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TMZ report that TNA Wrestling is cancelled.

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I don't have a twitter account, moron. Never have.



 ... I believe you.  I totally do.


(Incidentally, one of the criticisms of Kubler-Ross' stages was the implication that one moved through the stages in a stepwise fashion, when in fact, the grieving person can fluctuate from stage to stage, sometimes touching on stages repeatedly, and maybe even more than one stage at a time.  Stages like, y'know, "denial" and "anger" ... clearly we have someone in "denanger.")

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We've already seen the first casualty.

EN090 has deleted his Twitter account.


Because I couldn't find a better "leave the memories alone" TNA video.  Probably should just wait another week:




I hate this video because of it's music and revisionist history.


As if things weren't bad before Hogan came in.


Better yet, Hogan's tenure in the company coincided with some of TNA's best shit. The Guns finally won the tag belts and had some of their best matches against the Bucks and Beer Money. Austin Aries came back and rocked the house. They gave us that awesome Storm-Roode feud and made both look like huge top guys immediately after their tag run, something you rarely see in mainstream wrestling. Bully's singles run has been awesome; I don't know why he's presented as a negative in that video. The way they shoot backstage segments now is a huge improvement and I wish WWE would rip it off. I even dug Sting's matches with Flair and Hogan. It wasn't all wine and roses pre-Hogan, and everything didn't go to shit when he came in. I remember people liking some AJ-Angle matches around the time Hogan came in. I didn't like them. But people seemed to. 


Sure, we got the Band, Bubba the Love Sponge, the Nasty Boys, and Val Venis dumped on us all at once, Gut Check, Aces & Eights, Immortal, AJ as Flair, and whatever they did with OJ. But there were always bright spots. 


I know, I know: Defending TNA makes me a monster. Sorry about that. 


Unfortunately dumping on TNA is trendy and management is incompetent. They're damaged goods. But there were plenty of good times for me, and I'll cherish them. If this really is the end, I'm already looking forward to 2018's WWE-produced TNA One Night Stand. Hopefully it falls during the three weeks Christian isn't injured that year. 

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I wish they'd not try and negotiate and end this.  Just...end this now.  Air the NYC shows, then for the remainder of the contract show best of TNA shows.  Get stuff from the X Division at their peak or something.  Even if they somehow stay on Spike they're still screwed no matter what they do.

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Meltzer made a great point about The Russo Factor. It wasn't just because he was involved but that Dixie went to great lengths to hide him even though he was unwanted by nearly EVERYBODY. That isn't somebody you want to be partners in a venture with. 


You know what really screwed Dixie over? Her inability to admit that if everyone was telling her she was wrong about Russo, she probably was wrong about Russo.


That's why I think she always seemed pretty arrogant to me. More so than Vince McMahon even.


Come on, if literally everyone in business with you hates this man, should you really be insisting on keeping him because, hey, you know way better than them? Sheer, unadulterated arrogance. 




Lets not forget, she once held a meeting with her writing team, and told them if she ever heard a crowd chant "Fire Russo" again, she'd fire one of them not named Vince Russo instead.



If I'm not mistaken, this was because the "Fire Russo" chants were happening during segments Russo had nothing to do with.


Anyway, I find it highly fitting that TNA died as it lived: embarrassingly incompetent and with Russo's fingerprints all over it.


that turned out to be a lie.

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Here's a big writeup I did on this whole deal -



To add to it since things have come out today that they're still negotiating, I can see TNA on Spike...at a dramatically reduce rate, which Dixie will gleefully accept to still be a character on national TV.


I don't know. What's the point at which the losses that Panda has to eat to keep Dixie away from the real company are greater than the benefit the Carters get from letting Dixie run TNA? I would assume that at this point, if Spike isn't going to keep subsidizing the show, Daddy Carter might find it cheaper to bankroll Dixie's reality career and eventual appearance on some CMT reality show.

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Jae, five minutes ago


"What the...there's a whole TNA section of the board? Jeesus why?"




"TMZ report that TNA Wrestling is..."




"'Vince Russo was the last straw' LOL'"


"'Negotiations ongoing but not really' LOL"


"'I don't have a twitter' LOL"


Well, can't say I'll miss this section.






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As funny as this stuff is, it should be recognised that Vince McMahon has made some questionable decisions recently which has lead to people questioning his suitability to run the company. Essentially, we have watched WWE slowly kill itself - this has been masked by international expansion, but it is important to remember that it is also essentially a basket case operation just like TNA.

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As funny as this stuff is, it should be recognised that Vince McMahon has made some questionable decisions recently which has lead to people questioning his suitability to run the company. Essentially, we have watched WWE slowly kill itself - this has been masked by international expansion, but it is important to remember that it is also essentially a basket case operation just like TNA.


I don't know, though, dude. They at least have a track record. If you plucked a bunch of people off the street to do word association, and gave them wrestling, I guarentee the top responses would be "WWF", "WWE", "Hulk Hogan" or "Stone Cold." After the usual pejoratives, anyway. For 12 years, people have been saying how TNA is the absolute worst name for a promotion ever-- there are so many jokes about it in the TMZ comments. Ed Ferarra made a fucking T&A joke about one minute into the first PPV in 2002. They never fully committed to Impact Wrestling as a name, their marketing sucked, and as others in the thread have said, even with Hogan, Sting, Hardy, Angle, Flair, Foley, Christian, Booker, and a slew of others, they did not make a dent in the public consciousness. Yeah, WWE has made some "questionable decisions" recently. But even if the gamble on the Network doesn't work out or anything, at least it was a gamble on positive growth and revenue, and not a gamble on hiding the employment of Vince Russo, of all people.

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Come on, they fit right in



Come on, they fit right in


While the last few episodes of Impact haven't been eye-clawingly bad, if you want to look at the whole 12 year run...


Yeah, I'd rather watch that lady who eats chalk and shit

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