Big Fresh Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 I'm surprised* he doesn't just use the Small Package Driver in WWE. *Not surprised at all
just drew Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 I feel like Cesaro needs to go back to a female manager. I really thought he and Aksana had something. Maybe an alliance with Rusev/Lana? 1
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 I feel like Cesaro needs to go back to beating the shit out of dudes, doing crazy feats of strength, and winning matches. Call me crazy, but that seemed to be working. 10
Hollywood Cibernetico Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 If WWE wants to ensure Ambrose is shot to the moon and makes them millions...let him come out on Sunday wearing the DDP tape. 2
muhammedboehm Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Punk's contract ended this month, right? With all these injuries, that motherfucker could probably really cash in. Couldn't tell if that Network special is them milking what's left, a plea to come back or both. Noticed a lack of past tense in that thing. Depending on who you bo-lieve WWE contracts have a clause that WWE can extend them if you miss x amount of time. they did this to Rey's contract and it's thought that there going to if not already have done it to Punks. if I remember right it would be six months. so the argument here is how punk feels about that and if he would be willing to come back when he thought he just had to wait out till July.
RIPPA Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Well there was an update on WON this weekend about Punk "teasing" his next project CM Punk tweeted yesterday: "Starting a band, a podcast and a fire. One of these is true (Okay, two)." With his WWE contract expiring this week, expect him to do more things publicly. A podcast makes sense given the success other wrestling personalities have had with them, especially on Podcast One. - D.M. On a different note - fuck the internet for telling me that Mark Henry and Emma were backstage (but not used)
pipGofern Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 I am totally behind all the Ambrose love on this board but I have the unfortunate feeling he's going to be another Daniel Bryan where he constantly shows up and does sheer awesomeness yet the morons in charge haven't deemed him "the one" so this Austin push we all want him to have only comes about after wrestling fans spend years clamoring for those dopes to give him a chance. As for Cesaro, breaking him off from the Real Americans was a huge mistake. Zeb was a great mouthpiece for him and the "We The People!" stuff was over as all get out. The Heyman thing was weird. Heyman is great, Cesaro is great but just like Pringles are awesome and Nutella is awesome but Pringles dipped in Nutella are decidedly not awesome, the combination of the two just left a bad taste in everybody's mouth.
Rehabilitated Rick Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 They have Heyman and Dutch Mantel working for the damn company. Please just let them work in unison to book everything Ambrose. This authority thing can fuck off now. Bored to death of it. 1
w. josh Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 I'm just going to fully commit to the option that the Rollins thing is a work to get people to dismiss the idea that he's cashing in on Sunday, and that Rollins/Ambrose on top is the plan for the summer. Meanwhile, Lesnar destroys everyone in the undercard for months until Cesaro steps up and beats him clean. That is definitely what's going to happen, and I will be horribly disappointed with the very, very small chance it doesn't.
NikoBaltimore Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Found it pretty strange that they promoted the Punk documentary like that. Thought they wanted to stop people from chanting his name, that's not going to help matters. Was also kind of expecting Sting to show up in the Flair segment. Going by their reaction, that would have been huge. You could hear them go "Aw, fuck that!" when they saw it was just a commercial. But holy fuck, that Sting commercial gave me massive chills. Always one of my favorite themes ever, and I was delighted to see him appear on WWE TV. Other than that it was a good show. Main event was okay, but I could use more Cesaro/Big E matches in my life. Also, Dolph with that huge smile was a big win. If there was ever a "Giggety, giggety, alright" face that was it. Oh, and if the Rollins injury is real then that really sucks. But if it was a work then what a stupid idea. Ambrose coming back would have done wonders for him. Bad idea.
TimWresPowr Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 SO glad I didn't go to this show as I would have considered it if anyone else I knew was going. I DVR'd it & watched in less than 90 minutes. I swear they were trying to kill this town. 2 womens matches and a Khali match. The only match I cared enough to actually watch was the main which was quite a snoozefest until the finishing stretch and the finish itself to me was really lazy & flat. Remind me never to consider going to one of their shows again unless it's a house show with Sami Zayn.I just can't get past the booking of the opening segment. Where did Cena & Reigns go? No camera shot of them running backstage? Even if Cena isn't sure if he can trust the former Shield members, Reigns didn't have enough loyalty to run back & save a guy he's been teaming with for over a year? The building isn't that big a place. They could have gotten back there before the beating ended. At least get a shot of them trying to locate where the beating was occurring to explain a delay. Then after commercial, no shot of them having arrived late, consoling Ambrose, etc.? Nothing else for an hour & nothing further on Ambrose? This clearly isn't the pro wrestling business anymore. Not sure why Ambrose should trust dicks like that if they just let him get beat up & stand idly by or just leave him out to dry. What happened to all the babyfaces looking out for each other?Horrible show
JonnyLaw Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 How huge would the Real Americans/Rusev be if Cesaro had stayed with Zeb?
Ace Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Big E is now the linear WWE Champion, since Cesaro won it back from Kofi on Saturday before losing on Monday.
Spritenaut 32 Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Was also kind of expecting Sting to show up in the Flair segment. Maybe they didn't want Flair to turn heel in that segment (I assume that, after all these years, Flair is conditioned to attack Sting from behind without even thinking about it).
Kaptain Kayfabe Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Pretty sure the Rollins injury wasn't a work. Charles Robinson flashed the X pretty clearly, which they typically don't do unless it's legit, and Robinson motioned for the trainer to go attend to Rollins immediately. Also, you notice how they shot the main event from that point forward never showing Rollins down on the ground. If it was a work, they wouldn't have bothered shooting around the injury. Final piece of evidence: the finish to the main event was obviously called on the fly. It may have been supposed to end in a DQ, but no way was they Orton/Kane double beatdown supposed to be how they got there. Now that's not to say that the Rollins injury is severe - maybe he did just tweak it and he will be fine on Sunday.
Patrick B. Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Wrestlers need to make note of the locations of random stockpiles of metal poles as that's always where backstage attacks occur.
just drew Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Big E is now the linear WWE Champion, since Cesaro won it back from Kofi on Saturday before losing on Monday. Is there a thread I could go to to get caught up on what this is? I see this a lot and have NO idea what you're talking about...
JohnnyJ Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Umm.. I actually kind of liked this show. Thought Big E v. Cesaro was really good. Loved Cesaro flinging the chair at Kofi. Dallas v. Khali was exactly what it should've been. Bo's chest was beet red from those chops. Swagger v. Rusev was right out of Rocky. I'm convinced the Rollins injury is a work. Isn't HHH's whole thing that he has all sorts of backup plans in the event that things don't go his way? It would make sense that a monkeywrench is thrown into his masterplan right before the big ppv. I like Bray Wyatt a lot. I recognize he's an incredible talent. But I'm at a point where I fast forward through the majority of his promos. They rarely make me care more about the feud. They just go on and on and on. He should have come out on top in the Cena feud. A heel has to do what he says he is going to do. If he does not, he's just a rambling madman. It's been a rough couple of months. I know some people would disagree with me but Bryan has a lot of similarities with Austin. During a time period when WWE was having a hard time creating main event draws, Bryan came seemingly out of nowhere, and took the company by storm. it was lighting in a bottle. They can't just recreate it and make people care about other talents. It doesn't work that way. Since Bryan has been away, outside of the Rollins/Ambrose stuff, I tend to care very little for the main event scene.
RIPPA Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Big E is now the linear WWE Champion, since Cesaro won it back from Kofi on Saturday before losing on Monday. Is there a thread I could go to to get caught up on what this is? I see this a lot and have NO idea what you're talking about... EDIT - And according to that one Del Rio is the linear champ since RVD beat Cesaro the day after Cesaro beat Kofi
Patrick B. Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Would it be PG or not for Rusev to say "If he dies, he dies" after laying Swagger out with the camel clutch at the PPV?
Dolfan in NYC Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 The fans chanted boring at a heel who's been slightly stagnant and js going up against one of the most beloved superstars of the past 10 years. So yeah, naturally - fuck Richmond. Horrible crowd, AMIRITE? Bray Wyatt is not a heel.
SolidGoldBomb Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Say what you want about RVD, but he still takes a DDT better than anyone in the world. And that Big E/Cesaro match was badass, they were trading some shots there! That release German to start the match was some Taz/Big Dick Dudley type shit. Goldust & Stardust are cracking me the fuck up, Goldust is still damn near the funniest guy on the roster. I can't wait for the Dust Family to feud with the Wyatt Family (after the Wyatts win the belts from the Usos Sunday.) The worst part about the show was Seth tweaking his knee and depriving us of Dean running back in the arena taped up like a mummy to whip some ass. I'll keep my fingers crossed they can both go Sunday.
Bustronaut Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Rumblings* have it that Rollins is fine *Wrestleinc via PWI via bleacher report
rovert Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 Rumblings have it that Rollins is fine "Rumblings" = What Meltzer said? Or you could use eyes to see he grabs the opposite leg you would expect him to if the injury was legit:
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