Hollywood Cibernetico Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 Doing the job on more than one occasion didn't hurt The Outsiders. The landscape is different in 2014 and Cesaro is not Hall or Nash in terms of popularity. Cesaro isn't in NO Man's Land like Ryder. Ryder is NEVER coming back. EVER. That ship has SAILED. I feel like the fans KNOW that they have seen everything from Ryder and that he is one note. Ryback, Ziggler, and Cesaro are still in the pocket and have shown they have more to offer when given the chance. The luster isn't completely gone from those 3. 1
Ryback Hates Bullies Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 Once you're pegged into the mid-card it's almost impossible to get out, witness, Kofi Kingston, RVD, Jack Swagger who likewise racked up a lot of losses but they are trying to do something with him. Cesaro had to break away from Heyman because of the Lesnar angle, I think he's in some kind of holding pattern until they think of something for him. Anyone realize Roman Reigns probably has the only name Scooby Doo can say correctly. The Swagger push is just a holding pattern for Rusev. I believe, in actuality, Outsiders did one clean job where the decision wasn't reversed the next night - against the Steiners 2/22/98 in El Paso, Texas. Scott turned on Rick two weeks later and Outsiders got the titles back.
Newb82 Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 People who say it's fine to do lots of jobs because they can be rebuilt etc need to point at someone that's worked for. And don't even think about saying Daniel Bryan, because he really didn't ever do that many jobs. Bryan spent the vast majority of his WWE career jobbing. He started out putting everyone over on NXT. I'd be surprised if his WWE TV/PPV win % is above 35.
Greggulator Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Only so many guys can get pushed at once. Somebody has to lose to guys getting pushed. And if the guy taking the loss is really credible, than it has greater weight.Let's look at the roster right now:1) Cena vs. Lesnar's the big feud.2) Ambrose vs. Rollins is the second biggest feud. These are two young guys breaking out.3) Reigns vs. Orton is the third biggest feud.4) Bray vs. Jericho.5) Rusev vs. Swagger.Should Cesaro be in any of those spots right now? He's being used, instead, to help get those big matches over. He and Cena had a great match. He and Ambrose had a great match. Those are important. As great as Cena has been, he still needs to compete before Lesnar and it helps him look like a world beater headed into his war with Lesnar. That's the whole selling point of that feud. Ambrose just beat Cesaro in a thriller on Smackdown after a bit of a feud. Cesaro also just lost to Swagger, but he beat Swagger about 500 times in the not-so-distant past. That's going to help get Rusev over, and that's important right now.The only guy who is getting any rub right now that maybe should go to Cesaro is The Miz.But seriously -- they aren't wasting anything with Cesaro. They just don't have anything really fun for him to do right now. That's fine. It happens to a lot of guys. He's still being used in a productive matter. 1
Johnny Sorrow Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 The problem isn't whether he could be believable it's the "when they push him hard." Everyone has a different point at which they stop thinking that's going to happen. To see him get the push he got at WM and right after and to see how quickly they gave up on it again...a few more optimistic souls have been lost.I can get that, but I'm talking about this weird deal where people say a guy who is super talented is gonna never be able to be accepted as a main event guy because of presentation. To who? That makes senses in 1985, but not now. "Smart" fans would accept Cesaro as a main event guy tomorrow if they put him there and so would the kids and normal people at shows and watching the TV. Who exactly are these people who are both aware of wrestling being fake and unable to accept a guy as a main event guy because he lost to Kofi a couple of times?
cwoy2j Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Once you're pegged into the mid-card it's almost impossible to get out, witness, Kofi Kingston, RVD, Jack Swagger who likewise racked up a lot of losses but they are trying to do something with him. Cesaro had to break away from Heyman because of the Lesnar angle, I think he's in some kind of holding pattern until they think of something for him. Anyone realize Roman Reigns probably has the only name Scooby Doo can say correctly. The Swagger push is just a holding pattern for Rusev. I believe, in actuality, Outsiders did one clean job where the decision wasn't reversed the next night - against the Steiners 2/22/98 in El Paso, Texas. Scott turned on Rick two weeks later and Outsiders got the titles back. Was just about to ask what jobs did The Outsiders actually do? Hell, when The Steiners actually won the belts in 1997, they beat Hall and X-Pac, not Hall and Nash.
JonnyLaw Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Outsiders and Syxx jobbed pretty hard to Flair, Piper, and Kevin Greene.
Victator Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 The problem isn't whether he could be believable it's the "when they push him hard." Everyone has a different point at which they stop thinking that's going to happen. To see him get the push he got at WM and right after and to see how quickly they gave up on it again...a few more optimistic souls have been lost.I can get that, but I'm talking about this weird deal where people say a guy who is super talented is gonna never be able to be accepted as a main event guy because of presentation. To who? That makes senses in 1985, but not now. "Smart" fans would accept Cesaro as a main event guy tomorrow if they put him there and so would the kids and normal people at shows and watching the TV. Who exactly are these people who are both aware of wrestling being fake and unable to accept a guy as a main event guy because he lost to Kofi a couple of times? You see it all the time on here. How WWE pushes guys, colors the perceptions of some people.
ebbie Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Good thing DB ain't around. I don't know if this place has enough juice to handle TWO favorites around here being constantly berried or some shit. Then again, if a guy can't survive bring booked like shit, is it worth getting hyped up around him...?
Greggulator Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Skimming through this episode right now. This Paige/AJ feud is REALLY good. AJ took a really crazy looking bump off the ramp while Paige mocked her. "You're overreacting!" "Call me when you're feeling better!" "Be careful with my friend!" 1
MGFanJay Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Cesaro-Swagger was fantastic, and I loved the post-match stuff with Rusev and Lana. Swagger planting the flag in the ring was a nice little touch. Orton's promo was good-ish. Truth-Bo had some sloppy editing, a shitty finish, JBL turning 'Taker's streak into a joke, and referencing a Sandow angle from a year ago. Paige's attack on AJ was AMAZING. "SHE'S FINE! SHE'S FINE! OH STOPPIT, YOU'RE OVERREACTING! BE CAREFUL WITH MY FRIEND! SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND!" I dug the handicap match thanks to JBL burying Cole for the whole architect bit. Kane shouldn't be taking chairshots on SD at 45. Stardust can continue to fuck off, although at least now he's doing a consistent, if bad impression of Gorshin's Riddler from nearly FIFTY YEARS AGO. Fandango-Diego was pointless, but amusing thanks to the commentary burying it in a million ways. Loved the Into the Storm ad using Brock-Taker footage to hype it up with the F5. The Miz and his red pants did fine commentary. Shame Dolph lost due to his own idiocy though. I loved that a referee finally gained a sense of hearing with the ref hearing Harper's trip of Jericho and throwing him out due to it. I like the Codebreaker being back as a legit finisher - he should beat some more heels with it to make the spot at Summerslam where Bray kicks out of it mean that much more. http://jayreviewsthings.blogspot.com/2014/08/wwe-sd-8-1-14.html Screens - http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/8hlgfahqkycxds2i34u6cdjzfznjpaox
Niners Fan in CT Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Cesaro will be fine but there are times when someone is over, creative balks and it ruins the dude. This definitely happened with Ryback. If he goes over Punk I think we're still discussing him as part of the future. He'll never get that back. Same with Kofi. He is still over to a degree but he was red hot in that feud with Orton which seems like a hundred years ago.
OSJ Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Anyone who dislikes Stardust likely has no soul and does horrible things to small, woodland creatures. 5
THEmanWITHnoNAME Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 So...is WWE ever going to come up with music and a jumbotron for Rollins that's not pure garbage? Just wonderin'.
Reed Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 The Miz's outfits are turning into a highlight of the show.
MGFanJay Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Tonight's getup was something else. EXCUSE ME, I WOULD LIKE TO ALERT YOU TO MY PURCHASE OF BRIGHT RED PANTS!
Jamal Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Sociopath Paige is awesome. "Call me when you feel better, darling"
MORELOCK Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 The Layla/Summer stuff is so useless. There isn't any real blowoff they could be building to, Fandango looks weak for continually being distracted, the faces look weak for needing help to beat Fandango, and Layla and Summer are supposed to be faces but come off looking like the vindictive ex-girlfriends that we all probably have one or two of. The camera angle of AJ laid out was awesome, much better than the camera being in the perfect place for what is supposed to be a surprise attack. I hate the whole "pretend the cameras aren't right there in your face" thing. Miz's current character could benefit a lot from looking directly into the camera and talking shit on his way out after costing Dolph the match.
Brisco Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 The Miz's outfits are turning into a highlight of the show. Are you requesting a Miz fashion watch from Piranesi?
piranesi Posted August 4, 2014 Posted August 4, 2014 Miz is a bit too predictable, though. He's got one theme. Could you imagine him coming out dressed as a depression-era newspaper boy? And then the next week like White Blacula? and then the next night like Rob Halford? Sadly, I think every installment of Miz Fashion Watch would just be some version of: This Week: A douche in red pants. He lacks the erratic tragic essence of Batista...that hidden nerd side that desperately wants to express itself but then recoils in rage at the slightest hint of rejection. 5
Nice Guy Eddie Posted August 4, 2014 Posted August 4, 2014 I hope Batista returns at some point, so the fashion watch returns. He never has to wrestle, just walk to the ring and let us marvel at his glorious fashion choices.
MGFanJay Posted August 4, 2014 Posted August 4, 2014 Batista should return at Tyler Breeze's fashion-conscious bodyguard. 1
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Batista was Tyler's stylist would be great. Tyler:"I feel like I'm wearing too much blue" Batista:"Oh no Tyler. Take it from me, there is no such thing as too much blue." **Snaps finger** 1
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