DJ Hero Morganti Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 So yeah. I need to rewatch it in better quality tonight but what I saw I liked
Raziel Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 If NXT is a glimpse on how Triple H is going to run things in the future, I eagerly await his Chairmanship. Great show top to bottom, even the botches seemed to work. Who'd Rawley piss off? I don't think KENTA's name change is gonna stick due to the crowd, but hey, I understand why.
The Man Known as Dan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Fatal 4 Way was really fucking fun. Great build up to a Zayn/Neville feud, though WWE better realize they will not boo Zayn for Neville. Charlotte and Bayley was fucking gooooood man. Bayley is the best Face in Peril in the company. Charlotte was just destroying her. I am now convinced Charlotte, Bayley, and Sasha are a better trio to build a division around then Paige, Emma, and Summer Rae. That says tons to me.
RandomAct Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Already mentioned how fucking dumb the KENTA name change is, and I agree that it won't stick. NXT crowd will keep chanting KENTA. Also, I'm not that high on the main event. It was fine, but I hate 4 way matches, and WWE style matches in general. Decent enough show but not on the level with the previous two specials.
NintendoLogic Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 The only match I caught was the women's championship match. Charlotte may not be able to cut a promo to save her life, but her touring heel act is really good. I really dig her viciousness. Is she really turning face?
The Man Known as Dan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Show was never gonna be as good as Arrival, but I thought it surpassed Takeover 1 by a good deal personally.
The Man Known as Dan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 The only match I caught was the women's championship match. Charlotte may not be able to cut a promo to save her life, but her touring heel act is really good. I really dig her viciousness. Is she really turning face? I think it's leading to Charlotte doing what a Flair does to a super sympathetic babyface.
JCM Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Really fun show NXT is so much more enjoyable than Raw. Whoever puts together those NXT women's matches needs a promotion. Kenta(shitty name change or not) just has it. Dude is charismatic and badass. Zayn and Bailey are awesome baby faces, and Kidd was great pre show, during the match, and post show.
SirSmUgly Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 They could make a lot of money off young girls with Bayley on the main show if they booked her right. Kallisto is a fun hot tag even with the botches. Zayn going apeshit at the end of that fourway was good stuff. Fourways that aren't elimination-style are usually pretty dull because you can ignore most of the false finishes, but from the Tyson Kidd neckbreaker-pinfall attempt on, each false finish in this match got me. If the finish leads to Zayn beating Neville for the gold one-on-one, I'll be happy. Tyson Kidd is sublime. Him getting fed up in the interview and leaving to go tend to his cats was hilarious. Him repeatedly saying "God bless" as he made his way out caused me to spit-take, too. He was also awesome in this match. I really think the guy is the best guy in WWE right now. Sasha Banks was also awesome shouting down Alex Riley on the pre-show. I like everything about CJ Parker until he actually starts wrestling...which is kinda how I feel about Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady, too. Anyway, not much wrestling from Parker tonight. The squashes worked perfectly for what they were supposed to do. Bayley's elbow-based offense in the opening minute of her match was great, matched only by Charlotte's vicious leglock skull bashing and flipping. It was the least-contrived innovative offense of the night.
Eivion Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Happy to see the Lucha Dragons take the tag belts. The KENTA name change feels dumb considering how much they sold him on his name leading up to this. otherwise its actually a decent name. Charlotte/Bailey was my MOTN. Bailey was a fantastic FIP and Charlotte did so damn well keeping things interesting while in control. I loved the daggers the two were starign into each other post-match. Loved the final 8 minutes or so of the 4-way.
Raziel Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 The only match I caught was the women's championship match. Charlotte may not be able to cut a promo to save her life, but her touring heel act is really good. I really dig her viciousness. Is she really turning face? I think it's leading to Charlotte doing what a Flair does to a super sympathetic babyface. Charlotte being a Flair to Bayley's Sting would be awesome, actually. Also being slept on, Tyson Kidd wearing Beats to the ring. Nice little touch to his douchebag heel persona. 1
RandomAct Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 KENTA does ooze charisma. Just so naturally charismatic. No one has that in the States these days. Pretty sure the Ascension are sent packing by him next week.
Ace Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 I'm digging the new theme/titantrons for Enzo/Cass & Bayley.
The Man Known as Dan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Really fun show NXT is so much more enjoyable than Raw. Whoever puts together those NXT women's matches needs a promotion. Kenta(shitty name change or not) just has it. Dude is charismatic and badass. Zayn and Bailey are awesome baby faces, and Kidd was great pre show, during the match, and post show. Seriously, Tyson Kidd was so fucking good all night long. He has hit his character so fucking well. The entire 4 way felt incredibly well put together. 2
hammerva Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 I don't know if I saw this 4 way match as a "WWE style match". I mean there aren't that many guys on RAW and Smackdown who can go 25 plus minutes at that kind of speed. Someone on Twitter said it was the best PWG title match they have seen and it was kind of like that.
jaedmc Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Man there's some good drama on this show. And it's always done with a mind towards the future. Charlotte vs. Bailey and the main event were great examples of telling a definitive story for the evening, but creating twists so that it stays interesting for the next show. I think what's good about NXT is that wins and losses mean something. Everyone is looking to win, so they can win a title and eventually move to WWE. You can kind of feel that general mind set from everyone. Bless Tyler Breeze for having one thing to do in the main event and doing it as perfectly as possible. Also, I woke the baby when Kenta hopped back in the ring and started loosening his tie LIKE A FUCKING BOSS.
Raziel Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 KENTA solo clearing the ring of the former Tag Champs was a hell of a way to put him over. I think that's the biggest "This guy is a huge fucking deal" debut that they've done since Goldberg casually walking out and SPEAR~!ing Rock into two weeks later in WWE. Most certanily for a Japanese guy. 1
El Ken Erico Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Also watch the fallout show. It's not a panel somewhere but people coming to the Ring doing ringside interviews and further developing those angles.
Joe Fixit Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 I don't know if I saw this 4 way match as a "WWE style match". I mean there aren't that many guys on RAW and Smackdown who can go 25 plus minutes at that kind of speed. Someone on Twitter said it was the best PWG title match they have seen and it was kind of like that. It was the best PWG match since Cesaro/Zayn at Arrival. But yeah, WWE has the best super-indy style matches these days. 1
odessasteps Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 The only match I caught was the women's championship match. Charlotte may not be able to cut a promo to save her life, but her touring heel act is really good. I really dig her viciousness. Is she really turning face? I think it's leading to Charlotte doing what a Flair does to a super sympathetic babyface. It should lead to ric/charlotte vs bayley/sting. And sting turns on her.
SirSmUgly Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Bayley vs. Charlotte with Sting and Ric Flair as their seconds outside the ring sounds like a whole lot of fun.
RandomAct Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 I don't know if I saw this 4 way match as a "WWE style match". I mean there aren't that many guys on RAW and Smackdown who can go 25 plus minutes at that kind of speed. Someone on Twitter said it was the best PWG title match they have seen and it was kind of like that. It was the best PWG match since Cesaro/Zayn at Arrival. But yeah, WWE has the best super-indy style matches these days. That might be why I'm so "meh" on everything these days. I kinda outgrew that style in 2007. Cesaro/Zayn was amazeballs though.
The Man Known as Dan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 May I also note that I really like Barin Corbin. One thing NXT hasn't really developed is a true monster heel. He might be it. Also, Bull Fucking Dempsey just beating the ever loving shit out of Mojo was fucking fantastic.
JCM Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Crazy to think how good NXT will be if they keep Zayn and Neville around after Kenta, Steen, and Devitt come in. The women are treated so much better and taken more seriously on NXT. Vince should be ashamed they book the crap they do. Bailey would probably be booked as a female Eugene, and get made fun of and beat up every week in two minute matches. Just imagine if they could use some of this great character work we see in NXT with Reigns.
Greggulator Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 I only saw from Enzo vs. La Fort on.ENZO/LA FORT -- I think I could run this match. And it got such an amazing live reaction. The reason is simple: The crowd loves Enzo and Big Cass. Good characters can make simple and/or played out stories into something special. Friday Night Lights might be my favorite TV show of all-time. A lot of the plots in that show were really simple things and/or stuff that has been done many, many times previously. But the characters on the show were so well-done that they made everything so much better. Enzo and Cass are a really great comedy duo and the crowd has connected with them. The payoff was great, with Marcus Louis really showing ass and La Fort's French cowardice.KENTA -- I have never seen Kenta before. The last Japan I watched was some Tokyo Magnum tape from the Clinton years. I saw a few minutes of ROH when it first debuted. I have never seen him before. He came off to me like a total badass dripping with charisma and presence. They way he took out the dominant tag champs was so great. They made him look like a total star right from the start. Him taking off his tie to fight was a moment.BAYLEY/CHARLOTTE -- This was a fantastic match. I liked this better than Charlotte/Nattie, and I liked that match a ton. Bailey is a wonderful babyface. She works so well from underneath, sells wonderfully and has great facial expressions when making her comeback. She gets her character and gets how to play fight. Charlotte is so terrific already. She came in as a wonderful athlete who was completely raw. She's become a great jock snob heel in no time. They did a wonderful job playing Charlotte's strength advantage against Bailey's guts and heart. I saw a few people on Twitter mention they were crying that Bailey didn't win. THAT is some talent.FOUR WAY -- I friggin' LOVED this match. They usually devolve into car wrecks -- I'm fine with that, since I love a good wrestling comeback. But this had four-way crash spots tied into some expert storytelling. All four guys showed who they were -- Breeze trying and nearly stealing wins, Tyson Kidd (w/ Beats headphones!) being an out-and-out d-bag, Sami's fieriness, Neville trying to become the champ. The end was marvelous, as it gives an edge to Neville's character and continues the whole "Will Sami ever win this?" grand arching story.Kudos. I love NXT.
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