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Seems to me like an average show.


* Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro kicks off SmackDown. Swagger wins with the Patriot Lock. Rusev and Lana come out after the match for a promo. Zeb responds and the challenge is accepted. Swagger vs. Rusev is on for SummerSlam.



* Randy Orton comes out and cuts a promo on Roman Reigns. He challenges Reigns to a match atSummerSlam.


Kane and Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in a handicap match is announced for later.


* R-Truth beat Bo Dallas by disqualification when Bo wouldn’t break at the 5 count. Bo beat Truth down after the bell and cut a promo.


* AJ Lee squashes Rosa Mendes by submission. Paige attacks AJ at the top of the ramp and lays her out. Officials check on AJ as Paige skips away.


Kane and Seth Rollins beat Dean Ambrose by DQ when Ambrose hit Kane with a steel chair. Rollins runs away as Ambrose hits Kane a few more times.


* We see AJ Lee being taken away on a stretcher with a neck brace on.


* Fandango vs. Diego with Summer Rae and Layla is next. Diego gets the win when the Divas distract Fandango.


* Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio with The Miz on commentary is next. Miz interrupts the match by standing on the announce table and mocks Ziggler. Ziggler goes after him but Miz gets away. Del Rio takes advantage and hits the cross armbreaker on Ziggler for the win.


* Erick Rowan vs. Chris Jericho is the main event. If Jericho wins, Rowan is banned from ringside atSummerSlam. The referee sends Luke Harper to the back and Jericho wins with the Codebreaker. Bray Wyatt attacked Jericho but that may have been part of the dark main event, we’re not sure yet.




Loses to the guy who smashed his precious trophy that was supposed to be a sign he was moving up to the next level. 


Kind of fitting.  Nauseating but fitting.

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this USA/Russia/Swagger/Rusev storyline is boring me to tears and I just can't cheer for Swagger or Zeb.

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* Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro kicks off SmackDown. Swagger wins with the Patriot Lock.


I dare anyone to write a more depressing epilogue to the Real Americans break-up.

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Sounds like a fun show to me. Cesaro is fucking bulletproof so it's cool. Swagger needs to look like a threat. He wasn't winning matches when the Rusev fued started. A win against Cesaro helps the program and like I said, Cesaro is bulletproof.

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Every time I read about a Cesaro loss, I think to myself "It's cool, they do this with a lot of the MitB winners, just stay the course" and then I remember that Seth Rollins won MitB and I stare at my computer screen like a dog trying to make sense of a card trick for ten minutes. 


Swagger has been jobbed out worse than Cesaro and people still believe in him. Cesaro was jobbed out bad in his tenure before and people still believe in him. 


Seriously, who doesn't still think Cesaro is still totally fine? Who has decided that he's not able to totally be believable when they push him hard? All of us will buy it, the live crowds will still buy it, who is this audience that will never accept him because he's lost competitive matches?


The problem isn't whether he could be believable it's the "when they push him hard."  Everyone has a different point at which they stop thinking that's going to happen.  To see him get the push he got at WM and right after and to see how quickly they gave up on it again...a few more optimistic souls have been lost.


I feel like two things hurt Cesaro, the first being that I think someone decided to go back on the whole "it's okay for heels to get cheered" which seems to have led to the elimination of the swing from Cesaro's offense. Secondly, the WWE is just far too heel heavy at the moment and the faces they do have are simply not over enough to carry feuds. I'm not saying that he couldn't carry an angle if he was given one but without he's the kinda wrestler that is really hurt by the lack of wrestling to be in contention to titles, especially without the swing.


He did the swing on Monday...


Sorry, I skipped Raw. I just hadn't seen him do it in a couple weeks.


Lol.  Where the fuck are people geting this "he was told not to do the swing" thing from?  It is almost as bad as last month when people were convinced that they needed to put the title on Roman Reigns.  


If people have been saying that I hadn't noticed/wouldn't know. It just seemed to me, a very casual viewer, that it seemed like they had moved away from the "King of Swing"/him doing it every match or teasing it every match. And frankly, I can't see Cesaro deciding not to do it except if someone talked to him about it.


Seriously, who doesn't still think Cesaro is still totally fine? Who has decided that he's not able to totally be believable when they push him hard? All of us will buy it, the live crowds will still buy it, who is this audience that will never accept him because he's lost competitive matches?


I won't buy it quite as hard. When someone gets natural momentum and you throw it away, there's no guarantee it's coming back. You could still push Ryback, but would it be exciting? No. The people who won't buy it are the people who *don't* buy it, who don't watch etc. This idea that there's a block of wrestling fans who will watch no matter what is very silly.


People who say it's fine to do lots of jobs because they can be rebuilt etc need to point at someone that's worked for. And don't even think about saying Daniel Bryan, because he really didn't ever do that many jobs. CM Punk? Yeah kinda, but only because he had a moment where he got to shoot on everybody (indeed Daniel Bryan got really over by beating the shit out of the Shield, upping his wrestling style from 100 -> 200mph and then beating John Cena at Summerslam). When (and if) Cesaro gets to beat John Cena clean in the middle, we'll see.


Cesaro really isn't fine, he's got a lot of problems. Like most of the jobbed out roster. If jobs don't matter, why did wrestling promoters go to such efforts to protect their main-eventers? Or even their midcarders. Jobbers do jobs, and heels - for money.


Once you're pegged into the mid-card it's almost impossible to get out, witness, Kofi Kingston, RVD, Jack Swagger who likewise racked up a lot of losses but they are trying to do something with him. Cesaro had to break away from Heyman because of the Lesnar angle, I think he's in some kind of holding pattern until they think of something for him.


Anyone realize Roman Reigns probably has the  only name Scooby Doo can say correctly.

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