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So how much does the network cost, exactly? They never said...





All... hail... Hypno-Vince....



I loved Ambrose at ringside during Rollins match.  I wish they didn't have a blade ban because I think Rollins vs. Ambrose in a bloody dog collar match would be awesome.


The announcing tonight... woof... this was at Michael Cole full heel mode shitting on NXT level bad.  I was very tempted to mute the show.


Is the idea in the storyline that Triple H doesn't love Stephanie anymore, but since they've been married 10 years, have 3 kids and their interests are wrapped up in the business, he knows he's stuck with her no matter what?

I pick up those vibes from him on TV. Quiet resentment and irritation.

Or it could be you know Trip never loved Steph and just drugged her up and married her in Vegas to put it to Vince

You know what, storyline wise, have they been married since then?

In storyline they divorced in 2002, then it was just acknowledged that they were together when their first daughter was born.




So how much does the network cost, exactly? They never said...





 I wish they didn't have a blade ban because I think Rollins vs. Ambrose in a bloody dog collar match would be awesome.



Reigns got some juice but was cleaned up once we came back from commercial.


Outside of some women hating issues that wrestling fans are known for, I really don't see what is so terrible Brie's acting. Could it be better? Well, yeah. But she's not screwing up her lines, looks good while doing so and is still getting good reactions. She's hardly the only monotonous, flat promo on the show. Especially when you got Orton doing what he does or Paige sounding like she has Down syndrome or some shit.

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Brie should not be expected to run off four minute promos like she was asked to do tonight. Sign the contract, call Stephanie a bitch, get the big pop, then do the rest of the contract signing. Play to her strengths, and what pops the crowd.


Decent show tonight. Liked Ambrose/Del Rio a lot, plus Dean's antics at ringside during Slater/Rollins was great. Sin Cara jobbing DURING  A COMMERCIAL BREAK was fantastic.


Summer Rae and Layla can come down to ringside dressed as cowgirls each and every show from here until I die, and I think I would love it.


Outside of some women hating issues that wrestling fans are known for, I really don't see what is so terrible Brie's acting. Could it be better? Well, yeah. But she's not screwing up her lines, looks good while doing so and is still getting good reactions. She's hardly the only monotonous, flat promo on the show. Especially when you got Orton doing what he does or Paige sounding like she has Down syndrome or some shit.

Brie was definitely flubbing lines.


Heath Slater tonight looked like the mutant offspring of Hulk Hogan and the Wendy's girl that has a restraining order on Piranesi.

HHH sold that slap from Brie more than he sold for the entire roster during the aughts combined.


I didn't care to watch too much of this show but why exactly did Seth even give a remote shit about Dean scuffing up his briefcase?  Who cares?  The contract is still valid even if the case or the paper is trashed.  Just beat the jobber and screw the stupid case, you still have the shot, Einstein.


Who is the WWE's biggest idiot, Damien Sandow or Seth Rollins? 

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Steph and HHH kill it as the rich asshole couple that you hate yourself for loving. I thought Brie did okay. Yeah, the segment was long but she played her part while Stephanie more than picked up the slack.

Sociopath Paige continues to be made of win.


What I find interesting about Brie, is she almost seems the antithesis to the "script everything" style.  Even moreso than some of the big guys whom the scripted stuff is supposedly killing, Brie is the personification of it.  Put her in the front row, have her shout some random shit at Stephanie and get in her face and she nails it out of the park.  Give her scripted lines and points she has to hit and she can't do it.  Odd, you think she would be the perfect person to recite scripted lines and a poster-girl for ad-libbing.


Is the idea in the storyline that Triple H doesn't love Stephanie anymore, but since they've been married 10 years, have 3 kids and their interests are wrapped up in the business, he knows he's stuck with her no matter what?

I pick up those vibes from him on TV. Quiet resentment and irritation.

Or, y'know it's two happily married people having fun with their acting job.

All Dean had to do was hit Slater when the bell rang. Slater would have won by DQ and Rollins would have lost Beat the Clock.

on the flip side to that Rollins could have done the same in Deans match.


It's only $9.99. Kids make sure to get your parents permission before ordering the Network.


They finally started letting Ron Poppeil start booking the opening segment.


Who the fuck had the bright idea to put Brock in group therapy? Now he knows that he is really expressing his own pain and that his canvas just happens to be the bodies of other people.  As he becomes more self-conscious about "style" and expression, he's only going to bend people into more intricate shapes.

That's how Hannibal Lecter started, you know?

He's already started to experiment in mixed media and found his first modern influence:

"I'm gonna leave him in a pile of blood and urine and vomit."
       - Andres Serrano in the buildup to his PPV match with a crucifix

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I'm trying to think what the hell that Adam Rose segment was about. Is he the Cosmic Key? That was just weird. I wish the Adam Rose that faced Tyson Kidd last week was the same guy on Raw.


I thought the show was a chore to go through. So many guys I don't care about and since Ambrose/Rollins doesn't seem to be a Rush/Casas level blood feud anymore, I"m not that into it anymore. Nice to see Mark Henry back though. I wish he'd join the new Nation.


And speaking of modern art! "Mark Henry in an orange t-shirt" is the title of the latest Christo installation.  It took him three months and cost the lives of nine graduate students.  But it was plenty impressive.


I'm trying to think what the hell that Adam Rose segment was about. Is he the Cosmic Key? That was just weird. I wish the Adam Rose that faced Tyson Kidd last week was the same guy on Raw.




And now that Brock and Mark are both committed to Pain-Modernism, they really need to take turns seeing who can make the prettiest sculpture out of Adam Rose.


It's kind of astounding that you can do that so quickly with a WWE audience.  Like, once you say something in rhythm twice, if you say it a third time, they will say it with you.  And then the fourth time, you don't even have to say it...they'll just do it for you from that point on.

It's actually a little scary, no?

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The Adam Rose bit was great because for 16 years this shit hasn't made sense but now we know it was the Oculus mirror.





That was the coke-u-took mirror.

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Maybe it's because I was watching THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY instead of Raw, but right now, I'm scanning through and loving the end of the del Rio/Ambrose match.  

With Ambrose on his knees and Del Rio mocking him, it's a total "Tuco vs. fat guy" moment...and the payoff was pretty close to the same.

"Where we came from, Seth, you could become a scumbag or an authority.  I chose the harder path!"

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I chose to do something more interesting with my time and took a nap. I woke up to see Rollins vs. Slater. Ambrose's trolling was so amazing. I loved how JBL was like "he's stealing from the crowd".


The Lesnar/Cena promo was awesome. Cena and his humility. Brock is gonna kill him and put his head on a pike and carry it around as a trophy where ever he goes. Who cares if Brock's only gonna be there once a month as champion. I'll take the fear of Brock over Super Cena any day of the week.


As for that segment at the end. This is what we get for not recomending people to subscribe to the network. This is our punishment. Two straight weeks of Stephanie vs. Brie.



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