one but Magneto, Xavier, and Mystique got any development.
jaedmc Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 I just looked at the guy playing Warpath. More like Jabronipath. But I can't believe they're bringing all those people back. Even if it's just for 5 minute cameos to sort shit out, it's pretty rad. It sounds like it's going to be a "here's the new status quo from here on out" type flick anyway, which if Singer and Vaughn are doing it, I can get behind.
Niners Fan in CT Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 I hadn't heard about them ignoring X-Men: The Last Stand. Has Singer had an interview about this?
EVA Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 They're not ignoring that one, just undoing it so we don't have to deal with stupidity like Cyclops being dead or Professor X's body being gone but his mind in someone else's body or Magneto being depowered, etc. moving forward.
EVA Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 I'm trying to think of who should be in this X-FORCE movie they're talking about making. Obviously, Cable has to be in it, and they seem to want to use this as an opportunity to take a mulligan on Deadpool. Who else? I haven't read the comics in ages, but I undersand that Psylocke is a big player in the group these days, and she's another X character who's overdue for the movies. If you have Cable, it seems obligatory that you have Domino, but is she too similar to Psylocke? That seems like a lot of people who'd just have punch/kick/shoot type abilities. I feel like if I was putting another female in the group, it would be somebody like Boomer, or whatever they're calling her now. Fill in the rest of the group with characters with unique abilities we haven't seen yet, like Sunspot, Cannonball, maybe Rictor.
The Z Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Well, there have been so many versions of X-Force, you could even put Wolverine in there. I would definitely like to see Warpath. Wait, no, the answer is obvious:
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