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I've always just kind of assumed that the outfit Lana was wearing tonight is what everyone wears in law school...or maybe porn law school.  I get those two mixed up sometimes.

Based on his recent track record, it was a risk to give Zeb a line like Bolshevick Twitheads.

But once again Zeb's idealistic depiction of America was a little off:

"Jack Swagger fights for people like Megan who works 60 hours a week...{in this new robber-baron Upton Sinclair disaster area we call our home!}"

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Dean Ambrose still my favorite member from the SHIELD and IMHO the one with the most star potential.


Who did Cesaro piss off?  Went from looking like a huge star coming out of WrestleMania to another "Creative has nothing for you" guy.


so how many times has Rowan & Harper's music changed?


There new theme was about 70% too NASH BRIDGES to be happening in 2014.


Is it bugging anyone how much Ambrose' new music uses the exact same rhythmic pattern as Benoit's did?  You'd think someone would have noticed that.


I enjoyed the closing segment. Thought Steph was good as usual and didn't mind Brie's promo. Really liked Ambrose/Del Rio, another good match from them. Cesaro going from last week's awesome long match with Cena to losing to Dolph clean in 2 minutes was rough. The Adam Rose bit was oddly hilarious and so random. Loved the Swagger/Zeb/Lana/Rusev segment. Lana was fantastic with her expressions, at her best. Sad day to see the end of The Demon Kane.


Okay.  I think Miz earned a mini-fashion watch this week.  Let's not make this a thing because it's Miz.  Let's keep it small:


Miz Mini-Fashion Watch!

This Week:

Danny Noonan at Judge Smails boat christening.


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When will Kane figure out that to beat Reigns you have to shoot him in the vest with your lazer-tag gun? 

Then Reigns has to go take a  time out or they'll make his sit in the food court until his parents pick him up.

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Is the idea in the storyline that Triple H doesn't love Stephanie anymore, but since they've been married 10 years, have 3 kids and their interests are wrapped up in the business, he knows he's stuck with her no matter what?

I pick up those vibes from him on TV. Quiet resentment and irritation.

Or, y'know it's two happily married people having fun with their acting job.



That's why Reed wrote 'in the storyline'. Christ.

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Secret codes, guys.  Did you catch it?


Brie mentioned "Karma" in her promo.  And then Stephanie responded by saying "All the things you said...made me upset."




So clearly we're building to Awesome Kong vs. Viktoria.

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That Adam Rose segment would have been 100 times better if he looked in the mirror and saw Leo Kruger...then wrestled as both on the same show.


"Leo Kruger, don't be a lemon."


*Leo shoots and skins the rabbit*






Is the idea in the storyline that Triple H doesn't love Stephanie anymore, but since they've been married 10 years, have 3 kids and their interests are wrapped up in the business, he knows he's stuck with her no matter what?

I pick up those vibes from him on TV. Quiet resentment and irritation.

Or, y'know it's two happily married people having fun with their acting job.



That's why Reed wrote 'in the storyline'. Christ.



If Vince Russo were booking, he'd have Nikki help Stephanie win and then reveal that Nikki and HHH are having an affair. Stephanie will turn face, join forces with Brie then turn heel again after revealing that she's having an affair with Daniel Bryan and that she and Triple H have an open marriage.


John Cena will get confused and start dating Brie and then we'd have another Cena/HHH feud.

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I love that Dean went into immediate bag lady mode during the Slater/Rollins match and fell back on his instinct to just pick things up of the street and stuff them in whatever container he has for dinner later.

They should turn that into a Dean Ambrose Hobo-cooking show segment.  

Next week:

1) place a half-eaten hot dog in a backpack
2) add one of those whole fish skeletons that Heathcliff always has

3) Scrape in some "cheese leavings" from a box of White Castle cheese fries
4) dump in some Mellow Yellow someone spilled in the cupholder of your car
5) zip up backpack and shake up

6) Hold a lighter under it for five minutes
7) This will keep through Thursday.  If anyone talks to you before then, they are pretty obviously trying to steal your food and you need to headbutt them and run.

  • Like 16

I love that Dean went into immediate bag lady mode during the Slater/Rollins match and fell back on his instinct to just pick things up of the street and stuff them in whatever container he has for dinner later.

They should turn that into a Dean Ambrose Hobo-cooking show segment.  

Next week:

1) place a half-eaten hot dog in a backpack

2) add one of those whole fish skeletons that Heathcliff always has

3) Scrape in some "cheese leavings" from a box of White Castle cheese fries

4) dump in some Mellow Yellow someone spilled in the cupholder of your car

5) zip up backpack and shake up

6) Hold a lighter under it for five minutes

7) This will keep through Thursday.  If anyone talks to you before then, they are pretty obviously trying to steal your food and you need to headbutt them and run.

Just burst out laughing at work. Thanks.


We've already established that Ambrose only has one shirt that he launders in the sinks of various fleabag motels of whatever town he's wrestling in that night.  I don't think it's outside the realm of believability that he acquires whatever he eats on the road by scouring the stands after the show and cobbling together some sort of casserole out of partially eaten nachos, pickles someone picked out of their burger and flicked on the floor, and the burnt ends of some chicken tenders.  I'd always figured him the type of person who subsists off of those triangular ham sandwiches and boiled eggs in the jumbo jar that you get in gas stations (and I mean the shitbox gas stations and not something nice like Wawa or Sheetz) but the notion of him hunting down discarded concession stand food after a show fits his scumbag character more.

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I'm glad I missed this show while at work. I don't think my heart could've taken Stephanie. While getting a look at Stephanie, uh, ah, I mean catching up on what I missed on WWE.com, I noticed there's a really good picture of Brie slapping HHH.


Mark Henry is from Silsbee, not Austin. Blame Cole for that one. 


Well that's okay - RAW was from the University of Texas, not Austin, anyway

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Mark Henry is from Silsbee, not Austin. Blame Cole for that one.

Well that's okay - RAW was from the University of Texas, not Austin, anyway

So your saying it could have been El Paso (UTEP)


I hear Brie talk and the thought of Bryan being out until the Royal Rumble pops into my head.  Then I think, 'please do not let her do promos until then.'


Then I remember that Total Divas is starting up again and hope that she gets distracted by something shiny.


I don't think Brie was bad in the final segment. She started off shaky, but then brought it back around. The problem was that the segment was set up poorly for her. Steph should have done her bit first, then let Brie get the last word before Steph gets physical. As it was, Steph punked her out on the mic, and then left her laying. I liked the segment anyway, but it didn't do much for Brie.

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I didn't dislike this show that much. My highlight was Brock saying he doesn't give a fuck. First bitch and now a bleeped out fuck.


Dolph beating Cesaro twice is WWE's way of trolling the internet. 


I don't think Brie was bad in the final segment. She started off shaky, but then brought it back around. The problem was that the segment was set up poorly for her. Steph should have done her bit first, then let Brie get the last word before Steph gets physical. As it was, Steph punked her out on the mic, and then left her laying. I liked the segment anyway, but it didn't do much for Brie.

Can't wait til Brie makes Steph tap out to the Yes Lock. The internet meltdown will be awesome.

But who am I kidding? It's Steph and there's a fine line for waiting for the right moment and making people not care any more..

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