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I almost can't believe how fast WWE went from really having me into it, to not giving a shit. After Mania, I thought there were 6 guys that were kinda leading to a new run at the top of the company. 2 of the are seemingly dead in the water in Bray and Cesaro. 3 are, as of now, injuried in Bryan, Barrett, and I'll assume Rollins. And then there is Dean, who is awesome, but if Rollins is out, will probably become lost.

Meanwhile, we have a title program featuring John Cena, Randy Orton, and Kane. Fucking Wonderful.

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Bo Dallas is easily my favorite part of the show.  Him jumping back in the ring and yelling at the ref to count out Khali was great.


I almost can't believe how fast WWE went from really having me into it, to not giving a shit. After Mania, I thought there were 6 guys that were kinda leading to a new run at the top of the company. 2 of the are seemingly dead in the water in Bray and Cesaro. 3 are, as of now, injuried in Bryan, Barrett, and I'll assume Rollins. And then there is Dean, who is awesome, but if Rollins is out, will probably become lost.

Meanwhile, we have a title program featuring John Cena, Randy Orton, and Kane. Fucking Wonderful.


You completely hit the nail on the head. I now suddenly don't care that I suspended my Directv subscription. Raw was one show I thought I would miss, but honestly, I can't see myself going out of my way to watch Raw much longer. God...so fucking sad. Cena, Orton and Kane are the main program and Reigns MAY have an outside shot and busting through, but he'll never be the Being John Cena champion, so whatevs, right?


Ugh...Anyway, again, you perfectly describe what post-WM WWE is to me.

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Bo needs to win the battle royal. He needs to keep the streak going.


As for the rest of the show, I missed most of the 9PM hour since 24 was so good. Can't believe the insane heat that Zeb and Swagger were getting. Lana is amazing at handling the crowd. Anyone could have been thrown, but she stayed on point and riled them up even more.


Zeb and his whole "I was face down in the mud and muck" line was so awesome. It's a shame Swagger is so bland...but man did the crowd ever get behind him. This is the most over the Tea Party has been in years.


It was also good to see Ric Flair look soberish. He didn't look like the bloated mess he has looked like so I hope for his sake he stays in this good place. I almost felt sorry for Renee when she had to go back on script and they had to shill that absolutely boring 4 way this weekend. The question she should have asked is who do you see John Cena beating.


Also sad that Ambrose didn't hijack an ambulance and barrell his way back into the main event. The crowd would have come unglued for that.

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Man.   I am watching now and I was all excited to come and post how awesome it is that they've figured out that Dean is huge and are giving him the Austin/Rock style "get beat down and come back at the end to burn the place down spot."


And I check in with this thread to find it's all crumbled.

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Here's the thing though, and why I have no issue defending the WWE here. What they did really do wrong other then Cesaro/Heyman pairing not clicking and shitty injury luck? Bray's momentum may have faded a touch (though tonight's crowd is a bizarre outlier here IMO), but he has still been in one of the main programs most of the time and remains damn over in 99 percent of arenas. I liked the Evolution/Shield storyline and how it morphed from the Rollins turn. Ambrose is super hot and looks like a major star, and Rollins has taken well to being a stoogy heel that remains credible in the ring. Also, not for nothing, but Barrett getting another fluky injury is a killer for a card that could have really used him now. For the most part, I think WWE was intent on totally reshaping the top of the card, but have had tons of bad luck and had two talented guys (Cesaro and Heyman) not work as a team. I think the team idea was good on paper, as Cesaro needed a mouthpiece and it set up a Brock/Cesaro down the line. With Brock likely getting the belt now thanks to the Bryan injury, that future program is likely scrapped and they decided to end a pairing that had not worked.


That Rollins injury better not be legit. I just thought it was a convenient way to keep him strong by avoiding the finisher exchange at the end and reinforcing that he's not really on the same page as Orton and Kane.

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Man.   I am watching now and I was all excited to come and post how awesome it is that they've figured out that Dean is huge and are giving him the Austin/Rock style "get beat down and come back at the end to burn the place down spot."


And I check in with this thread to find it's all crumbled.


Sadly that comeback spot crumbled when Rollins's knee crumbled. 


Things they did wrong:

1. Cesaro had some momentum and had seemingly turned face at Mania, and them turning him heel again THE NEXT NIGHT was a terrible idea. And it was made even worse with Heyman constantly mentioning Lesnar, making Cesaro look secondary.

2. Even before the Bryan injury, they immediately have him feuding with god damned Kane post Mania in an angle that played to all of his weaknesses and none of his strengths.

3. Having Bray job to Cena, and the having absolutely nothing planned for him other then just floating. 6 months ago, Bray was leading a stable with so much momentum, they were getting this is awesome chants before there match even started. Right now? He was just "a guy" in a ladder match. WWE has turned Bray from a unique and awesome act into "a guy" in about 3-4 months. That's fucking awful.

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Now Flair is on the ramp with Cena doing Leslie Neilson...WHAT THE FUCK I HAPPENING<<?<>?<?>


Also this new USA show they keep advertising is like CLOSER for middle aged mobile phone salesmen.


Things they did wrong:

1. Cesaro had some momentum and had seemingly turned face at Mania, and them turning him heel again THE NEXT NIGHT was a terrible idea. And it was made even worse with Heyman constantly mentioning Lesnar, making Cesaro look secondary.


2. Even before the Bryan injury, they immediately have him feuding with god damned Kane post Mania in an angle that played to all of his weaknesses and none of his strengths.

3. Having Bray job to Cena, and the having absolutely nothing planned for him other then just floating. 6 months ago, Bray was leading a stable with so much momentum, they were getting this is awesome chants before there match even started. Right now? He was just "a guy" in a ladder match. WWE has turned Bray from a unique and awesome act into "a guy" in about 3-4 months. That's fucking awful.


1. No issue with Cesaro remaining a heel with a mouthpiece, and the Lesnar stuff was to primarily set up a feud.


2. It continued the Authority feud, which I believe was leading to HHH eventually calling on Brock after Bryan toppled all of the other Authority members. Not an all-time great feud, but nothing offensive or anything. 


3. Who knows what the original plans for Bray were, and how the Bryan injury ruined other set plans. Not loving the Jericho feud, but again not something I am going to vehemently bitch about.


For the most part, I think the WWE has the right ideas and just needs better injury luck to permanently set up a fresh new main event/upper card scene. 

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Jack Swagger real American super babyface is awesome.. definite highlight of the show. Think that match could be real fun if they're given at least as much time as Rusev/Big E at MITB, hopefully more.


WWE totally dropped the ball on Cesaro and its downright depressing.  It's just kind of a testament to WWE booking over the last several years and these ridiculous start and stop pushes.  They will get behind a guy for a couple months, push him really hard, and then completely lose interest in him and job him out into oblivion.  Shelton Benjamin was one of the worst victims of this.

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Jack Swagger real American super babyface is awesome.. definite highlight of the show. Think that match could be real fun if they're given at least as much time as Rusev/Big E at MITB, hopefully more.


It's not really Swagger though.  Any big pile of dumb meat with a flag would get the same reaction from these [Lana]sad Americans desperate for a hero to save them from their mediocrity and economic decline.[/Lana]


It's Lana and Zeb (and Rusev being protected) what's doing the lifting here.




The fuck, when did this Sting shit happen? How did I fucking fast forward through that???

After the Divas tag match.





Statler and Waldorf are the official DVDVR spokespeople for all TNA criticism, but I guess they can watch Raw, too.


Jack Swagger real American super babyface is awesome.. definite highlight of the show. Think that match could be real fun if they're given at least as much time as Rusev/Big E at MITB, hopefully more.


I think Swagger should win on Sunday. This angle has permanently established Zeb/Swagger pairing as faces, but crowds have wanted to back them for awhile and I think this act has a chance of carrying some needed water with so many key guys out. 

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So Bryan is injured and now possibly Rollins? It's no wonder they stick with the older guys. At least they are dependable in the main events. They need to do Cena/Rusev already before Rusev gets injured. Probably Cena/Reigns at Summerslam.


Best part of the night was Ziggler/Summer/Layla and the Zeb/Lana segment. They need to bring in Becky as the new Real American.



Jack Swagger real American super babyface is awesome.. definite highlight of the show. Think that match could be real fun if they're given at least as much time as Rusev/Big E at MITB, hopefully more.


I think Swagger should win on Sunday. This angle has permanently established Zeb/Swagger pairing as faces, but crowds have wanted to back them for awhile and I think this act has a chance of carrying some needed water with so many key guys out. 





Swagger means nothing.  Don't fall for Swagger again!

Rusev is the thing with value here.  Destroying the suddenly tolerable Swagger is just a low step on his climb to super-Hoss-heel to put over someone who could still be Cesaro guys!!!!!

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Big Dave is strangely quiet on the Rollins thing. Makes me think it's a work.


Also, what else do you do with Cesaro? If you wanna make him a babyface, he's gotta turn face on Heyman mistreatment, which sets himself up for Lesnar. The ony satisfying conclusion to that is him beating Lesnar, and they're prepping Lesnar for Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. So no Lesnar for Cesaro, no reason for him to turn face with Heyman.


He could be Lana's next recruit, then Lana and Rusev drub him out, then he fights for Revenge~! and America~!

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